||Om Aham Gangai Mata Namaskaromi||
Gaumukh is the source of the river Bhagirathi that flows from the melting glacier feeding the Ganges as it heads out towards earth, towards Bhuloka into our world. It is a silent world of purity where the pranava mantra(Om) echoes in the stream, in its ripples and within the walls of the cave through which she flows. The air is fresh, cold, and pure, awakening our senses towards its presence in the winds that dance among the rocks in this little paradise. There is silence, peace and tranquility here as I sit among these rocks and close my eyes, listening intently to the sounds in this world, in this realm of life that is so rare to find.
The smoothness of the rock echoes the gentleness of the damsel as she dances her way down from the heavy locks of Lord Shiva's jatas into the realm of mankind. The tiny pebbles scattered around bring alive the shimmering jewelery that toss around her waist, emphasizing the feminine beauty she carries with herself. The ripples of the melting stream bring music in the mind, music that feel like the sweet sound of a damsel's anklets. The white snow brings alive the beauty in her veil, in her drapes that blanket the glacier. The shimmering sunlight in the waters glow like the necklaces and jewelery that adorn her form and the constant echo of stream awaken the vibrant presence of her sweet voice among these cave walls.

Mano nivruthi paramopa santhi
Sa theerthavarya mani karnika cha|
Gnana pravaha vimaladhi ganga
Saa kasikaham nija bodha roopa||
I am that kasika, which is the form of,
The real knowledge of the soul,
Which is pacifier of the mind,
Which is the greatest consolation,
Which is mani karnika among the holy waters,
And which is the clear flow of knowledge, the Ganga
She is here, she lives here and her ever shining presence brings calm to this world, washing away sins committed, releasing souls to the heavenly abode of Kailasa and keeping the sacred energy of the shrines of Lord Shiva alive as they are bathed in her waters. She is the personification of divine knowledge, she is the spiritual beauty that flows through the heart of the land, this dharma kshetra as Mani Karnika. This is the Ganges, her beauty and her purity that is so pronounced in this world as she descends from her mountainous heavenly abode to purify us.
Gaumukha, that which resembles the face of the cow, the gentleness of the cow and its enchanting beauty can be brought to live within the four walls of our homes. Gaumukha's real beauty, its experience and the enchanting sounds that reveal this celestial world of the Gods, of the river Goddess, of the Devas, of the great abode of Kailasa can be brought into our world, into our homes to be worshiped, to reside and to bless us when living at Gaumukh looks and feels so impossible.
How do we bring this divine experience home? How do we pray for this peace in our busy lives. How do we bridge the gap between that almost disappearing celestial world and ours that echoes of chaos and noise?

Oh son of the ocean, from whose depths the divine Gods have raised you to give us a path to heaven, from whose self one can listen to the constant vibrant presence of the Ganges, I live to listen to the sounds of eternal bliss, to the pranava mantra that constantly vibrates within your walls. Its not the sound of the sea within yourself I hear, it is the music of the Ganges, the music of her waters, the music of her anklets, the music of the mystical penance that sage Bhagirathi performed to bring her down to earth.
As I descend into worship of the great Lord Shiva, as I place pure flowers at the feet of the Gaumukha shankha I raise the divine light in Arti, wondering with amazement over the many ways the Lord makes his presence felt within my humble home, within my heart and within my mind. Oh pure Ganga, who is imbibed in the water within this shell, who blesses the home where this shankha resides, I bow to you divine mother for considering my home, my world capable of being your earthly abode.
Other posts on the Ganges:
Potency of Lord Shiva
Scindhia Ghat, life with the Ganges, Varanasi
Worship at Shiva temple: Ahilyabai Ghat, Varanasi
From Giza and Varanasi to the Milky Way galaxy
Taraka Mantra - Passage to heaven
Manikarnika Ghat: Where life meets the world beyond
Enlightenment on the streets of Varanasi
Varanasi – Along the Ganges
The Hindu mythological stories etc, read between lines, indicates Pranav, the unborn and unending Creator (Nadbindu Vishnu the source of infinite sound energy that was believably used for ‘creation’, and still infinite energy believably remained as balance of ‘Shesha’ with it), as also Destroyer (Shiva), both to be related with time and space zero and, therefore, it is obliged to review its journey backward from perfect stage to the beginning stage, for then nothing was impossible for it (Him/ Her) to view the ‘action replays’ just as man reviews recorded films….
Life being symbolic, He/ She is represented symbolically by numeral ‘0’ and also by letter ‘o’ for pronouncing which one needs to close the lips while leaving an opening which in appearance resembles the said letter – and ‘coincidentally’ or by ‘design’ also like Gomukh (Mother Cow’s mouth – representing Pranav) from which the perennial river Ganga issues out unendingly...and it’s obvious that if a certain being happens to be an unending force (like Sati or Shakti), it could continue to pronounce ‘o’ non-stop, eternally…
And ‘scientists’ also have believably heard the ‘cosmic hum’ too, which to ‘wise ancient Hindu’ is believed to be ‘shesha’ or balance energy even after the entire apparently creation was duly completed! And as man is believed to be its superior most creation, a model of the Creator itself, Vishnu is graphically also represented by a reclining human figure on the bed formed out of the body of Ananta the infinite Celestial Serpent, also called Shesha’, in the ‘middle of the milky-ocean’ (to be read with the background knowledge of our own Milky Way Galaxy)…Thus, man being a temporary model only, one is unable to keep pronouncing ‘o’ unendingly, and is forced to shut the lips due to limited capacity of lugs, and thus pronounce ‘m’ at the end (and ‘Yama’ believably happens to be the agent of death, or Dharmraja!), although one might originally start with ‘o’ . Thus all temporary forms could believably be represented by ‘Om’, the ‘Pranav mantra’, that lasts for one ‘life term’…
Hi Kavitha, as usual a very nice post! I just wished to reiterate some points here. Our ancestors have mentioned that we should immerse ourselves in the ganges in order to purify ourselves by washing away the sins. When they said Ganges, they were actually referring to the "Atma Ganga". If you see the position of Ganga in Shiva's body, she is found on the top of his head signifying GNANA. Although people misunderstood this for the river ganges, it still makes sense as the river Ganges contains viruses called Bacteriophages(Viruses that kill all sorts of harmful bacteria). When people take a bath in the river, the bacteriophages enter their body and kill all disease creating bacteria thus improving immunity. Our religion is so wonderful that it has got two meanings for everything!
Hi Shri Kini, 'You' said, "...Our religion is so wonderful that it has got two meanings for everything!"
As per 'my loud thoughts', 'I' would say, yes it appears thus because of 'maya', and no, 'our religion' as it appears 'today' (fag-end of Kaliyuga) is indicated by the 'wise' at its lowest stage of gross ignorance...
In the drama, as Kavitha has also quoted, Adi Shankara, and other 'Vedantis' before 'him', since time immemorial, (as per Sanatan Dharma that is based on overall knowledge, and not like 'koopmandookas'), had conveyed the 'Absolute Truth', ie., 'Shiva' the immortal formless energy alone exists...
And, that it is Shiva the formless alone (reflected by the 'lingam', including the three genders in humans) who is reviewing during apparent time His apparent 'past' - through the eyes of innumerable illusory and temporary characters, such as 'you' and 'I', who appear and disappear periodically while 'planet earth' is apparently undying despite all destructive forces that act upon it, even through its biggest 'destructive agent', human being, reflecting Shiva the Destroyer Himself!...
In this apparent task, 'planets' and other 'heavenly bodies', and so on, believably act as 'His Third Eye', that is, images of the 'perfect' planet earth, duly supported by other selected members of the solar system that, on purpose, reflect heirarchy. And whose essence is housed in each character's form from 'mooladhar' to 'sahasrara', the said 'asht chakras' or 'eight wheels' meaning essences of eight galaxies, reflected by different 'grahas' from Sun to the ninth 'its son', "Shani putra', Saturn that acts as the supreme judge while eight others - upto Jupiter the 'Guru Brihaspati' - act!
Immortal 'Shiva' is also named Triloknath, the Lord of the three worlds, 'aakash', 'dhara' and 'patal', ie., the 'sky' or space, earth's surface and the underground where 'Kali' or 'Sati' is housed at earth's apparent centre representing the real Formless Supreme Being as the centre of the universe too!
What really matters is the purpose of the formless in this review! What does it seek?
Any guesses?
'My' guess is that it sseeks its origin, as it gets reflected in the search of the 'present day scientists' also...
As per certain 'wiser Hindus', in the 'past' that was 'future', because 'we' are witnessing drama in reverse order from Satyuga to Kaliyuga, Pranav is unborn and unending, and also alone...and in the human life drama, we might have other siblings ('shivlingas!?) too, besides 'our parents' (unlike 'Krishna', who had none left living and also he was brought up by foster parents) - to bring us up and support 'us' as long as they live (although maybe not exactly so in Kaliyuga, naturally because it was the beginning of evolution of 'perfect' Shiva, of Satyuga, the 'unintelligent' or 'zero' in the beginning (called Vishnu, or alias Vishnu)!)...
Hi Aswin
Nice explanation but not everything needs a scientific backup for it to be believed. Honestly, this treasure hunt called hindu spiritualism has so many surprises that the scientific backing falls flat in front of it. Did it ever occur to you while reading this post that the natural Gaumukh is up on the Himalayas somewhere and the Gaumukh that we bring home, which is as pure is found deep down in the bed of the ocean in a mollusk?
I mean isnt that WOW!! I dont have to look near the source of the Ganges but i need to look at the end of her journey, into the sea to find the shankha that will give me the same purity as the natural Gaumukh itself!
And the poetry that Ganges comes with and the beauty of the whole concept!!! Of course the Ganges has a whole lot more to offer, how can you dismiss it with a bunch of bacteria??
Please define true knowledge to me?? is it the personification of Ganges as described in Adi Shankara's verse as the symbolism of pure knowledge and enlightenment or is it scientific explanation to a theory so that we lesser mortals who come with conditions can understand it?
When the growth moves from scientific explanation to pure divine poetry - there is a progress in spiritualism.
Hi Kavitha, Maybe if one stood in front of a mirror and attempted saying 'Om', or/ rather just 'o', perhaps one would notice Pranav symbolically in one's mouth itself!
And, maybe thus one could also realise the cryptic clue thereof in the story, meant even for children, related with 'Mother Yasoda' and 'Bal Krishna', what was really meant when the story writer said that "Yashoda saw the whole universe in Krishna's mouth"!
And, similarly in the Gita the Yogis indicate how it is only because of 'Maya' that one sees Krishna within oneself, whereas the truth was that the entire universe was within Him (the enlarged form of Krishna, ie., the dark universal void!)...
The British Govt. was believed to have functioned through 'divide and rule policy'. As 'I' had said earlier also, 'Hindus' too, since time immemorial, stand divided into innumerable divisions due to different factors and beliefs etc, say, 'Shaivites' and Vaishnavites', for example...
However, both Shiva as well as Vishnu are indicated as four-handed and it is also said that Shiva is Vishnu/ And Vishnu is Shiv. And the conch shell is generally indicated held in one of the hands of Vishnu, besides in the other three a 'sudershan chakra', a wheel shaped weapon that functions like a boomerang; a 'gada' or a mace; and a lotus flower that is generally depicted, as a symbol, evolved from His navel and acted as the cowardly Brahma's seat, for he got scared of two demons that too had evolved from Vishnu, but from His ears. And to save him the demons were held in His hands by Vishnu only when the time was ripe!
Thus, although the Formless God, Pranav the Creator of universe, is believed to be represented in the physical form of the Trimurty, as the three-in-one God, Brahma-Vishnu-Mhesha, still Hindus belonging to one particular beief do not see eye to eye with another of an apparently different belief, leave aside people belonging to some religion foreign to 'India'!
The Yogis however indicated each and every human being as a model of the universe, or a 'temple of God' within which each carried a soul as the different appearing deity, but woshipped by anyone and everyone. For, when a 'Hindu' folds his hands and says 'namaste' to another person, it meant 'I pray to the god within You'!
Maybe, it is not necessary to reiterate that 'Hindus' believed man as model of the universe, while Christians saw man as an image of God...which conforms to the addditional 'Hindu belief' of 'maya' that is illusion - just as one sees his/ her illusory reflection in a mirror...and therefore indirectly, it conveys man also illusory!
The above gets reflected in the popular story of Bal Krishna wanting to play with moon, and wouldn't budge till it was made available to him.
King Nand was intelligent. He, therefore, solved the problem by ordering a basin containing water to be kept in the open.
Bal Krishna felt that now he could easily play with the moon!
But, when he put his hand into water, the image of moon started shaking and Bal Krishna realised moon as elusive, beyond human reach!
Maybe the above story also indirectly conveys to a 'Hindu' that reaching 'sahasrara chakra' by activating 'kundalini' - to receive enlightenment - isn't easy!
Of course it would be difficult to do so in the absence of 'dos' and 'donts' supplied along with every infant apparently delvered by a mother...who happens to be the first teacher or Guru...And, 'modern mother' today has only a little time to spend with the child, and thus the infant gets educated - during the vital period when its IQ gets developped by 50% it is likely to receive during the whole life - by the 'baby sitter(s)... who might not have even heard about 'Sahasrara', and of course similarly the mothers even!
Fortunately Time reflects the remote past!
Let's return to 'Om' the basic sound energy that is reflected through all 'non living objects' as well as 'living creatures'...
As 'I' had indicated earlier also, 'scientists' today also have been able to record sounds emitted by planet Saturn and our Sun the 'average star'...The sound issuing from Saturn appears like mixture of chirping of birds, tinkle of bells, and beats of drums (which can help visualise why bells and drums are used in 'Hindu Temples' since time immemorial, given the background that truth gets repeated and ancient Hindus were advanced astronomers), and that issuing from Sun resembles that of a harp (which might help realise why 'Christians' depict angels with harps in their hands, and also why 'Hindus' indicated Saraswati the goddess of knowledge and consort of Brahma as a Veena, a stringed instrument, player. And also, why River Saraswati at Sangam disappeared at the Sangam, to reappear as Brahmaputra the only 'male' among rivers via China and Assam (NE) in India, but only just before Ganga/ Padma, the lotus flower that is depicted as Brahma's seat) was about to discharge all waters into the Bay of Bengal!)...
Kavitha, Aswini Kini, It's 'my feeling' that there definitely was some logic behind all the ancient beliefs, which have 'scientific' background because 'energy' that is 'Sati' or 'Shakti' for a 'Hindu' is dealt by 'scientists' in the apparently lopsided 'present' that was poor efficiency 'past' of Shiva for a 'Hindu'...
However, they are yet to reach the advanced most level reached by 'Yogis' in 'India', or Yogeshwar Shiva Himself - (the cause indicated by 'Hindus' on account of 'Time' moving backwards, or Mahakal the Bhootnath Shiva reviewing His Own Past) - that was understood as 'Mahabharat' that is the entire globe as one individual, called Shiva!
'Scientists' also would agree that moon - the satellite of earth, perhaps acting like its mother - revolves around it (and therefore called Jagadamba the mother of earth by 'Hindus').
And other planets too are all functioning as if to save the beautiful earth, (Shiva the 'Sunderam'). For it has been observed by 'scientists' that any meteorite, if it apparently heads towards earth, it is deflected away by ring planets Saturn, as well as Jupiter. And, the face of moon with its pock-like marks indicates how it has taken impact of meteors etc on its body...
Solar system thus apparently works as one unit for the safety and security of earth-moon that believably is in existence for over 4 billion years already...And, from the functioning of trees, or the 'plant life' that is rooted on earth as one of its own constituents, also indicates how roots, stems, and leaves, in general, perform their assigned tasks devotedly for the plant concerned. And that fruits are its surplus food in which surplus energy is stored for consumption and sustenance of other life forms on earth, which maybe also are designed as store of surplus energy for use of the planets!? (the souls are indicated to move from one 'bhuvan', literally an edifice, to another out of 14 created by 'Krishna', as Ritwoja also indicated it in her blog!)...
HI Kavitha, I didn't refute your views nor seek scientific proof for the Ganges. As I said, I loved the article. The points that I mentioned were to assure those non-believers that our Ancestors did everything for a reason. A believer needs no reason to follow our rituals whereas non-believers want hundreds of reasons to believe them. I just wanted to iterate the point that our religion, Sanathana Dharma, is very meaningfull. We have a specific reason and meaning behind every ritual, not as blind as many people believe it to be.
Hi Aswin Kini, and Kavitha, 'I' would just add that once one comes to know the logic behind ritualistic practices, one is in a better position to appreciate why one is doing whatever one is engaged in, or/ rather did in the 'past'!...
Krishna in the Gita says that once someone has entered 'kalchakra' the wheel or cycle of Time, there is no escape. One has to perform all three types of actions: Tamasic, Rajasic and Sattvic. However the 'wise' doesn't get attached to those acts...
Yhe above also happens to be the philosophy behind watching projections of films for entertainment, that is, enjoy the story - all its 'pleasant' and 'unpleasant' appearing acts, which might disturb or move you momentarily, oe for some time only, but might be forgotten with time, 'the best healer'...
Hi Kavitha, ‘I’ haven’t had the opportunity to come across a Gaumukh Shankh, the conch-shell that is found in the seas. ‘I’ am therefore unable to personally appreciate its special effect on one’s mind and also on the environment…of course, ‘I’ am a ‘kansen’ that is one who can appreciate any music that creates some pleasant vibes in my ears. And, as ‘I’ had earlier elsewhere indicated, ‘I’ find music even in the humming of a fan…and ‘scientists’ today conclude that what we thought were mere grunts of a chimpanzee, in fact, it is a means of communication of some thoughts to the life of its own kind!...and so on all life forms communicate with each other in their own languages, and not Sanskrit or English, etc the languages adopted by humans…
Of course, in our home town, and also in my father’s home, ‘I’ have seen conch shell frequently used on auspicious occasions, generally blown by the priests who had developed expertise through regular practice and had deep breath to make it sound longer. However, it wasn’t blown alone, because maybe it was generally considered a signal for start of a battle, as it is indicated in the story related with the battle of Mahabharat, where different characters are shown associated with different conch-shells, and used in order to lower the morale of the enemy in the beginning itself, and was therefore perhaps considered inauspicious by our ancestors in the hills…However, ‘I’ was surprised when ‘I’ observed Bengalis do it!…Thus in different regions perhaps different logic was used…
To reach the logic used by our ancestors in the hills regarding use of a tinkling bell along with the conch-shell, ‘I’ find conch-shell is generally associated by ‘Hindus’ with Vishnu (literally the poisonous atom), the Nadbindu or the point source of infinite energy. Use of conch-shell in combination with the tinkling of a bell now helps ‘me’ realize with the knowledge that bells are associated with Saturn the ring-planet (model of Vishnu the sudershanchakra-dhari of Hindu mythology!), for Vishnu in His ‘Virat;, or enlarged, form is depicted having four hands, as we have already seen, and holds the said weapon in another hand…
Although 'I' had earlier also indicated, in the Kumaon region, there are two popular temples dedicated to a just king, called Gola devta, whose apparition is believed to have been seen, riding a white horse, by many. (Maybe, it might have the background in mind the general belief that the 10th Kalika Avtar of Vishnu would ride a white horse)...
The said temples, one near my home-town, Almora, and another at 'Ghoda Khal' (near Bhimtal), each have thousands of bells, of different sizes, tied within its premises that are offered by devotees who feel wronged and seek justice delivered...'By chance', 'I' too have visited both temples...and had ritually tied a bell!...
Could it be a mere 'coincidence' that 'present day scientists', to explain earth's magnetism, believe molten iron housed in its core. And, 'coincidentally', 'Hindus' believe iron related with ring-planet Saturn (suryaputra); also colour blue, one of the components of white sunlight (and blue is related with 'sky', Neelkantha Shiva, His elder son Kartikeya, Neelamber Krishna, who in erms of sound energy is associated with wind instrument Flute...etc); controller of direction 'west'; related with nerves in human forms; and so on...
And, although 'I' had somewhere else earlier also recorded, one can perhaps now realise why every Saturday (in 'north India' at least) one finds men, usually handicapped in olden days, visiting homes or standing at cross-roads carrying a bucket that contains a piece of iron, symbolic of 'Shani devta', or Saturn, dipped in mustard oil as a lubricant, for iron tends to rust on coming in contact with water, the original source of which is believed to be the moon that rules the direction North!
It perhaps doesn't need to say that mustard oil, as well as its leaves and seeds, are found useful for multiple works, since time immemorial, all over 'India' and particularly in Bengal the land of 'Kali/ Durga' in the east: for applying the oil on the body/ head; or as a medium for cooking food items that might include mustard leaves too; seeds for controlling 'inferior' and/ or harmful souls' and sometimes using those for useful/ harmful purposes too! Even my 'illiterate' mother, belonging to the interior of hills in the North, when we returned from outside and looked disturbed, used to take a pinch of mustard seeds and after moving her hand over our head would throw those into water!
Isnt it interesting that things do not have to be iron to be magnetically charged? Mantra power during recitation increases the magnetic field of a human being. Our nervous system is a fantastic conductor of electricity and we feel it as pain when we cut a vein.
What zaps me even more is that the sense of touch comes through the veins and not the skin. I cut my finger, and now since it was not properly stitched i have constant numbness in my finger...making me believe veins are the ones responsible for the sense of touch and not anything else.
The beauty of nature, to energize a seemingly non magnetic body with power through regular sound breaths in a given manner increase the magnetic energy of a person. Isnt that just spectacular... i mean we are a walking miracle!
The direction North - where like a high dam the Himalayan ranges exist in 'India' - the vital point called North Pole exists, like 'Sahasrara chakra' in human head, and has its base in the South Pole, the 'mooladhar chakra' of the globe, considered as an independent entity - Shiva for the wise ancient 'Hindus' who has, or/ rather had the Arctic glaciers to keep its head cool till recent times! But, now it, along with Himalayan glaciers, is melting due believably to human activities, perhaps acting as a media on behalf of Shiva the Destroyer Himself! And, holes in ozone layers (openings in the 'third eye' of Shiva) are also being seen in the sky over 'Turtle-shaped' Antarctica, the base...
Also North direction is believed by 'Hindus' to be ruled by Guru, the superior most, reflected by Yellow colour that is used during 'Saraswati Puja' in 'India'. (When we were small children, our parents used to give us yellow hankies by soaking overnight white ones in 'haldi' powder mixed in water)...
Of course, without any iota of doubt, golden yellow colour in the form of gold rules the minds of all humans all over the world, since time immemorial!
One could perhaps recall the 'gold rush' of the 'wild west' in America that rules the world today!...However, the 'black gold' also is seen to compete with the 'yellow gold'...
And 'Peetamber Krishna', '(the 'black one', like universal dark void, or Black Hole in the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy), who wears yellow garments' is believed as the most evolved physical form of 'Krishna' the (mysterious) 'Black' who acting on behalf of Vishnu (as His 8th avatar) claims Himself, in the Gita, to have created only two types of humans, the 'devtas' (selfless) and the 'rakshashas' (the selfish)!
Hi Kavitha, 'I' happened to see your comment just now. As 'I' recall reading it in a newspaper, it is also a well known fact today as used in MRI, ie., Magnetic Resonance Imaging, technique used by doctors, that hydrogen ions in the soft tissues act like magnets and orient themselves in N-W direction when human body is kept within a magnetic field inside a properly designed machine. Thereafter, some chemical is injected and its flow in different parts is imaged using ultrasound technique to know where, and if, there is some obstruction to indicate the location of fault...(information regarding it is available on the internet also), however there are certain conditions when one can't get it done, such as pace maker already fitted...
Unfortunately, as believed by 'wise ancients', ('instruments' that reflect extraordinary human capacities even in Dwaperyuga), what 'we' are viewing 'today' is the early stage, in Kaliyuga the Drk Age, of the process of evolution being projected in our respective eyes, as models of immortal Shiva Himself - but unable to realise it due to the effect of 'poison' (prevalent pollution in our environment)!...
In view of the above, one was advised to just remain cool and like a spectator of a pre-recorded film just view whatever life presents, pleasant or unpleasant appearing scenes...It is perhaps thus one advises another undergoing some hardship that things will become alright in 'future' and to have faith!
Regarding nerve cells on the skin, once when one of my daughters had some quite painful infection on the skin in one of the arms, we learnt from our physician that human skin has many nerve points opening near the surface and that those nerve points had been infected by some bacteria. (Actually that had happened because she had lied down for some time directly on the relatively cooler cement flooring because her bed appeared very hot in Delhi's summer)!
The physician then prescribed for her some eye ointment(?!) saying that it contains the medicine that helps the skin infection also...and that helped cure the infection early...
Even in case of pyramids, literally 'fire within', proper orientation of the triangular faces, such that eash faces one of the cardinal directions, besides proper proportions of height and base, is believed necessary for generating energy or 'fire within' the 'non living' structure, like a soul, a component of the Supreme Sol, within an animal form...
In the late fifties, models of pyramids reportedly came into fashion and were widely used even by Hollywood actresses.
Irrespective of material used, experiments on smaller scale pyramids, with proper proportions and properly oriented, reportedly showed that meat/ fish lasted longer in the chamber at one-third height, same as in some Egyptian pyramid...and also shaving blades lasted longer than before...
Also it's well known that Indian temples also have 'vimanas', literally aeroplanes since time immemorial, thus conveying it as a device for connecting the deity in the 'garbha griha' (sanctum sanctorum) with the Supreme Being, thus gradually uplifting to higher elevations the souls that visited the temples, just as regular meditation believably helps one to eventually attach with the Supreme Being who is related with time and space zero, and therefore thoughtles stage in humans...He was called Pranav, as He continues to exist from eternity and reviews His past history each day (of over 4 bilion human years!) and sleeps during His night of an equal duration - to start afresh from the sam scenario where it was believably 'frozen' at the fall of His last night!
Yes Kavitha, Man-made computers can perhaps help visualise the ancient or advanced 'Hindu belief' about'us' humans, who were believed to be God created robots (instruments), each having a light weight muscle computer called brain, each one of which is capable of storing information related with the infinite universe...
However, unfortunately for us the information is recorded within human form in eight (8) different 'chakras', literally wheels, or essences of 8 different galaxies concentrated at its centre (where resides a super gravity 'Black Hole' represented as its essence in the solar system represented by 9 numbers selected members, actions performed by 8, and the 9th acting as the Judge, or a non playing Captain), that could be visualised in a simple form of an almirah that has eight drawers that hold the entire information, recorded in 8 CDs, although each of which is capable of holding the entire information, but in order to reflect the apparent heirarchy and the grand variety in 'Nature' with variable Time, permutations and cobinations of information is believed recorded in different chakras...
Yes, each one of 'us' believably is a wonderful design - Shiva Himself in a compact form that conforms to the changing environment with apparent time, although real time was zero!
To explain the projection of information - pertaining to a particular apparnt time - in 'mind's eye of each human character, 1080 cycles to cover 360 degrees of space and three aspects of Trimurty Shiva(although generally indicted as only 1000 numbers) of Mahayugas, a set of four long duration of time in each, called Sat, Treta, Dwaper, and Kali Yugas, each Mahayuga totalling to 4.32 million terrestrial years are believed to repeat in one day in the life of the unending or immortal Creator (Brahma). The grand total being reviewed by Shiva in His Third Eye...for some purpose not made known to His models, ie., humans. It is thus conveyed through the story wherein Vishnu fails to reach the base of Shiva (represented by a pillar that is symbolically represented by an infinitely long phallus, whose models, called Shivlingas, are worshipped by Hindus) and Brahma (Sun) in the sky failed to see the top thereof but lied and produced some flowers that he had reportedly plucked from the top! It was because of this that although one finds temples dedicated to either Vishnu or Shiva, but majority of Hindus stopped worship of Brahma...Today only one is found at Pushkar, in Rajasthan, in 'west India'...And, only one Sun temple, in Konark, Orissa, in 'east India'...(of course, one might find various versions of why Brahma's worship was stopped)...
Talking of 'mother cow' naturally brings to 'my Hindu mind' 'Krishna', who is popularly known as 'Natkhat Nandlal' the 'mischevous son' of King Nand of Gokul, the land of cowboys and milkmaids who belonged to the family of Yadavas, and thus called 'Yaduvanshi'.
He is, in reality, depicted born of mother named 'Devki', (which perhaps indicates its root in 'deva' or god), and father named 'Vasudeva' (and the story related with 'churning of the milky ocean' under the supervision of Jupiter indicates 'celestial serpent', named Vasuki, as the cord used for the purpose of churning the spindle of the churner (Mandara Hill in Africa - The Dark Continent!) by devtas and rakshashas both!
It is however thanks to 'maya' or illusion that he is felt to reside as energy or soul within each and every physical form, that constitute the entire physical universe, as a component of the one and only Supreme soul. And all souls must undergo repetitive cycles, called 'kalchakra', literally the 'Time wheel' (which appear to some like a 'Giant wheel', or 'Roller coaster' to some others)...
The phenomenon of projection of the 'mithya jagat' or illusory earth/ universe as its enlarged form can perhaps be realised by the seeker akin to the projection of fictious stories by numerous characters related with the 'make believe world' of cinema...that appears the 'truth' as long the film lasts...
When 'I' happened to reach the capital of Assam state in the lower Himalayas ('Asam' means uneven land surface), 'present day' Guwahati, (meaning betel nut market), on the north and south banks of Brahmaputra. It was, however, then named 'Gauhati', meaning cows' market. And, whatever (watery) milk was available there, it was through some Nepalese who had settled down there since long...
And, the local Assamese are fond of betel nuts, that they take with 'paan leaf', mostly with 'soon-supari' only, that is, only (white) slaked lime applied to the leaf...and to 'my' surprise 'I' saw ladies, married or not, generally wearing white saris, which in the part of 'India' 'I' had seen earlier is generally worn by widows!
With the background knowledge of the history of that region where Ahom kings ruled for almost 600 years, and at one stage before Auranzeb's army eventually entered Assam, using Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur's spiritual power to defeat a washerwoman who alone acted as a guard at Dhubri on the Brahmaputra thanks to her 'black power', to explain its logic, 'I' thought that white objects reflect white light and perhaps therefore can be imagined to absorb 'black'. And, Kamrup (Gauhati) was once famous for beautiful women who had learnt 'black magic' from tantrics and used the mysterious art for various purposes in day-to-day life, including control over all inferior souls...
Even in the eighties 'I' found that services of 'tantrics' (generally males only though) were commonly utilized even for petty matters...
As 'I' indicated earlier, elsewhere also, 'I' too came across one, who with just one glance at 'my face' predicted impending heart attack of 'some relative' of mine. That, later, turned out to be 'my father' who was at that time located at our home town in the hills in the north...thousands of Kilometers away!...
One would get to hear many stories related with the extraordinary power certain characters posses even today in the NE region of 'India' (where Kamakhya Temple is located, at the believable location where genitals of Sati had fallen), which 'we' in other regions on the plains might not generally come across in such big numbers...The phenomenon is reportedly still prevalent to some extent, mostly in some hilly regions...
The above may perhaps help visualise the capacity of Nadbindu Vishnu who believably created the infinite universe/ world with Brahmanad 'Om', the 'Pranav mantra'...
With the 'present' human capabilities, believably conforming to Kaliyuga, it sounds unimginable how the ancient sages could manage to create so many ragas for different time of the day, seasons, moods etc. that believably had the desired effect on the masses...
It is believed that highly elevated souls could cure illness of an individual located at great distances even, through teletherapy, ie., use of sound energy, or suitable mantras, that would have the desired effect on the concerned...Of course, the technology was apparently naturally misused also by certain characters even during those advanced days also - as incorporated in the 'design' - by 'Krishna' the mischievous flute player!
There is an interesting mythological story conveying use of animl-like sounds by humans too.
It is indicated that while sitting in a cave, Shiva was asked by Parvati to tell her the secret of creation.
In order that the secret is not leaked to any other being, all pigeons were first shooed away. Also, Parvati was asked not to fall sleep when He was telling her the secret and, as a token of it, she should at intervals keep on emitting sound to that effect.
He then kept on revealing secrets to her...however, at some stage He came to know that although He kept on hearing the sound, Parvati was deep in sleep!
Looking for the source of that sound, He found two small pigeons. He then asked them how come they remained when all pigeons had believably left??? They replied that at that time they were inside the eggs and had emerged recently!!!
Maybe thus the saying that even walls have ears!!!
Similarly, there is the story related with Abhimanyu in Dwaper Yuga learning while in mother's womb itself, from his father Arjuna who alone was 'perfect', how to enter the chakravyuha - created by Guru Dronacharya and his maharathis, or literally the 'big charioteers', in fact, members of the solar system that are believably responsible for the 'kalchakra', or 'Time wheel' - but not getting to know how to come out of it and, therefore, getting killed...
Doesn't the above explain similar 'fate' or 'destiny' of all other 'mortals'??
Krishna says all wrong acts result from lack of knowledge!!! And it is popular that Kaliyuga, the 'present', is worst in this respect...
On review of the above comment, 'I' find 'I' forgot to say that the fault apparently lay with Abhimanyu's mother as she had fallen asleep just when he had only told 50% of the secret by that time when - without his knowledge of the fact - Arjuna continued to tell also how to get out of the 'chakravyuha'!!!
The above story, in fact, conveys how a mother is the first Guru of her child, and she therefore must not remain ignorant about 'spiritual' world also to have overall knowledge, or 'siddhi'...and Yogiraja Krishna says, for the benefit of all terrestrials and not 'Hindus' alone, that He resides within all forms, even though as part of the 'maya' or scripted drama, which one is not able to enjoy due to partial knowledge only!!!
During the course of 'my' apparent 'scripted role', flowing in the channel of 'active life', 'I' happened to study 'Science'/ 'applied science' subjects for 7 years - after having cleared elevan classes, where all subjects likely to prove useful in 'future' to the general cross-section of students according to the syllabuses were also taught...and Yogis believe
Later, for a short period, 'I' had the opportunity to indulge in some computer software programmes (in Fortran language) and thus learnt how overall knowledge ('siddhi') is an essential qualification of a programmer - one has to take care of the entire cross-section of the likely users of the programme, and not just some specific solution...
The Gita also can thus be understood to address the cross-section of humans all over the world, but is also likely to thus distract the reader because of each one's typical 'mind set'/ 'thought plane' and thus lead to innumerable interpretations...however Krishna the Yogiraja, or all rounder, indicates that He is the best among all forms, in each category of life, in sky, earth's surface, or under water/ ground, for he eventually evolved as Triloknath Shiva the Lord of the three worlds ('3' is the symbol used to denote 'oM', the 'cosmic hum, the balance energy or Shesha to a Hind,u' as well as Trimurty Shiva in physical form) , having started from a point, Nadbindu Vishnu, or Pranav, as His 8th avatar or reincarnatin)...
A teacher in a class of a number of students - who are 'naturally' expected to have varying mental capacities, to conform to the basic design pattern in 'Nature' - in an ideal condition must address the poorest student...but the syllabus and Bhagirath-like effort required doesn't permit him/ her. And, therefore, due to various forces, one adopts the 'path of least resistance' (like water)...and generally addresses the best of the lot, through verbal and alphanumeric symbols while writing on teh 'Black' Board...
However, 'science' tells us that there always are exceptions to every rule in 'Nature'...
'We' used to be surprised when our 'illiterate mother' always came out with a suitable essence relevant to some particular situation in her day-to-day life, in the dialect used in the hill region (like Agatha Christie's stories, 'Miss Marple', a village woman who solved murder mysteries based on her experience in the early part of her life in a village)...
Her best was, to the effect that one who believes himself to be too clever gets fooled eventually ('gets shit on his nose', where 'nose' was generally used as a symbol of reputation)...in the Ramayana for instance, Rama's younger brother Lakshaman is indicted to have 'cut the nose of Surpanakha', the sister of Ravana (and taken as such by the masses). And this incident is indicted as the 'turning point' leading to kidnapping of Sita and thus the eventual end of Ravana, the 'rakshasha/ demon', or a selfish person who believed in hoarding gold...and Sita also was responsible for her own kidnapping by making Rama chase the illusory 'golden deer', and later sending Lakshamana also to help his brother because of the inordinate delay in Rama's return and also hearing the demon in deer's form asking for help in Rama's voice. And in the 'present' also there are many characters in the 'make believe world' of media who can wonderfully copy voices of various known personalities...Thus Pranav mantra is used even today for entertainment!
'My father' also used to say - (based on 'education', or 'satva' that is essence of life irrespective of the so-called 'higher education', although one knows that one life-span is insufficient to read all the available matter even on just one subject, leave aside the innumerable subjects for drawing overall essence) - that when two people discuss, each considers it as interaction between one and a-half brains: one with self, and one-half only with the other!
It is perhaps thus 'we' are mostly interested in speaking, or writing (in a blog say, for example) and not listening - perhaps because of frustration that might have existed at the time of start of evolution for eventually reaching immortality, or 'amrit', believably in the form of Trimurty Shiva (earth-moon, duly supported by sun and its other members for the variety) - Pranav, Supreme Knowledge, multiplying by division into innumerable forms that speak different languages that are understood only by the 'life' of its own kind, and species concerned! For example, 'I' can understand only Hindi and English to a certain extent only - simple words. And, as per indication available in various stories, Yogis could even understand languages of birds, and lizards!
'I', together with another distant cousin of mine was given the nickname 'Gangu' by one of our old relatives.
As per a popular legend, that's the name of a 'common man', who dealt with oil, who is generally associated with once ideal King Bhoj, to depict contrast. For as infants 'we' reportedly spent lots of time near the cage of a pet parrot who had been taught to repeat, 'Ganga Ram', when one called the same!
And later also, at the head quarter of Bastar, visited besides other popular water falls etc, a large cage that encased a tree, a sanctuary for mynahs that were being preserved and taught to speak human tongue, and not learn their tongue like Yogis believably did! In the 'present' birds are believed to be second in intelligence to humans!
At this stage, perhaps one might recall the ancient Hindu belief of the soul as the VIP, and not the exterior form of animals (and that includes what is known as 'gravity' in heavenly bodies, for man is indicated as model of teh universe), for as per Yogis that is only illusory and even the physical universe/ earth was indicated as 'mayavi' that is illusory projections on the 'third eye' of Shiva...and each form also getting to experience some part of it to a limited extent only...
Yes Kavitha, there are indications that perennial Rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Brahmaputra, (as evolved form of Saraswati the consort of Brahma), are represented within each human form, as 'nadis' literally rivers, but pronounced differently - as the central nervous system (essence of Ganga) and the two sympathetic nervous system too, that together allow flow of energy all over the body, and are believed to be the essence of planet Saturn. Whereas blood, flowing in veins and arteries, is believed related with Sun (white light)...however, the overall body represents the solar system as essence of the univer, the dark void...and is only temporary, thanks to believably the fault of tongue, as indicated by 'wiser ancients' - relating it with faulty eating, and use of wrong speech too...ancient Yogis believed food itself as poison, and therefore some tried to survive only on air, for it contains dust ('earth') and 'water', and 'fire' (heat of sun) too!
The 'wise ancient yogis' advised one to look 'inwards' and 'not outwards', because whatever exists in the outside world, in a smaller scale as essence, is available within human form too...Fuctioning of both macrocosm and microcosm is also found to be similar in the 'present'...
Thus seeking within one, vis-a-vis the exterior world for reference, perennial Ganga (including 'akash' and 'patal' Ganga) would be realised flowing in 'thousand channels' from 'sahasrara' in head, the believable abode of Moon, through different intermediate 'chakras', each related with some particular member of the solar system - one or more of which, if not functioning properly, might provide hinderance to its free flow down to the 'mooladhar', the abode of Mars, as the goal similar to all rivers draining into the saline waters of the sea (as seen in its model form stored in the bladder), and back again the same way(s)...
The above, therefore, might get reflected in some form of 'ailment' in the concerned physical form...depending on innumerable apparent factors related with the concerned yuga...
'Acupuncturists' also have indicated how blockages in the identified 'windows' in each of the 12 channnels, which are connected to same numbers of vital organs inside and also with the cosmic energy particles present in the environment, but are unable to find entry into the body because of choked windows which need to be punctured to make available the needed connection...Even acupressure at those points has been reportedly found useful...which however needs expertise in the technique...
However, perhaps making desired energy enter through nerve points in the skin by making the right colours/ energy enter through the medium of the 'required gemstones', as practiced since time immemorial in 'India', might perhaps be the best solution...which however, also needs the right school of thought in astrology to be referred...not only for overcoming some illness but also to enhance teh efficiency of the existing system...or just have faith in the Supreme Being - and leave it to Him!
The story of Raja Harishchandra, however, conveys what all one could expect to experience and still remain 'stithpragya' or unmoved...while today 'we' get disturbed by small losses even...
The story indicates the King to lose all material possessions, get separated from his family, and even obliged to serve in a crematorium where his poor wife brings for cremation their son's body...But, in the end everything becomes alright, for he believably was only being tested by God!
And, today a 16 yr-old even proudly says, "I don't believe in God!" (Hand of TIME, the Mahakal?)
The story of Shiva, the immortal, indicates 'it' to have started from Kashi, that is 'present dsy' Varanasi (near about 82.5 degree east longitude). Thereafter, in the Vindhyachal range, at Amarkantak near the same longitude, He created the origin of River Narmada, to flow westward and drain into the west coast (indicated in the relevant story as 'resulting from Shiva's perspiration'!)...Thereafter, He made Himalayan ranges to emerge from the bowels of earth, and after marriage with Parvati 'the daughter of Himalaya', settled down at Mount Kailash and made perennial rivers Ganga (originally Bhagirathi), Yamuna and Brahmaputra to flow down into the land now called 'India', changed from Jambudweep the original island...Sounds very simple (for the Supreme Being, Bholenath the Simple God, of course)!
And, since then He is watching, with His family members, the drama of His Past reflected through human beings for their entertainment, maybe...or perhaps to know the SELF!
Perhaps 'I' should also have again indicated that Mt. Kailash also lies on the same Big Circle that passes through the universal zero on earth's surface at around 82.5 degrees east longitude that governs today the IST, (with reference to the 'present day 0' at Greenwich Village in UK)...to reflect it on the earth as model of universe...
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