In the early hours of the morning before the sun rose, Srinivasan lit a small ghee lamp and incense and placed it next to the box. His heart beat fast as he slowly opened it. Within it lay a few items of puja, a yellow cloth and in its center in a cloth bed lay a piece of bamboo. It was smeared in turmeric and had a lot of threads rolled around it. He picked it up carefully and laid it on the floor. He whispered a prayer to himself and bowed to it, holding both the corners. Srinivasan was surprized as he had never felt this before. His arms shook as they could not withstand the energy that flowed through them. He was unable to hold the bamboo, as his arms trembled. With humility he raised himself up again and placed the piece of bamboo back into the box.
Srinivasan looked up to the Lord seated within the chamber of his little throne. He wondered what spiritualism was, what the energy of the Lord was and who he was as a drop of atman floating in this consciousness in this universe at this time in this space. He closed his eyes and a mantra of the three eyed Shiva flowed into his mind. He looked up at the slab of vilva wood that lay within the chamber. He had heard a story about it.
There was a saint who walked the earth in these times and touched the souls of everyone with his humility. It was one morning at his ashram that he walked up to a vilva tree and sat under it. In a while the tree descended to lie next to him. He spent hours with the tree in divine conversation, unmoved, unshaken and in complete deep thought. After a long time, he turned and asked his pupil to get a peice of bamboo shaped as an axe. The dying tree was cut, and each part of its trunk was made into a slap and given to his disciples with instructions to give it to anyone worthy of it.

Srinivasan looked back at the spiritual journey he had made in his life. He meditated over these simple things that had far more value than gold. He revered his Guru, the symbolism of whose he worshiped before he started his prayers to the Supreme. He had heard great stories about the Mahatma, of his appearance well after he had left his earthly self. He had revisited his disciples, and instructed them about their activities. He had blessed them and disappeared. All they ever saw was the sacred Dandam (staff) that represented the great Shankaras stand in front of them held by a hand mid air in space.

The great staff, is what we limited human beings are able to see because this is the only visible symbolism of the other world, the celestial world and the empowering knowledge that it comes with feeding our thoughts with divine wisdom. This is the dandam of the Shankaracharya. This is the emblem of wisdom and this is the power of learning that we lesser mortals need to worship. The truth is, the Lord is not out there, but he is in here within us and the noise of our worldly problems is the Maya that bars us from listening to his silence.
He awakens the other world, that which is fed by words and sustained by imagination, that which is invisible and needs to be sort after, that which speaks in silence and disappears in noise, that which is felt with emotion and logic, that which has rules that are never broken, that which always was and never changed, that which springs from deep rooted energy that gives us life, that which neither you nor I have ever cared to understand.
Srinivasan thought to himself, as he stood at the gates of his own divine world of imagination like a gatekeeper who guarded because he believed but didnt really know what was inside. He felt like a blessed ignorant fool, holding a diamond in his hand and not believing so because it didnt shine!
Tears rolled down his eyes as he stared on at the divine, he felt miserable that this was he, and he felt happy that at least he had come this far and now this was he. He felt the dualism in his existence, he felt the incompleteness in his form, he felt the inprisonment in his flesh and he experienced the dumb ignorance within his mind. This was he, this is he and hopefully will not continue to be him.
Hi Kavitha, As one of 'my loud thoughts', 'I' had also earlier indicated what conclusion 'I' had reached after lot of 'churning of my mind', ie., 'manas manthan', since the early Eighties, to reach at the essence of 'Hindu belief'...
And, in the process, could relate 'Indu', or moon, on Shiva's forehead, as the essence of moon housed in Yogeshwar's (earth's) head...and as a model of immortal Shiva, in each Yogis head too! And thus all terrestrials called 'Hindu' by 'wise ancients'!
Advancement has earlier also led both East as well as West to meet in the 'past' - at a point, on the banks of Ganga at Kashi the abode of Shiva the 'Ardhnarishwar'! Or, in fact, at any point on the globe, wherever 'Hindus' migrated from Kashi, for at one point of time elevated souls from all regions gathered at Kashi for 'brain storming' and then disperse for enightenment of others too, locted even in the remote interiors, for they weren't selfish (rakshashas, or demons)!
In the 'present', ie., the Kaliyuga, the 'dark age', one is impressed only when someone can perform some 'miracle'...and perhaps get wiser only after the event - when someone gets cheated! And thus the apparent 'lack of belief' in an average person...and even a 16 yr-old saying, "I don't believe in God."
Everyone perhaps knows how the 'present day Shankaracharya' got involved in some scandal...
Hi Joshi Uncle,
The current Shankaracharya was anyway doomed. This line of Godheads is over. Chandrashekharendra swamigal was the last we ever got to see. And he was quite something else. He was the perfect mix it took to become a complete saint.
I am honored to have seen a great soul in this life... Its not always this lucky. No one else has matched up to him, no Ravi shankar babas and no sai babas... none... they live in a flamboyance i loath.
Hi Kavitha, In the Gita, 'Krishna' says the entire creation is within Him, and it is only because of 'maya', ie., illusion, that everyone sees him within themselves...That is, in so far as (formless) God Himself/ itself is concerned, He, or It, is beyond average human being's reach or imagination. It is perhaps according to a grand design or script everyone follows in the 'drama', caled life without being aware of it...
Thus 'Krishna' concludes that if one abuses another, one is abusing 'Krishna' himself! Thus when one, a seeker, becomes aware of the 'truth', the only way to reach Him is to 'surrender in him' so that then alone he could lead one to his 'Supreme form' (that is Vishnu the Nadbindu or Shiva the immortal Bhootnath the Lord of ghosts or past)...
He thus advised one to live life like a witness/ spectator of the drama, just as the formless also believably is doing since eternity (looking for something or someone in the 'action replays of His own past) is because of time that at any time one gets to see how with the passage of time human virtue as a whole is falling, but even then one gets to see some 'character' that reflects Satyuga, just as remnants of a grand edifice mutely convey its grand past!
Having said that 'I' might add here that 'Krishna' also says that one would receive whatever (material) one desires ("Where there is will/ There is way"), through whatever 'Guru' one choses, for he is within all...
However, in that case one would only reach that particular Guru (even though an 'elevated soul'), and not the Supreme form of 'Krishna', the Supreme Soul or the one and only 'Paramatma'...
In simple words, as per 'my loud thoughts', it is like a patient - diagnosed as a 'diabetic'(like 'me') - being offered a bonbon or a sweet dish in one's dream and still, being conscious of the 'untruth', refuses to eat it :)
Hi Kavitha,
I second your opinion on the high profile modern day babas.You are indeed lucky to have seen a genuine saint.I too have seen Sri Ananadamoyi ma but I was too young at the time.Her visage, as she was lost in samadhi is still engraved in my memory.
A friend has visited the
Adiparashakthi temple and was very impressed with Adigalar(Amma).I would like to know your views on it if any.
Honestly I have not visited as many temples as i write about. I have not been able to travel much though i have read plenty on them. I largely dont make a difference between a temple to Adiparashakti and one to Kamakshi or another to Durgai or to Kali amman.
To me they are all the same form of the Goddess. To me they are a form of Parvati if they are a saumya rupa and they are a form of Durga or Kali if they are a form of Shakti.
I really dont know any other version of this though there are many variant forms.
So i am unable to comment on a particular shrine until by luck i have already read about it or even better - have visited it.
With reference to a particular temple being advised, although on a ‘different subject’, ‘I’ liked the quote on communication between life forms of inferior kind, referred in an article in The New York Times April 29, 2009, in Olivia Judson’s blog - Guest Column: Let’s Hear It for the Bees by Leon Kreitzman
When a human decides whether to recommend a restaurant, taking into account its menus, the tastes of the friend being advised, the cost of the food, the distance to the establishment, the ambience of the dining room, the ease of parking and all the other factors that enter into such a decision, we have little hesitation in attributing conscious decision-making to the calculation. When a small frenetic creature enclosed in an exoskeleton and sprouting supernumerary legs and a sting performs an analogous integration of factors, however, our biases spur us to look for another explanation, different in kind – James Gould
It surprises the 'present day intelligent man' to learn that even 'inferior life forms' aren't really inferior! Even whatordinary grunts of a chimpanzee, in fact, carries some meaning to the 'inferior life' of its own kind...
And, it is not surprising that 'Hindus' believed man as the superior most animal form, as a result of evolution whereby human being is made to pass through 8.4 million animal forms before it could appear in human form for the first time. But, still in a raw form till it is able to truly appreciate itself as a super analogical computer - a model of the Creator itself!
To a 'true Hindu', a temple is only a home to the soul, the VIP within the symbolic deity, and it resides within each animal form too, but needs to be searched within one with 'mind's eye'!
Although its known to all, but not the procedure to activate the mind's eye...
Shankaracharya-like Gurus were apparent exceptions to the rule in Kaliyuga where the human efficiency believably ranges only between 25 & near zero percent, compared to 100% only at the end of Satyuga (by Shiva alone) as per 'wise ancient yogis' who retreated to isolation of Himalayan caves say and attempted reaching zero thought...Also one would notice that many 'present day leaders' also, such as Aurobindo Ghosh, Jawahar Lal, and many others apparently received brighter ideas when confined inside prisons away from the chaotic outside world...
While 'I' was in the northeast India in the early Eighties, 'I' too was given a smalle piece of stick by a 'tantric' saying that as long as it remains in my person snakes won't come near 'me'! But, as the luck would have it, it dropped of my shirt pocket one day! Of course, as per legenda and practice, certain wood fencing etc. is used to keep off certain grazing animals from kitchen gardens etc. And, certain sticks are used by builders to know if a certain plot of land is suitable for construction or not, for an unsuitable and would make the stick grow longer in length if left overnight upon it! And one is aware how divining rods are used to find underground water/ minerals...
This land of ours is varying in characteristics from one region to another in terms of its physical appearance as well as variety of animal/ human behaviours...
One might have heard how even in an absolutely dry earth, ie., a desert, a thirsty traveler might get to see an oasis - green trees and fresh drinking water - due only to illusion though! The phenomenon is often sighted as an example of the so-called 'maya'...
There are instances cited in 'real life', particularly in the northeast region in the Lower Himalayas (where Kamakhya Temple is believably located at the point where genitals of Sati believably fell, and which could be believed as the 'mooladhar' of Vishnu who believably reclines west-east along the Himalayas, as His spinal column, the 'shakti-peeth') where. say for example, even flying over a quick-sand region on the Burma (Myanmar) border, reportedly, the grey hairs of a pilot turned black and stayed that way for about a week!
The whole NE region reflects a completely different life style even today - tantrics are found in abundance there...and thus 'I', coming from a different environment in the 'north', got to notice those as 'different'...
The ancient Bengal & Assam region is famous for the 'black magic', although perhaps originally developed by certain 'elevated souls' with a view to curing from a distance (teletherapy), where generally a tantric could cause harm to another person from a distance (it was called 'ban marna' or 'striking with an unseen arrow')...and even resulting in death of the concerned...The practice led one not to reveal one's 'rashi' to all and sundry, by everyone adopting a pseudonym or nick-name, for generally brahmins used to name the infant based on the 'rashi', which is determined based on moon's location in the horoscope, for astrology based on advance astronomy was adopted even in day-to-day life in the 'past'...And 'Krishna' says that all wrong acts result from lack of knowledge...and thus it is a time related phenomenon taht 'we' are getting to see helplessness (of creator) reflected in human actions too...
Hi Kavitha, Because 'we' generally tend to forget, 'I' give below a reaction to an article sent this morning to my newspaper...
This refers to subverse article Justice on trial by Shri Suresh Munshi (Apr 30).
Every time a ‘born Hindu’ today writes on the shortcomings in any existing human system, perhaps one needs to remind him/ her about ‘Hindu beliefs’ as the background to be referred, just as a systems analyst is advised to first refer to the available history, if any existing…
It is for information of all that one shouldn’t expect that material to be available in the present day language and style…and hence the need to read between lines…In short, one finds evolution (starting with the churning of milky-ocean using Mandara Hills in the ‘Dark Continent’, Africa. as the ‘churner’) to have taken place in four stages: The first stage resulted in emergence of ‘halahal’ or ‘deadly poison’ that made it necessary for ‘immortal Shiva’ (opposite of Visha, the poison) to drink it for continuance of evolution. It was only after that, in the second stage, that various materials, including plant and animal life, appeared. In the third stage beautiful damsels, Apsaras, appeared. It was only at the end of the fourth stage that immortality was granted to devtas or gods…And, the immortal one is reviewing His Past, in retrospect and thus the ‘present’ in fact is ‘His imperfect past’…and thus the saying, to the effect, “In His empire justice is there, but it is delayed (for you would get to see it when Satyuga is being projected).”
Hi Kavitha: Entirely agree that there's none today to match the holiness of the Maha Periyavaal and I too consider it a bhaagyam of my life to have had darshan of Him and obtained teertham from His hand. Reading his discourses collected in "Deivatthin Kural"gives more light than all the glossy books and cassettes put out by the mod gurus.The present day set of highflying swamis can at best serve only as signposts pointing out a hazy road to self discovery to the few who are really interested in seeking and not overwhelmed by the tinsel and glitz surrounding that signpost.
Hi Kavitha, The following is seen in the message box as some persons are perhaps allergic to/ or aren’t aware they could refer to other comments also at the proper place – just a click away:
kumar: i read your article about sriyantra,nice one and one doubt...why the devine mother has come with her ugra form, where as she is very kind? and then sri shankara established sriyantras to make the devi cool..(sorry my english is not that good) .....there must be some reason behind devi's arrival with ugra roopa,,than normal? could you tell me that ?
17:52 hrs
For information, Devi, or Ma Parvati, ‘another form of energy or Sati’, that is, ‘Shakti’ and the consort of Shiva, (or Ma Kali who resides in Shiva’s heart), is perhaps worshipped all over ‘India’ during certain Navaratris - in 9 specific forms that are given different names. These obviously indicate energies ranging from the minimum to maximum, 0 to infinity, say. And, every individual today knows that energy can be used for both ‘helpful’ as well as ‘harmful’ purposes, ie., as ‘shant’, say fire generated using a matchstick for lighting a lamp, or ‘ugra’ form, say as a reflection of Her in a volcano that had been ‘shant’ or inactive or dormant for many years, but suddenly becomes active and starts erupting, with the resultant lava destroying everything in its wake…
Regarding ideal Guru in recent times, 'I' am reminded of a saying that books are the best friends of man. And, thus in so far as 'I' am concerned, 'I' should be thankful to the lady staff member who, as a farewell gift in the year 1975, presented 'me' with a copy of the Bhagawadgita...although 'I' could eventually read it only in the year 1984, and wondered why 'I' hadn't done so earlier:)
Now, 'I' can see 'Krishna's hand' even in 'shoes being thrown on world leaders, by frustrated literates today'...which - during the evolutionary process from Kaliyuga to Tretayuga - would have led to discipline, respect and regard for elders and love to youngsters. And thus brother Bharat to have ruled Ayodhya by placing Rama's slippers on the throne! But, unfortunately 'pure shaivites' can't appreciate that...and maybe someone would cite some similar parallels in some 'puraan'...
Talking of power, 'I' was told - by a relative who unlike 'me' had spent his youth in the Kumaon region - legends about the power of shivlinga at Jageshwar, literally the 'live god', how anyone's desire for some material was immediately fulfilled by it...till Adi Shankara visited the place and touched it. The shivlinga apparently thereafter got reduced in height, sinking underground, and resulting in delayed fulfillment...
The above reminded 'me' of the story read in the childhood days about the djinn inside a bottle who provided immediately all material wealth desired from it. But, on a condition that if one failed to ask for something after it had fulfilled the desire it would kill the owner of the bottle! And, therefore, after he had received whatever he desired, the owner eventually asked the djinn to dig a hole and fill it back again. And, continue to perform these acts eternally!
And Shiva is believed by 'Hindus' to be a simple god who fulfills all wishes when someone worshipped Him steadfastly...But, selfish people, such as Bhasmasur, would never be satisfied and, therefore, needed some lesson...and of course, being Yogeshwar He doesn't have time to fulfill unending desires of just one person, and He is known to go into long 'samadhi' or zero thought state, just as Rwitoja also referred it related with Anandmayi Mata. Expert Yogis apparently were capable of reviewing Shiva's past in their mind's eye, maybe to a limited extent this regard 'I' had earlier elsewhere narrated how a 'tantric' in Guwahati apparently predicted 'my father's' impending heart attack in the year 1980 when he was at 'our home-town' in the hills of the Upper Himalayas!
Interestingly, Yogis believe that if one could lift total energy, recorded in eight chakras, to one point in 'sahasrara chakra', the entire universe would reduce to a point, called 'Nadbindu', the unique formless God who resides within each form! But, it's almost impossible to achieve it in 'the present' - thanks to it being Kaliyuga, the beginning stage of evolution...It is like having a super computer with one but not having the requisite knowledge how to use it to its full capacity and hence the apparent reduced human efficiency - believably ranging between 25% & 0% of the potential!
And, interestingly, the 'wise ancients' indicate the formless God to be related with time and space zero and, therefore, the 'entire creation', by Vishnu, to have been completed in zero time...but perhaps one needs also to deduce from it that 'destruction' also, similarly, to have happened in no time by Shiva the Destroyer!
If that be so, how does one, believed to be a formless soul but appearing as some physical form, get to see eternally unending cycles of 'creation' (associated with Brahma), 'sustenance' (associated with Vishnu), and 'destruction' of physical forms (associated with Shiva)?!
That's advancement in Technology!
Hi Kavitha, 'I' give below another of my 'eccentric thought' activated by an article on swine flu in 'my newspaper'...
This refers to the interesting but half-cooked subverse article Make mine swine by Bachi Karkaria (May 1).
If one is looking for a better sounding name for ‘swine’, perhaps 'Varaha' would help.
St Matthew cautioned one against people who behave like swine – ‘trample the pearls of wisdom under their feet, and turn again and rend you’! And, the ‘wise Hindus’ on the other hand – (that the writer perhaps isn’t from birth or by thought) – considered him as the 3rd reincarnation of the one and only VIP, called VISHNU…and all human forms also to have been born at one time as one, (call him a pig, a swine, sow, and so on, but the stink wouldn't go - just as Shakespeare also suggested naming a rose otherwise by any other name), in the cycle of births and deaths out of 8.4 million forms before the soul obtains human form for the first time as ‘model of universe’, or ‘image of God’ and still not getting out of the cycle that is 'kalchakra'!
Only God, the Supreme Soul, alone can save our souls from swine in ‘modern’ human forms that believably ‘have advanced in Technology’, and bravely kill chickens to save humans, which they anyway kill for filling fat bellies (Lambodar, Ganesha) that also anyway won’t last for more than 100 years or so!
Hi Kavitha, Have you ever wondered at the power of our planet earth? 'I' feel it as the true representation of 'atma' or soul, for it cannot be destroyed by nuclear bombs that are being tested from time to time by 'Nature's most destructive agent', called man; it isn't getting dissolved in water despite many great inundtions; it is not drying up because of air/ storms; and so on...Unfortunately 'we' didn't ever have the honour to meet 'Shiva' in person, and would perhaps have to wait for the 'kalchakra' or 'time-cycle' to lead us to Satyuga for that:)
Or, could it be that we are wrongly believing 'Shiva' in physical form to appear in the human form painted for 'us' by our 'wise ancients': in tiger skin, having a serpent around His neck and having a 'third eye', with crematoria's ash applied on His body while sporting a 'trishool' or trident in his hand? In fact, they also in cryptic clues pointed towards earth itself as Shiva the immortal by calling Him Gangadhar and Chandrashekhra too!!!
Thus it could only be a case like that of a saying, in HIndi, to the effect, "The mother looking for her 'lost child' all over the world while she had it on her own lap all the time!" (In 'real life' also one is very likely to encounter such 'philosophers' at times.)
'I' had a good laugh when 'I' read Mr Kumar call me a follower of Krishna Consciousnes, ie., perhaps ISKCON of Srila Prabhupad...(of course, 'I' had no objection to visiting an ISKCON temple in Mumbai with relatives recently, and so also the one near Banke Bihari Temple at Mathura)...
For his information, 'I' believed in attempting 'direct communication' with Him as He resides within 'me' too:) And only God knows how far 'I' have succeeded in the task...
'I' have come to believe all relatively inferior souls in the universe as 'Krishna' (say as its superior most form in a galaxy lying at its centre as also in varying heirarchy in other physical forms too), vis-a-vis Shiva as the one and only Supreme form in the network of souls that fill the infinite universal void with 'ether'...And that earth's centre coincides with universe's the starting point of the original 'churning' (visualise it as the point nozzle of a man-made water-fountain that has water rising to infinity all around it such that each water drop represents a soul)...
'I' have to recall once again the incident related with my sister's grand daughter, then around 4 yrs of age, asking 'me' over phone why God didn't fulfil her wish when He is present within her too?!
When 'I' heard a child say hello, 'I' first thought it was a wrong number...'I' was told she had obtained it from my sister and noted my phone number in her diary...
Of course, 'I' told her then that God has innumerable animals, planets, stars etc to attend to and doesn't have time to listen only to her wish and fulfil those...and she appeared satisfied in so far as 'I' am concerned because she didn't rake up that issue during the last 7-8 years, and she resides in Bangalore for some years now...
Maybe, during Adi Shankara's time people must have reached a stage where 'tantra vidya' or 'black magic' would have turned ugly, that is, used for 'wrong' purposes, for History tells us how some revolutionary is born from time to time to bring about apparent change, to rid the human society of a certain practice due to 'slavery of time'...such as bringing halt (though not complete) to 'Sati pratha' in Rajasthan/ ancient India by Raja Ram Mohan Roy...
Talking only of power of humans, who were realised by 'ancient wise' only as models of the universe to a very small scale, in a way takes away due importance from 'heavely bodies' and their apparent evolution starting from pure energy...and thus the concept of 'Devi' or 'Sati' in 'Hindu mythology', where the word 'Hindu', related with 'Indu' the moon, itself conveys its essence...Even today, the 'western scientists' wonder at the mysterious power of moon, a satellite of planet earth - that is virtually a point on beautiful earth's forehead - as it gets reflected in the appearance of high/ low tides paticularly on full moon and new moon days...Mumbaikars can't forget its added effect, Devi's 'ugra roop', or 'angry form', on flooding of Mumbai City on the 26th July 2005 due to unprecented heavy rains...
Also, one might learn from an old Assamese how, on the night of 15th August 1950, the 'Independence Day of India', a catstrophic earthquake changed the course of the river River Brahmaputra due to lanslides and resultant bursting of natural debris dam on the River Lohit in Arunachal Pradesh that eroded the Old Sadiya Town completely...Of course, one is perhaps aware of the hurricanes originating from the Mediterranean Sea and the damage they cause in the USA every year...
'I' find a coin perhaps as the best model to represent the human society - as representing the 'Trimurty' the three-in-one form of formless God: Brahma, the 'Creator ('positive aspect of energy', or 'head'); Shiva the 'Destroyer' (the 'negative aspect of energy', or 'tail'); and the blank middle that, in fact, helps give the physical form to the coin, the 'Perpetrator', Vishnu ('neutral aspect of energy')...
The same can also be seen represented by the near spherical globe in the form of Northern and Southern Hemispheres (North Pole as 'head' and South Pole as the tail, or base teh 'mooladhar'), but having the third side represented by Equator, a thin imaginary line...that helped one to use it as the source of a joke, as follows.
It appears that passengers of ships in seas celebrate when the ship cross it.
In one such ship, a bearded gentleman travelling for the first time, insisted on seeing the equator...
The higher IQ Captain plucked a hair from the gentleman's beard and held it in front of the telescope that he had given to the gentleman to see the Equator...
The gentleman excitedly shouted that he not only saw the equator, but could also see a camel (a louse seen enlarged through the telescope!) walking over it :)
The 'wiser Hindus', however, not only realised the equator as imaginary, but also the entire globe/ physical universe as imaginary, or illusory (only its projection seen in animal's mind's eye also thanks to advancement in technology by the 'Trinetradhari' Shiva:)
That's power of Shiva the Yogeshwar!
With the background knowledge of functioning of the VCR/ VCP - the equipments once popular but now become out of fashion - one can visualize 'rewind tape', any time one desired, by pressing the right button and waiting till the tape reached the original 'start' position...
And, then only one could get to review the recorded material right from the very beginning. In case of human life, that's the end of Satyuga when perfection was reached by Shiva...
However, in this case the control isn't in human hands, unfortunately, and one is obliged to wait, or in other words be at the mercy of the Formless Bhootnath Shiva to do the needful when it feels is the right time to cover the masses, and might allow only exceptional cases at any time, such as Yogis or 'highly elevated souls', to get to see it :)
'I' would however return, like 'King Vikramaditya's baital', to 'my' original thought guided by 'wise ancients' calling Bhootnath unborn and unending after having failed in reaching its possible origin or end: What's His purpose in attempting review of His past eternally (and thus indicating even its limitation?)?
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