Shivaya nama Shivalingaaya nama om|
What happens when two drops of Atman meet in the realm of ether, in this world, in this Maya?
I am the mystic you look for; I am the mystic you discover within you. I am the rhythm of the Lord in my heart, the lotus blooms within my soul. I am the tune you wish to sing, I am the heart beat within you. I am Atman I am me I am you, I am where you too exist, in this divine ether between the earth and space, within this Maya we meet, an egoless existence, pure music, pure soul, the constant in my breath is the constant in yours, Atman in pure form is felt at last.
Atman is pure love, Atman is soul,
Atman is the constant that makes me, make you.
Atman is what gives a circle its form,
Atman is what gives the flame its glow
Atman is what makes the world arise.
Atman is the sheen on your skin,
Atman is the twinkle in my eye,
Atman is the bliss that swells your heart,
Atman is that of which you and me are a part.
Atman is what you admire in me
Atman is what brings us close
Atman is what makes the nerves tingle
Atman is that energy that flows
Atman is what brings life to our breath
Atman is the darkness beyond the light of reason
Atman is that which stays constant
Atman is that which i admire in you
Oh Lord Shiva, so divine is your love
Your presence felt when two Atmans meet
In your admiration we drown our self
In your realm we cease to exist
In your fire does our ego burn
In your beauty do we realize our own
In your ocean does our goodness flow
In your blooming lotus do we feel your warmth
In your realm do we admire
My Atman as well as yours.
Atman is that word that truth
Atman is what merges you and me
Atman is not man nor woman
Atman is our ocean of love
Atman is my beauty and yours
Atman is my mystic and yours
Atman is my character and yours
Atman is my mind and yours
Atman is what IS when we merge
Atman is what will be when we part.
In this drama of life, Atman is my ode to the Lord. In this breath i take in Atman is the soul within. In the sunlight of the day, Atman is what glows on my face, In this cruel world of egos, Atman is my saving grace. In this realm of murderous war, Atman is what binds my tears of love. In this jumble of words that unfold, Atman is the garland of letters untold.
Aatmaaya nama atmalingaaya nama om||
Atman is the zone of mutual admiration, it is the zone of no ego, it is the zone of no age or gender, it is the zone of single pointed concentration on the self, on other selves. It is the zone where "I" doesn't exist. It is the zone where only goodness is felt, a zone where human beauty in the self is appreciated. Atman is present in this moment, now, within us waiting to be realized.
This post has been inspired by Maanikkavaachakar's Thiruvaachakam. The author Maanikkavaachakar was a poet and a mystic of his time and his works date back to 3rd cen A.D.
Hi Kavitha, ‘I’ had a thought that ‘I’ should now withdraw because ‘we’ have, like ‘betal’ of the popular story related with Vikramaditya, reached at the same point from where we had originally started, i.e., we all are souls appearing to be different due to the external illusory cover of physical form that results in coming up of the apparently innumerable forms and hierarchy within each category of form…But, then ‘I’ thought ‘I’ should inform about another presentation on the TV, on channel IBN 7, about one Shri Ashok Ghai from Kanpur, UP (longitude 80 degree east, and thus close to Shiva’s original abode Kashi, that is, Varanasi).
Perhaps himself not aware of the ‘Hindu’ finding that total information is in fact recorded within each and every apparent human form (and that Krishna who resides within every one is mischievous or mysterious), the gentleman tried to prove that he had received messages from the ‘outside world’ through graphic symbols obtained on plain papers scanned and enlarged in IIT kanpur.
He reportedly followed the procedure adopted by the Theosophical Society of India, that was once headed by Annie Besant (and as ‘I’ also had earlier elsewhere indicated, it was reportedly involved with the research that failed and involved Jiddu Krishnamurty to attempt to get Buddha’s soul into his form). The procedure according to him involved writing of a ‘mantra’ available in the puranas, in Sanskrit, on a piece of paper, which he had been chanting for decades, and then burning the paper…
‘I’ might also add for the benefit of those who perhaps didn’t watch the said presentation that believably lasted almost over 3 hours, which ‘I’ too saw towards the end. And, ‘I’ was anyway able to get the essence and also heard views of some people over phone, which included a Delhi University professor in Cosmology, who aired the well orchestrated view of a ‘non believer scientist’ that such programmes shouldn’t be aired as these tend to mislead the public! Of course, only a seeker can perhaps realize it as the mischievous way of functioning of the formless creator, that is Supreme Soul…
Shri Ashok, being a character that is ‘Hindu by birth’ living in Kanpur, was apparently involved in seeking the ‘truth’ for the last 20 years and had apparently been inspired by writings of Nostradamus, which he had apparently read umpteen numbers of time. And, with his Hindu background he apparently got messages in graphic form as if made with smoke. These needed to be scanned and enlarged with the help of a digital computer with the help of someone in IIT Kanpur. Only then he could make out various shapes that appeared to reflect various forms, viz. Bal Krishna, Krishna with sudershan-chakra in hand, Vishnu’s Temple, Shiva-linga with Shiva Temple in the background, form of Mahatma Gandhi with his well known stick in hand, and so on…
Kavita A beautiful depiction as usual!I would say that Atman is the "light" beyond the "darkness "of reason ! because the human mind tries to reason out everything & some people refuse to believe in anything that can not be reasoned with so called Science....Taking for granted that the so called modern science is everything.....& forgetting that even the modern sciences like Mathematics have to take for granted the presence of the "Constant"without which many a equations can not be solved at all!
Hi Dr Anilji, Nice thoughts!
A beatifull description of Atman, Kavitha!
But what about the paramatma, the true and most purest soul.
My dad says that our life (Or the energy that gives us life) is due to two things, the atman and the paramatman. The atman is our soul which exists in our body till our death and then leaves the body carrying with it the effect of our punyas/papas etc. Meanwhile the paramatman is beyond the atman, it is god, lord Shiva as we refer to it.
Unlike the atma, the paramatma is the force that controls the cosmos. To say it shortly, they are like the sun and the moon. Atma is the moon, which shines because of the energy obtained in the form of light from the sun.
Paramatma is the sun itself providing energy.
I am not sure whether i am right. But the purest soul refers to the paramatma. So i guess you have praised lord shiva as the atman(Here, the context of atman refers to the paramatman).
A really nice poem indeed.
I purposely wrote the line "from the light of reason to the darkness beyond". Why do we show bias towards light verses darkness. Darkness is what is beyond this maya and maya is visible where there is light. If there is no light, there is no maya, because what we see is because it reflects light and if it doesnt, its invisible... But it does exist, isnt that where the void is? Isnt that the truth of darkness and void?
We would love to believe that light and intellect and nirvana is the same, i think we need to look at it the other way around. Which is why we walk from the light that surrounds us making the elements in this drama of life appear the way they are. When you cut out the light in the garbha griha, only the flame of the arti reveals the true form of the Lord within. The garbha grihas were designed to be dark and the sacred fire of the Arti reveals whats beyond to us.
(Its a different story that the bright, smart so called intellects who are the temple authorities messed up that logic by providing lights inside the sanctum!)
But this is a deliberate attempt to look at the darkness as an element of beauty though it has most often, and also most conveniently been painted to be negative.
And yes, the theory of constants, is such a beautiful thought! What is the value of a circle without Pai?
Hi all, Our physical senses being faulty at any time other than the end of Satyuga, in Kaliyuga the ‘dark age’, that is, the apparent ‘present’, one finds in essence that words cannot describe a realization, just as ‘we’ can’t describe precisely in words the difference between the sweetness of a banana and, say, a mango. And, one perhaps has to eat these fruits oneself…and then also find unable to generalize it in respect of all bananas and mangoes at all times…
Similarly, the original unborn and unending Perfect formless creator, i.e., the dark Supreme Soul, nowadays referred as ‘dark energy’ by ‘cosmologists’, although has as its components innumerable souls, one each entrapped within different physical forms, which although in fact are its own (dark) images that are ‘perfect’, but because of faulty senses the ‘imperfect’ exterior cannot reach the one and only Absolute Truth through the physical senses…and it is possible only at the end of Satyuga, the age when balance was reached between the ‘material’ and the ‘spiritual’ (that was 100% in the beginning of ‘churning’) in the form of Shiva the earth - that believably could be reached in human form at any time only if one could reach thoughtless or ‘zero’ thought stage…
Shri Aswin Kini, What is important to note is that sleep is absolutely necessary for animal life on earth. After tiring mental and physical labour during the day, the deeper the sleep, the fresher one feels ‘naturally’ after that on awakening!
One could perhaps, like a ‘scientist’, ask oneself: Why it happens so? What is it that is responsible for ‘recharge’ of animals, particularly in the absence of our Sun the believable source of energy on earth? Maybe, one could thus at least come to believe that perhaps it is the other members of the solar system that also make some important contribution under the leadership of Moon that rules the night, while on the other hand keeping watch on the physical earth too, like a ‘night-watchman’!
Another ‘present day’ important observation is the believable presence of the physical universe for over a duration that believably runs into billions of years, while each animal life form individually perishes after sustaining for a limited period on earth, called their life-span, which varies from one species to another. And although man seems to have landed here only a few million years ago, ordinary bacteria apparently exist for over 3.5 billion years, while the solar system appears to have evolved around 4.6 billion years ago and is likely to continue for billions more.
Looking at the apparent infinite size of universe, and also grand variety in ‘Nature’, the question that needs answer is whether the universe is a result of accident, or design by some intelligent and perhaps by an indestructible supreme being, as believed? For, with the background knowledge, energy is found to be indestructible, though transformable.
If it is accepted that the creator is perhaps some special form of energy, that is, formless and, therefore, related with time and space zero, the creation and dissolution of the physical universe should have been instantaneous. Then how does the physical universe appear to be unending or last over a duration that is almost unending?
Perhaps in human life a parallel can apparently be noticed in the ‘present’ in the ‘make believe world of cinema’, where a recorded film can be seen almost eternally! Or even before that in the theatre where apparently ‘live characters’ performed to the script of some writer of fiction (perhaps), carried through time immemorial, such as Ramleela, and Krishnaleela, and so on, the various drama within drama in which there are different ruler, as it is said to the effect that in its own street even a dog acts like a lion!
And teh purpose of each drama is entertainment...
Thus is the creatin only for His entertainment?
Kavitha,What I meant by Light is the feeling of "Awareness" & not the physical energy of it.You have described the virtues & necessity of darkness very well & I am in total agreement with you on that.In Photography also The "Dark Room" is the most important place of all!:)
Hi Dr Anilji, In cinema halls also one sits in a dark-room and sits virtually motionless and yet gets moved to enjoy various emotions thanks to light projected on a recorded black & white or coloured film that in reality moves in front of it!
'I' would like to draw attention to what a social worker experienced in 'India' that is apparently experiencing 'economic boom' thanks to some souls.
"Recently I spent three days in a labor colony for construction workers in Bangalore, India. Here's the article that captures my experience."
Kavitha, As a background, the grand edifices, called Temples, that we appreciate ‘today’ for their grandeur were in reality meant for housing some deity within, in their ‘garbha-griha’ the sanctum sanctorum as the VIP symbolic of that immortal formless who believably rules over the whole universe from eternity, till eternity.
These also were constructed by certain souls in the ‘past’ just as other structures for various purposes that are being constructed in the ‘present’ also... Historians reported only on the Kings, who ruled over certain region for some time and were responsible for their coming up - to be sustained by ASI…
Sorry! ‘I’ forgot to mention the various Trusts etc also that are looking after the R&M of the structures for long!
For arguement sake, why cant awareness be darkness, the moment of awareness is actually the time one comes face to face with reality and understands it in new "light", cant say new darkness - sounds strange. But reality need not always been defined as "light". In popular belief, reality is like bitter truth, and need not always be enlightening.
Our dependency on light is too much. So is the usage of the term to depict something that is positive, awakening etc. Darkness is associated with negativity, which is not right. End of the day, its light that creates the illusion and darkness is what dispels it!
In darkness we dont make differences. Everything is equal because everything ceases to exist because it gives the impression of the void. That is reality isnt it?
Do people really see light at the moment of death? Or do they see darkness? Am curious.
I dont want to take light for granted, i want to question it though i understand the point you are trying to make using the word "light", Anilji.
‘I’ give below ‘my philosophical reaction’ after reading the report that ‘I’ sent to my daughter who is involved with the concerned Society in preparation of their website and also in collection of funds by her daughter from her school for the society.
“Definitely a moving description, like Sarkar Raj that I saw last Sunday.
Comments in a philosophical manner:
What is there in a name? Krish has wife named Radha :-)
Has he not seen with his eyes - based on some thoughts rising to his head and getting moved by those - and said what Hindu Philosophy of vedant is?
That is, to the effect existence in reality of one single supreme soul - and all physical forms as illusory forms created by conversion of some energy into matter and entrapping a component of its own within each of those innumerable physical forms that appear different and thus form a hierarchy, like the mysterious pyramid reflects at its base a large area and has at its summit only one single point, the Nadbindu of the Hindu Mythology, who rules over the lot under it that help support HIM and enjoys different view-points of theirs, even when they get flooded, with the knowledge that He alone is undying, just like the souls that are entrapped within physical forms that anyway are waiting to be released of the bondage!
Only consolation perhaps is that it is all illusory
For, the Yogis apparently realized GOD related with time and space zero, that is, formless like a point, and thus the physical universe to have been created as well as dissolved in no time – like the click of a magician's finger :-)
Of course, difficult to accept the above realization because of overpowering 'Maya':-)"
Dr Anilji, In simple words, the Hindu Philosophy with the background knowledge of man as model of the universe that in reality is a soul entrapped within matter, in essence, conveys merely an infinite void in space that is filled with ‘ether’, which could be visualized as some matter akin to the agar media - to act as food for souls and appear as different forms - just as it helps the concerned single bacterium to multiply by division (like Shiva-Parvati or Adam-Eve!) and result in a colony of bacteria that rules over the entire world, and perhaps the unending universe too that continues to expand like a balloon defying gravity (like the Spiderman or eight handed Durga!) .
And it is apparently learnt that a small percentage of the bacteria are generally harmful or helpful to ‘humans’ while a larger percentage of those are neutral, but can also be activated to become helpful to human beings (and Yogis advised one to activate ‘kundalini’ that is the energy at mooladhar that remains inert or dormant, unless awakened, to attain ‘moksha’, that is, ‘liberation’!)…
Of course, like ‘betal pachchisi’ the popular story related with legendary character, the valiant king Vikramaditya and his attempt to reach the ‘Absolute Truth’ or controlling the soul, the 25th question believably remains unanswered in human form, that is, what is the Creator’s purpose in His dreaming of His ‘past’ eternally, believably from eternity to eternity…
Kavitha, noticing that there is no reaction from anyone, 'I' thought if God's purpose is to pass time, 'I' should give for the benfit of the casual vistors 'my' reaction to an article in 'my' newspaper.
This refers to the SUB VERSE article by Shri MD Nalapat, titled Weak polity = strong nation (13/6), which could perhaps also be captioned as Weak gravity = strong heavenly body!
Krishna the greatest of all politicians of all times shows His presence in all writings at all times! Thanks to an American Indian, named Chandrashekhar, one learned that after its existence as a massive star for billions of year during which it merely consumed the Hydrogen gas available in its core, having appeared almost permanent, the heavenly body apparently dies, and prior to that it swells and ‘naturally’ appears more voluminous and is termed as a ‘Red Giant’. Then, as gravity can no longer sustain the internal pressure, at a certain stage it explodes (like a Diwali cracker!). The resultant debris gets thrown into the space around it to a certain distance – only to start its return journey due to gravity becoming effective when the radial energy becomes zero (like a stone/ ball thrown skywards, virtually defying gravity, at a certain stage returns earthwards due to its gravitational pull). However, in the case of an originally massive star, 5 times or more massive than our sun, the implosion results in a ‘Black Hole’ (‘Krishna’ of Hindu Mythology who claims the entire universe to rest within Him, that is his ‘virat’ or Supreme Form, Yogeshwar Shiva the Bhootnath!), a super gravity heavenly body, like the one that is housed at the centre of our galaxy, and thus similarly in all other galaxies that fill the infinite void of the universe…
HI Joshi Uncle,
Are we not the reflection of the black hole? As you have equated Krishna or Shiva as the center of the universe, the black hole itself, isnt the equilibrium we aer meant to achieve a reflection of our own black hole?
I might sound silly, but lets thinkg about it. There is surely more connection to the universe subtly than just "yes.. there is a black hole out there"
It also supports my theory that ultimate reality might well be darkness and not light!
HI Joshi Uncle,
Are we not the reflection of the black hole? As you have equated Krishna or Shiva as the center of the universe, the black hole itself, isnt the equilibrium we aer meant to achieve a reflection of our own black hole?
I might sound silly, but lets thinkg about it. There is surely more connection to the universe subtly than just "yes.. there is a black hole out there"
It also supports my theory that ultimate reality might well be darkness and not light!
Joshi Uncle, I think i am wrong or confused... the mind is still thinking....
Kavitha, We, that is, ‘I’, ‘you’, and ‘other physical forms’ all are projections in the mind of the formless. Perhaps the phenomenon also gets reflected in ‘my’ dreams, which ‘we’ can’t explain, except as projections of our thoughts in graphic forms in our mind’s eye in zero time attained in deep sleep, like the ‘Third Eye’ of the actual viewer, that is Bhootnath Shiva, or Nadbindu Vishnu the formless point, admiring His Stories of the past, that was ‘0’ time, He being related with zero time and space - of course reflected by the dark void/ space that was filled by flash of light and sound (Son et lumiere), Big Bang, for zero time!
Further to clarify or confuse:-)
Krishna is known as ;Yogiraja’ and Shiva his supreme form as 'Yogeshwar', where ‘yoga’, in fact, literally means the union or fusion of inert or dormant soul (energy contained in the essence of planet Saturn) with the active physical animal form that is believably made from the essences of selected eight members of the solar system, from Sun to Jupiter, called ‘grahas’. Where ‘graha’ means a heavenly body - as a part of the essence of the universe - as well as an alligator, to indicate it symbolically as a locking device of energy/ information as seen in the said animal’s powerful jaws…Essence of each member of the solar system believably is located within human form also as an essence of the universe, at different levels from tail-bone end to the head along the spinal column…
In brief, yogic exercises are primarily aimed at reaching zero thought for activating the dormant energy locked up in the essence of Saturn (and linked with the essence of Mars at the mooladhar) that believably normally remains coiled up like a serpent, which, only when activated, believably springs up like a King Cobra to make the total energy held up in different locks or bandhas, or chakras, reach one point in the head…and thus release higher or subtle knowledge into the brain of an ‘enllightened’ person – irrespective of the person’s caste, creed, sex, and so on…
The saying, “Birds of the same feather flock together,” perhaps reflects, as models for realization of humans, the apparent existence of clusters and super clusters of galaxies, besides ‘sanyasi’/ isolated Yogi-like single galaxies also, within the dark void of the universe/ earth as its essence...
What is the colour of air and water? Perhaps this question might convey symbolically what ‘we’ apparently, in reality, are, ie, ‘colourless’. And that white light and its absence, that is, darkness are like the other ‘two sides of the coin’ that together help define us (the dual personalities reflected in Dr. Jekyll & Hyde, the good and the bad, and so on), the colourless ‘soul’ (images of the one and only Supreme Soul) in terms of illusory physical forms, for creation and dissolution of physical forms believably are related with time and space zero…
Bhootnath was therefore understood as ‘Adbhutnath’ that is ‘Wonderful God’ also, as you, Kavitha, also had presented in one of your weblogs…
Kavitha, One Shri Uday Kumar has wanted to know where he can fine Navbhasmam according to anote left for you in the message box, copied below.
14 Jun 08, 07:43
udayakumar: Hai, your web sight is more interesting but i want to know what is navabhasnam where that medicine is available
The ancient Ayurvedic vaidyas or doctors, as was then the practice, i.e., in-depth studies in search of the ‘roots’ of human life, came to associate nine metals with the ‘navgrahas’ that is the nine members of the solar system whose essences believably went into the creation of human form in different permutations and combinations thereof. As a result of extensive research they apparently used mixutures of salts of some or all of these metals and after proper tests conducted on humans, they prescribed medicines - diagnosis based on different symptoms.
Maybe, one should thus consult a good Ayurvaid…
Kavitha, when we have been attempting to realise significance of ‘Hindu belief’ of man as a model of the universe (and also the belief of ‘life after life’), or the ‘Biblical belief’ of ‘man as an image of God’, it is interesting to note that in ‘my newspaper’, perhaps 'coincidentally', there is a news item today issued from London with the heading, ‘Experts observe the first flash from dying star’.
It is reported that Scientists have for the first time witnessed the flash of light inside a dying star, a red supergiant in a galaxy nearly one billion light years away that was more than 500 times more massive than our sun before it exploded, in unprecedented detail.
It is also reported that ‘when the cores of these big stars run out of fuel, they collapse and spark a shock wave that travels to the surface at 20 million miles per hour to create a fireball one billion times brighter than the sun’ (and Hindu mythological stories meant for the laymen indicate ‘Krishna’ as having the brightness of one thousand suns!)…
Today one has learnt that macrocosm and microcosm function on similar principles. With this background one can visualize how similarly the ‘wise ancients’ after in-depth studies indicated similarity in the behaviour of souls with the help of various phenomena in ‘nature’, say for example the network of rivers…
For example, one might notice that in the plains, when any small rivulet or even a big river nears its goal, that is, it is about to lose its existence as an independent water body upon the exposed earth it experiences what is known as the ‘back water effect’ that virtually applies brakes on the forward march of the river – pushing the waters backwards.
That is to say that in reality the bigger or the more voluminous river virtually rushes forward into it and mingles with the waters brought to it by the concerned tributary, or the last carrier of all the waters. As an example applicable to ‘India’, River Brahmaputra in ‘India’ meets River Ganga (that is associated with Shiva), and flowing together in Bangladesh as River Padma (that is literally the ‘Lotus’ that believably acts as the seat of Brahma and had evolved from the navel of ‘Vishnu’), before it drains into the Bay of Bengal that is the sea (symbolically representing Vishnu who reclines in the middle of the ‘kshirsagar’ the ‘milky ocean’)…
In human life, the above phenomenon could perhaps help one visualize, like the ‘wise ancients’, the function of the various Gurus, teachers and leaders one encounters at various stages of the concerned individual reach the goal (each droplet of water to reach the sea)…
In Sanskrit, the word ‘prayag’ means the confluence of two rivers. While all confluences of rivers are considered holy in ‘India’, the ‘Sangam’ near Allahabad - because of its proximity to Kashi the believable original abode of Adi Shiva, or Shiva& ‘Sati’ or ‘Shakti’ (Earth and its gravity), the Androgynous God - is considered since time immemorial the holiest of all, that is, ‘Prayagraja’...
This location is believed to be the confluence of three rivers, Yamuna, Ganga, and Saraswati, the river that believably disappeared. It is interesting that Saraswati is also believed to be the consort of Brahma and is generally depicted clad in white sari the garment that generally Hindu ladies wear. And Sun that is an average star is well known as the major source of white light on earth…And the third major river that joins Ganga in physical form before it meets the Bay of Bengal continues to be called (mighty) Brahmaputra, literally the ‘son of Brahma’…and perhaps thus one can why Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh (Shiva) apparently reflecting the three aspects of God are called Trimurty Shiva…
As we have seen earlier also as per Hindu belief, Brahma (Sun, the white light that hides within itself seven other colours) is responsible for the (colourful) creation, Vishnu (Centre of earth (Kali or Sati the ‘original consort’ of Shiva, ie, the gravity), reflected ourwardly by centre of our Milky Way galaxy, for sustenance, and Shiva (earth’s exterior body, ie, Mrityulok or place where death of all life forms is inevitable) for destruction/ transformation. The three together, ie, the Trimurty believed as the ‘True Image’ of the Bhootnath Shiva or Vishnu the Nadbindu or formless creator as the unique source of unending energy…
And as the Creator believably is unborn and unending for it is related with time and space zero, cratin and dissolution both are related with zero time…That is to say, the appearance and sustenance of physical forms is review of events that happened in no time, just as say in the game of Cricket the cameraman replays certain actions that apparently happened in no time in the relative past by projecting those later in slow motion for appreciating the event in minute details…
The ancient Hindus similarly understood life as History of the formless creator, the Supreme Soul, being reviewed by Him for appreciation of the drama leisurely – maybe for some particular unique purpose in mind, such as, its own origin, or maybe infinite multiple purposes as each individual apparently believes life to be…
Hi Kavitha, 'I' thought you would have come out with some 'new thought' this Sunday...
It was in the year 1982 when a news item in the newspaper attracted ‘my’ attention. It was about ‘Sir Fred Hoyle dropping a bomb-shell’: he reportedly stated that ‘life on earth’ was a result of design by an intelligent being - either within our galaxy or elsewhere in the universe.
And, perhaps ‘coincidentally’, at that time based on ancient Hindu belief, which ‘I’ had not cared to get into it, ‘I’ had been engaged for some time in an attempt to relate apparent time vis-Ã -vis certain known ‘natural’ events of which human life believable was also a part…
‘I’ wrote to him at that time with my ‘line of thought’ as it was then, and had asked him what objection he had to believe in accepting God as the super intelligent being who had perhaps designed the said intelligent being who had designed the ‘life on earth’?
‘I’ got a single line reply from his PS that he had found my letter interesting, but due to preoccupation he was unable to write personally to me...
And today, after over two decades have elapsed, the ‘western scientific world’ appears to be not that enthusiastic in the ‘present’. And it sounds not that confident of reaching the ‘truth’ the way they had so far followed their line of thought, which has perhaps resulted in waste of time and money…
However, the ‘west’ believably being ruled by mischievous Neelamber Krishna, perhaps naturally reflects the time when Krishna - as representative of Nadbindu Vishnu the Formless Creator – was yet to evolve as Peetamber Krishna/ Durga of Satya Yuga. And Hindus interestingly believe time to spring back to Saya Yuga when Kaliyuga ends!
And, in '108' years of recorded history the monsoon in Delhi the 'Indraprastha' has hit the earliest this year, 2008...a sign of change?
And for ‘me’, in my soliloquy, the three digits in ‘108’ represent the three letters in ‘three-in-one GOD’ (the ‘Trimurty’), ‘1’ representing essence of Mars, ‘0’ (or ‘O’) ‘the formless creator, and ‘8’ the mysterious and mischievous Krishna, Neelamber, who eventually evolved as Peetamber.
And, for the ‘wise ancint Hindus’, ‘108’ in code words is reflected in the ‘siddhasan’ the ‘Lotus Pose’ with tips of thumb and index fingers joined together, while trying to reach zero thought, virtually an impossible task for humans in Kaliyuga because of multitudinous and apparent chaos… and also indicated by ancient sages in saffron robes (Mars represented by the colour as its essence) by using 108 beads of the ‘Rudraksha seeds’ in the rosary…
And, ‘Rudraksha’ to a ‘Hindu’ points at the holes in the ozone layer, tthe ‘Third Eye’ of angry Shiva that could bring to mind’s eye of a ‘Hindu’ the fire that (just as an incinerator-fire burns the garbage) believably spares neither a devta nor a rakshasha, as conveyed through the different interesting stories of burning of Kamdeva, as well as Bhasmasur…that also help in ‘time pass’ for the present day born Hindus…
This refers to the SUB VERSE article by Mr. Timothy Egan, titled Let’s go godless (16/6).
At some stage in the long lost past He believably had said, “Let there be light/ and there was light.”
Now, perhaps because ‘we’ - the more intelligent people than God Himself who rule the globe through the sword and/ or pen - are fed up with His incomprehensible ways of working, so we say, “Let’s go godless.”
Is it a sign of surrender in Him, or perhaps a hint, that He is going to switch off the light now (shortly)?
P.S. Also, for consideration in his SECOND OPINION by Shri JS, for political process in America is 'different' and is thus not comparable with the democracy in 'India that is Bharat'.
‘I’ forgot to mention that the above is ‘my’ reaction to an article that appeared in ‘my newspaper’ with reference to God and the ensuing process of election of President of America related with ‘Christian thoughts’ in the ‘present day west’.
Seen from ghe view-point of yoga or fusion of eastern and western thoiughts, the 9th and beautiful ring-planet Saturn (in Hindu mythology, Yogeshwar Vishnu, is related with Bal Krishna the young and mischievous Krishna the Neelamber – both holders of ‘sudershan-chakra’ the believable powerful disc-like weapon), reflects the Biblical Satan in the form of the serpent! It is the character indicated in the Biblical story as responsible for tempting Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, and thus the resultant suffering in all humans thereafter, using the female form, that is Eve, as a medium…while the Hindu mythology indicates that female form was used to convey energy that is Shakti or Sati the original consort of Shiva who later married Him again as Parvati!
And, ‘celestial serpents’, in the Hindu mythology, are associated with Shiva Himself, as Vishdhar or the ‘blue throated divine person’. And, so also Vishnu believably reclines in the middle of the milky-ocean in Yoganidra, that is, a sleep in a super conscious state using celestial serpent Sheshnag or Ananta as His bed!
And, just as Shiva believably for the right purpose burnt both devtas as well as rakshashas, Vishnu also is depicted cutting the head of Ganesha (replaced by elephant’s head by Shiva for Ganesha to act as the personal bodyguard of Mother Parvati the character that played the role of the most evolved divine person that alone was responsible for immortality…life after life…While on the other hand He cut the head of demon Rahu and let it exist eternally separated from Ketu his lower body!
In meditation when I see atman. It is dark like Krishna-what a wonderful coincidence! I wonder if anyone else sees atman.
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