Worship of the Lord involves Karanyaas, which is the method of energising the fingers by mantra (mudra). It is followed by Hridayadi Anganyasah which is the process of energising the heart and the whole body with single pointed concentration on the Lord, concentrating on the heart, head, crown of the head, eyes, the third eye, and by circulating the right hand giving a click of the finger. One is ready and moves into a deep state of Dhyanam or meditation. Seated in composure, in a sacred place, one should contemplate upon the imperishable Shiva with all his senses subdued and pranas controlled.
Having invoked the Lord in the lotus of your heart, whose presence is bliss that is beyond the senses, having disentangled yourself from the bonds of action one is ready to wear the Kavach Om Namah Shivaya.
May the supreme divinity raise me from the clutches of Samsara
May He render me free of all fears
May the eight fold form of Shiva save me from all earthly deseases
May Kala Rudra who dances the Tandava after destroying all at the end of the yuga, protect me
May Trinayana, four headed who is replendent in lightening like gold look after me in the east and the south
May the Lord, spotless like the jasmine who bears the moon and crystals protect me in the west and north
May the five faced Iswara protect me from all evil
May Lord Chandramauli protect my mind, Phalanetra protect my forehead and eyes and destroy my lust
May Lord Vishvanatha who breathes the Vedas protect me
May the Lord who holds Pinaka protect my throat and hands
May the Lord who destroyed Daksha protect me from all evil
May my hip, waist, stomach and navel be protected by Dhurjati, the destroyer of cupid.
In the first watch of day may Mahesha protect me
In the second watch of day may Vamadeva protect me
In the third watch of day may Trilochana protect me
In the fourth watch of day may Vrishaketu protect me
May Lord Sashishekhara protect me in the dark
May Lord Gangadhara protect me in the night
May Lord Gauripati protect at dawn and Lord Mrityunjaya protect my all the time
May Lord Neelakantha dispel my fears at all times
My prayers to Virabhadra, who is as fierce as Yama
I bow down and surrender to Lord Sadashiva
Who is supreme truth
Who is the incarnation of Rudra and Brahma
Whose very eyes are the Sun, moon and fire
Who is smeared in white holy ash
Who is studded with diamonds and jewelery
Who kills the tide of time
Who resides alone in the Muladhara
Who is the permanent abode of the Ganges
Who wears the eight serpent kings round his neck
Who is the very form of Pranava
Who is the embodiment of pure consciousness
Who wears a universal necklace of stars, planets and galaxies
Who is spotless and pure
Who is the supreme witness of the entire universe
Who is the supreme secret of all the Vedas
Who bestows boons upon his devotees
The merciful Lord Who is free from all lust, greed and sorrow
Who is devoid of desire, disease, ego and attachment
Who is beyond the chains of cause and effect
On whome doubts fade and action ceases
O Lord Sadashiva, Mrityunjaya, Thrayambaka I pray to you again and again
Having revealed the sacred syllables to invoke Lord Shiva, Rishi Rishabha blesses Suta and gives him a conch, a mighty sword purified by the sacred mantra Kavach, sprinkles holy ash on him and blesses him with magic that renders him supreme.
The Kavach renders itself in a unique way in today's world. The mantra kavach renders the enemy lifeless, meaning even if someone plans to attack you, they will forget the reason at the time of confrontation. When they interact, the protection of the Lord will keep them at bay. The metaphorical reverberating noise of the conch will deafen their minds with their own thoughts and confuse them thereby rendering you victorious. Clad in the syllables of Shiva Kavacha Om namah Shivaya, you can conquer the world and destroy your enemies.
Saying this Rishi Rishabha departed.
Kavitha,Which is the temple depicted at the beginning of the blog?The magnified view of it takes you to a new world!....Simply enchanting!!
I liked the concept of wearing the universe as the necklace very much.The reference to the conch throws a new light on the power of sound energy!
Hi Kavitha, Dr Anilji...As 'I' have indicted earlier also, Krishna says everyone can reach Him! And everyone, every terrestrial, perhaps knows that a ball thrown up skywards, after reaching a certain peak height at the culmination of its journey upwards and maybe sideward also, eventually must return to the ground at the same point or anywhere else depending on the angle at which it was originally projected…
Similarly, ‘Hindu’ thought of Vedantis indicates sound energy originally evolved from its seed, that is, its source the ‘beej mantra OM’ the ‘Big Bang’ in all directions within the infinite universal void, would return to its source after participating in the drama in which physical forms in the past according to a grand design of the Supreme Being that is the indestructible SS…
Kavach for Shiva, or Shiva’s Kavach, is thus understood as Shiva the Mahesh Himself - in the form of our solar system and as its essence our inert Earth (softer top-soil covered with dust, that is ‘ash’, over hard rocks that contain iron or ‘sword’ that provide the hard and cold mantle that help protect life on the surface of earth from the heat of the molten rocks, whose ‘king’ is ‘Daksha Prajapati’ the father of heat energy that is ‘Sati’ the consort of Raudra, which expresses itself through shafts of the volcanoes that help reduce the bursting radial pressure, and so on…overall a wonderful design!
A beautiful 'man-made creation' (projected by Bhootnath) also as pointed out by Dr Anilji...
Dr Anilji, as ‘I’ had last night indicated in ‘my’ last comment on the game of Cricket vis-à-vis Krishna, (reading between lines), believably seated as a ‘Black Hole’ at the centre of our disc-like galaxy that appears to revolve around it and ‘my’ guess as Team Rajasthan representing ‘West’ as the winner based on ‘ancient Hindu thoughts’, which thanks to Neelamber Krishna proved true! The match apparently had a nail-biting finish and was well balanced till the last ball was bowled!
Of course, ‘I’ am sorry for ‘I’ might appear to discuss a subject that the majority today believes to be out of course, but unfortunately not so for the Yogis that is the ‘seekers’ – as part of a grand design by Parvati (detached Moon), that is Sati (originally attached with Shiva the Ardhanarishwar), after She separated from Shiva:-) And, hence the advice by Yogiraja Krishna to surrender all our actions in Him, His ‘virat’ or Supreme Form or Earth the ‘Mrityulok’ that is Shiva the Destroyer of Hindu Mythology!
the temple photo is from Belur Halebid, the temple is a living temple again! But its so divine, as you rightly put it Anilji, simply enchanting!
I was bowled over by that line too, the nuiverse as a necklace around the neck of the Lord, beautiful poetry!
Joshi uncle, it was indeed a thrilling match! I think its the only one i saw with a lot of interest. I still didnt approve of the bollywood participation in the beginning.. found it totally irrelevant adn ridiculous. This is not like Asian games or something!
Kavitha, ‘Bollywood’ is the symbol of Mayavi world - the ‘mithya jagat’!
Sorry for the typo errors, I made this post at 2.30 a.m. Am half asleep today..
The mention of Sage that is ‘Rishi’ Rishabh (literally a bull) perhaps points towards Nandi the vehicle of Shiva in the form of bull (which makes me recall my encounter with Him in Guwahati, in the year ’83 and narrated in detail elsewhere in one of you your web-logs, and therefore not being repeated here) :-)
Joshi Uncle.The meaning of the word "Rishabh" is morality.The bull that you have in mind is "Vrushabh"
Hi Dr. Anilji, 'Vrisha', 'Vrishabh', 'Rishabh' all mean the same, that is, a bull. However, when ‘Rishi Rishab’ is written, the word indicates a highly elevated sage/ person, and perhap relates him with Nandi... (In 'north India', the alphabet ‘Ri’ is pronounced as in Rishi, or Ritu and so on, and not in Rama, for which a different alphabet is used)…
The more i read this blog, the more i realize that hinduism is a vast ocean where each shastra and sampradhaya has got its own inner meaning and significance.
Kavitha and Uncle Joshi! I have a question. As far as i know, there were many demons, vanaras, and devas who lived on earth once. There have been many great wars between the asuras and devas, asuras and human kings, and also between the asuras and vanaras! IN these wars, many divine weapons like Agniasthra(Weapon of fire), Varunasthra(Weapon that brings down torrential rain on the enemy), Sammohana(The enticer arrow, which puts the targeted army to sleep), the Pasupathastra(Siva's divine weapon, only used by great persons like Arjun to kill Jarasandha), and of course Brahmastra(Which can create a devastating effect equivalent to many atomic bombs).
I truly believe that Asuras did exist. But why on earth are we yet to discover any remains of these people.
Archaeologists have dug up remains of even dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago. Then how come we do not find any remains of any Asura or Vanara.
Is there any mention of the total destruction of the Vanaras and Asuras in our epics.
Can anybody please provide a rational explanation to my question????
Hi Aswin Kini, 'I' will revert to yo in a while. In the men time 'I' had some material prepared in relation with bull and also other animals, as below, which also might help to some extent...
The mention of the word ‘vrishabh’, that is, bull could bring to the mind of someone, who could detachedly observe ‘Nature’ as ancient ‘Hindus’ appear to have done that ‘inferior animal life forms’, including the bull/ cow/ buffalo/ elephant/ dog, and so on, more or less readily accept virtual slavery of humans, although one might experience some ‘teething troubles’ in the beginning…
With the ancient Hindu thought about truth remaining unaffected by time, the ‘inferior animals’ apparently serve humans in different tasks since time immemorial, without any apparent change in their behaviour...while humans themselves appear not to tolerate slavery of other humans in the ‘present’, although history tell us that ‘Indians’ have remained tolerant for long in the recent ‘past’… However, humans are understood by the ‘wise Hindus’ to have ever remained slaves of time, reckoned in terms of Yugas!
Talking of animals, ‘Hindus’ have understood Vishnu’s representative ‘Krishna the cowboy’ as a lovable figure. And in ‘India’, buffaloes’ and cows’ milk is being commonly used for long for various purposes…MG reportedly drank goat’s milk, and camels’ milk is also used in certain regions... Interestingly ‘I’ happened to learn during the school days from a boy - who went to Afghanistan with a football team - that donkeys’ milk was considered a delicacy there and the team was offered butter made from it, which even the vegetarians couldn’t eat because of the bad smell!
However, in the ‘present’ although tigers are captured and taught some tricks in the circus and also caged in the zoos, or even allowed some freedom in game sanctuaries, no one has perhaps ever thought of drinking tigress’s milk!
On the other hand, ‘Hindu mythology’ indicates through an interesting story how Shakuntala’s young child Bharat, born in the hermitage of his grand father, played with tigers!
In brief, in code words as a symbol of Yoga of ‘material’ (king) and ‘spiritual’ (sage), the story depicts Bharat as the child of ‘Apsmara Purush’, that is, a forgetful king, (and hence named ‘Dushyant’), who even forgot about his marriage performed in his father-in-law’s hermitage with his daughter Shakuntala! Only a miracle, of finding the ring given to her by the king in marriage - and unfortunately lost by her in a river - in a fish’s belly brought to his palace for sale by a fisherman, eventually thankfully helped him recall memory. And thus a happy ending to the story!
The name, of the mysterious Bhootnath’s land we call ‘India that is Bharat’, was adopted after the brave child Bharat’s name, and also it is symbolically represented by Mother Durga on the back of a tiger (Shakuntala, as a symbol thus representing all ‘mothers’, reflecting Jagadmba, that is, the ‘creator of the world’, or Moon, as per ‘wise ancient Hindus’, but all of us ‘apsmara purush’ on earth that is Shiva are unable to recall the absolute truth in the ‘present’ that is Kaliyuga’s fag-end, perhaps)!
Yogis - apparently based on realization through deep meditation and reaching the Absolute Truth that is related with time and space zero - conveyed that the creation, as well as dissolution of the apparent infinite universe, was done in zero time (reflected to a certain extent by a soap bubble, say)! And, that Nadbindu, called Vishnu (the name literally conveying a deadly ‘atom of poison’) / Shiva (opposite of Visha the deadly poison to signify immortality), or Bhootnath, called as the ‘Truth’, was in fact realized to be reviewing its own creation of the physical forms and their dissolution in ‘slow motion’ during apparent time…
The review is apparently done in eternal cycles of Mahayugas, that is, sets of four Yugas, in reverse order from Satyuga end when perfection was believably achieved by Peetamber Krishna, reflected by ‘North pole’, who had originally started as a flash of white light generated by the black dot or Nadbindu, reflected by ‘South Pole’ (He said, “Let there be light! And there was light!”)…The middle part that is the infinite void of the universe filled with infinite numbers of galaxies/ the globe, therefore, are believed to be illusory ‘truth’ of the ‘past’ being reviewed in the ‘present’…and to fill the entire 360 degrees of space it is believed a certain numbers of Mahayugas (1,080 perhaps rounded of to 1,000 as indicated in the stories meant for laymen) are believably required from Satyga down to kaliyuga, through Tretyuga and Dwaperyugas every time needing over 4 billion years to review it entirely in one day in the life of Brahma! And to restart from there again on His next day after allowing rest to Brahma, one of the aspects of the Trimurty Shiva…Each Yuga is believed to have its own characteristic property that reflects the achievable potential range during any Yuga…In Kaliyuga that is ‘present’, man as a model of Shiva has an efficiency range of 25% to 0% compared to 100% to 75% during Satyuga…
Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita compiled by ‘wise ancients’, says that for creation of Maya that is illusion he has created only two types of men. One possesses qualities of devtas, that is, they are ‘selfless’, while the others reflect demonical properties, they are ‘selfish’…and as stated earlier this phenomenon being not related with time, both categories would appear during all Yugas and in varying intensities from one character to another to reflect hierarchy as it is apparent in all aspects of ‘Nature’…and the best man or ‘purushottam’ would have a matching negative image also, as the stories depict through the characters of Rama and Ravana respectively in Tretayuga,,,and even in Satyuga Tardeo and Tarakasur are depicted to have coexisted till Tardeo evolved eventually to Trimurty Shiva, the three-in-one God, represented by His three aspects Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesha…where Brahma in essence indicates our Sun, the heavenly body in the core of which trillions of Hydrogen bombs (Brahmastra) are exploding every second since billions of years - at a safe distance as part of a grand design by SS!
It takes 8 minutes for white sunlight to reach our planet earth (or Shiva that is Mahesha! During night time, however, most evolved form of Vishnu or Peetamber Krishna, that is, Moon or Parvati provides ‘Somrus’ that is moonrays as a medicine for Shiva the devta and also for His devta-like images! The ancients therefore indicated ‘somrus’ only for devtas (reflected during nights, say, by relatively better growth of plant-life that provide food/ fruits to all, humans or inferior animals and birds, without any consideration of caste, creed etc that gets considered only by man, the superior most creation that acts erratically as part of design, more so in Kaliyuga due to lack of knowledge as stated by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, and also disbelief in Supreme Knowledge that is Formless Creator)…
Many ‘educated people today’ are found to proudly say that they do not believe in God! And. even a 16 year old Hindu also proudly repeats the words like a parrot, copying its Guru, the ruler of the direction west that is Neelamber Krishna, for the poison ruled during Kaliyuga, till Neelkantha Shiva – thanks to Parvati – held it in His throat (indicating poisonous planet Venus as the throat of Mahashiva, that is, our solar system as an essence of the universe)…
Ancients suggested chanting of Mahamrityunjaya mantra to overcome the effect of poison that the present day man is obliged to consume through innumerable agencies of Asuras the selfish that exist in majority, and it is the majority that rules in a ‘democracy’!
Perhaps one can also appreciate the handiwork of Neelamber Krishna in the design! Also, perhaps thus Krishna alone can save us from Himself! And that’s why he advises us to surrender in Him, like we surrender to TV serials or Bollywood films, which the oldies like me would have loved to avoid if there was a better option available!
And, that option perhaps is commenting in the blogs till it lasts so that at least some young people would perhaps have no complaint that their older generation people went to their graves along with the knowledge they possessed within their heads!
Every mythological event described should not be taken in the literal sense in the given rality we live in. This is not the only world as far as spiritual worlds are concerned. In these many plains of spiritualism there are far more celestial beings than just vanaras/asuras or devas, they include Kinnaras, Ganas, Yalis.
Descriptions in the texts are for your understanding of a far more subtle energy or force. The previous yugas didnt look anything like what we see as the world today. Hence you are not going to get fossils of any danav or asura even if you dig deep.
They are representations of superior power that probably exists around us and we in our limited selves cannot sense it. Science as we know it, does not have the capability to answer the question of the existence of these energies, all of which represent a drop of the supreme Atman in some form or the other.
There is no rational behind it - at least not in the sense of the rational you are looking for.
Your arguement can very well stretch upto Yalis - huge grotesque lion like creatures, where are they? The sculptors at the temple didnt make them up, they were assigned to sculpt a universe around the temple.
At various levels, they drew out each energy level, the animals at the bottom, the humans in the next level singing and dancing, the kings above that, the celestials above that and around the corners of the main deities represented by the supreme form of Atman as Shiva/Vishnu/Devi etc.
We are part of a larger heirarchy where there is no room for fossils or for limited human rational.
Yes Kavitha, in brief the Hindu mythology describes various energy forms through animal characters as symbols…all as different images or souls as different components of the one and only Formless Creator called Supreme Soul…as part of 'Maya' that is illusion...for no one apparently ever comes to know one's own purpose leave aside His purpose...
The wise characters who compiled Bhagavad Gita, literally ‘the song of God’ - in 18 chapters have tried to address all models of Shiva the Bhootnath for all times to come - the purpose of its models vis-à-vis that of the Formless Creator.
From ‘my’ point of view, with the visit to a fete in childhood in mind, ‘I’ could interpret it at a certain stage as viewing my own reflections or images in innumerable ‘magical mirrors’ that make me appear different in each one. However, there is one plain mirror (say, plain speaking Kabir-like for the benefit of ‘religious leaders’) also among those magical ones to help ‘me’ to know who or what in reality ‘I’ am. And thus it could help me not to be carried away by my innumerable false images that apparently fill the entire universal void, which would otherwise take me for a ‘red herring chase’ and get lost for all apparent time to come…
However, ‘Maya’ is apparently so powerful that ‘I’ do get carried away from time to time and thus there is a need for ‘me’ to remind the self to remain ‘stithpragya’ that is unmoved while ‘I’ literally enjoy ‘my own creation’, the ‘good, bad and the ugly’ while, on the other hand, trying to visualize His purpose, that is the purpose of Shiva the Bhootnath who resides within ‘me’!
Shri Aswin Kini, ‘I’ would like to bring to your notice the ‘present day’ status of advancement of ‘science’ through an extract of an article by Dennis Overbye that has appeared this morning in ‘my’ newspaper, under the title ‘Groping in the dark for clues to dark energy – Cosmologists Are Unable To Understand What Is Making The Galaxies Defy Cosmic Gravity’, which needs to be read with the ancient ‘Hindu belief’ of Yogis on earth were (perhaps are even today also) capable of doing that, provided they have faith and also practice.
“…Having been impelled apart by the force of Big Bang, the galaxies, in defiance of cosmic gravity are picking up speed on a dash toward eternity…Although cosmologists have adopted a cute name, dark energy, for whatever is driving this apparently antigravitational behaviour on the part of the universe, nobody claims to understand why it is happening, or its implications for the future of the universe and of the life within it, despite thousands of learned papers, scores of conferences and millions of dollar worth of telescope time”…
“The discovery of dark energy has greatly changed how we think about the laws of nature,” said Edward Witten, a theorist at the Institute for Advnced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.”…
Talking of review of ‘past events created/ dissolved in zero time', in 'slow motion’, and the role of ‘grahas’ that is planets, ‘I’ might cite how yesterday the 3rd June believably was Suryaputra (Son of our Sun) Shani’s, that is, Saturn’s birthday. The name ‘Shani’ being derived from ‘shanaii’, meaning slow, and its essence is believably linked with that of the planet Mars at the ‘mooladhar’, the base in the human form, which is also believed related with ‘sankat mochan’ Hanuman of Tretayuga/ Ganesha the ‘vighna harta’ of Satyuga, both characters believed to be trouble shooters... And the planet Saturn is believably related with nerves in human body and generally otherwise with Iron & steel. In so far as ‘my’ personal means of communication, i.e., the internet is concerned, it’s effect was felt from around 8 AM to 1:30 PM due to some problem caused by burning of some electricity cable at the local service provider’s area. And shortly again, due to some short-circuit in the cable connection. Thus the line was finally got restored only unhindered only after 7 PM or so…
The ‘Hindu’ mythological stories generally associate the ringed-planet, that is, ‘sudershan-chakra-dhari-Vishnu-like’ Saturn with the role of cutting heads, for example that of new-born Ganesha [and planet earth, that is, Shiva the Baidyanath, or ‘Lord of doctors’, responsible for replacing it with the head of an elephant found in ‘North India’, thus associating the animal with the forests in the Himalayas, (‘father of Parvati’!), in the north the direction that is generally indicated ruled by Guru, Peetamber Krishna/ Ma Durga or Moon!]…and also that of ‘asura’ or demon Rahu, appearing in ‘an attractive or ‘Mohini form’ on the identification of Sun & Moon (the attractive heavenly body) when ‘amrit’ that is immortality to ‘grahas’ (solar system members) was being granted…
Also, sage Brihaspati that is Jupiter, another ringed-planet is indicated responsible for supervising the work of ‘churning of the milky-ocean’ (that is spinning of our ‘milky way galaxy’), hinting in the evolution of material forms from ‘nothing’ represented by Bhavsagar or centre of earth, that is, in fact the ‘spiritual energy’ (Infrared that is associated with Sun besides ultraviolet rays in the forms of stars)…The Hindu mythology also links Jupiter with Krishna, born in a prison in Mathura in Dwaperyuga, depicting hi to perform the job of ‘churning of milk’ in Gokul-Vrindaban - for separating butter from it in a churner to make it move outwards, just as our solar system is found located in the outer periphery of our ‘milky way galaxy’!
Krishna also is shown to have used the sudershan-chakra, like his ‘virat’, or Supreme four handed Vishnu, form to cut heads of some of his powerful enemies…Astronomers explain presence of ring galaxies in the universe to have been formed by some one galaxy piercing through another galaxy and carrying away with it the heavenly bodies that earlier lay in the middle of the ring galaxy…
In the human life drama, we the confused souls obviously give more credit to the achievement made in human forms. However, the souls responsible for compilation of Bhagavad Gita convey Krishna the Black Hole, the super gravity form of energy, located at the centre of our galaxy/ earth as moels of the universal void responsible for the illusion, that is, review of the phenomenon of creation and dissolution of physical forms in zero time getting projected in slow motion through the agencies of the members of the solar system within it that are also responsible for the apparent time during which the souls apparently get to see the drama…
Talking about the ‘drama’, ‘I’ had earlier indicated what ‘I’ had learned from a friend in the north-east ‘India’ in the Eighties how a tantrik generally controlled some ‘inferior soul’ and kept it entrapped inside a football bladder that he kept in a tin box covered with mustard seeds at his residence... And, how a ‘tantrik’ ‘I’ had come across told ‘me’ that as the controlled souls spoke at a very rapid rate, they needed to train their ears to pick up what the souls said at a rapid rate when they are interested to know relevant information about some individual irrespective of their location (perhaps within a certain range depending on the expertise of the tantrik)…Also, ‘I’ had elsewhere earlier narrated in detail my own experiences of hearing some unseen ‘souls’ on only two occasions, one in Guwahati and the other later at New Delhi, perhaps thus indicating that ‘I’, and maybe all of us, naturally have some ESP, only glimpses of which were conveyed to ‘me’, when ‘I’ evinced interest in knowing it, as sample exposure of the phenomenon related with the souls that are trapped within different appearing physical or visual exteriors...just as my daughter also had apparently informed me about cancellation of ‘my’ flight, which proved true! Also, the prediction of a tantrik about my father’s imminent heart attack at our home-town a couple of thousand kilometer away and almost a fortnight in advance…
From the above experience, perhaps one can conclude that the ‘inferior souls’, released from inferior bodies, because of unfulfilled desires in that body and, therefore, still attached to the ‘material world’ despite ‘liberaty’, can guide the apparently ‘superior soul’ within a physical form only how to exploit greater power from the ‘material world’, as is indicated by the legend about a tantrik Assamese ‘dhuburi’ that is washerwoman, who apparently single-handedly kept away ‘foreigners’ to cross over to Assam from Bengal side. And, also that spiritual Gurus, such as Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur, possess relatively higher level souls.
Of course, Hindu mythology, and writings of other religious beliefs also, are full of ‘characters’ belonging to any and all strata of humans in the physical world who apparently were highly elevated irrespective of caste, creed, sex etc, and who existed in different regions of the globe and appeared here from time to time, just as it is recorded in the Gita too…
Good explanation Kavitha!!
But i am still wondering as of where the remains are.
Guess you are right!!! I am looking for something beyond my rationale.
I have asked this question to my dad several times, he tried to convince me by saying that the vedas and the epics use various pictorial descriptions to explain the nature of people.
For instance, he said that the word Asura never meant that the person looked like a beast or something, but infact ASURA referred to the evilness inside a human being.
When i questioned my dad further, he had this to say "RAVANA was by birth a brahmana, but by nature, he was an asure. Same is the case with Parasurama, he was a brahmin by birth, but a Kshatriya by KARMA. In the vedic age, all people were intellectually superior and hence people who were evil used their pshycic energy to torment ordinary mortals and hence considered as Asuras. Since these tormentors had ugly habits, the writers of our epics used their imagination to describe these people as ugly, terrifying and disgusting people".
Guess my dad was right.
Hi Aswin Kini, your father is right...Perhaps what is needed is consciousness of souls within human forms. The ‘wise ancient Hindus’, that is, Yogis invited attention to human form as the perfect model of the universe - (behaving differently in different Yugas) - which in fact was understood as Mahashiva, and its essence represented by our solar system that contains earth also as its essence by them… They said, “Yatha pinde tatha brahmande” (as part of a design by Supreme energy that is soul), and in the present the ‘scientific’ finding, to the effect, that macrocosm and microcosm behave similarly…Hindus believed in ‘Truth’ remaining unaffected by time, and in the present it is known that energy is indestructible, although likely to be transformed…
The ‘wise yogis’ also laid stress on the Creator of the physical universe itself to be ‘Nirakar’ that is formless who is associated with time and space zero and thus the creation and its dissolution to have taken place instantaneously. However thanks to the wonderful design by the SS, the Supreme Being is able to continue to see in slow motion in apparent time the ‘truth’ of its ‘past’ through its own innumerable eyes eternally…Thus the wise soul realizes itself at any time as Shiva the Bhootnath Himself (but not His purpose of creation)!
In the present day terms, the 'wise men', who compiled Bhagavad Gita, indicate Krishna telling the secret in the battlefield of Kurukshetra to Arjuna that he was only an instrument, a computer, like all others in human form (yoga or union of energies, Krishna/ Kali representing the energy at the centre of our earth in the molten magma: the outer mantle duly protected by a 'kavach' of hard rocks, top-soil and water; and white representing energy contained in sunlight that flows to surface of earth, after penetrating ozone layer, that is, the generally closed 'third eye' of Shiva, from a safe distance in the sky) that functioned based on software programmes duly incorporated in the forms by Him - different softwares for different characters used in the drama of life!
As conveyed by Vedantis, and also other Hindu Philosophers about the universe as ‘His dream’ or thoughts that appear eternally in ‘Shiva’s Third Eye’ (just as dreams/ thoughts appear in ‘mind’s eye’ of even temporary animal life forms - over a certain spells of time the concerned soul continues to occupy those different forms, as its reflection - man being realized as ‘image of God’ itself).
To understand the phenomenon, with images in mind, ‘I’ had cited earlier also in some other post(s), one might like to review one’s own photographs snapped at different times in one’s past…and try to associate with each image one’s apparent physical characteristics, and then perhaps visualise how ‘I’ can’t perform today what ‘I’ apparently did when ‘I’ was at the peak of ‘my’ physical performance, or evolution of ‘my sphere of knowledge’ as ‘I’ matured - my weaknesses and strengths in different stages…
The accepted concept of ‘paramatma’ or supreme soul is that it is unseen, a point-like or formless original infinite source of energy that originally existed in the form of sound and, therefore, called ‘Nadbindu’.
For creation of the infinite physical universe, it is believed to have divided into innumerable components of its own images, that is, points that spread within the infinite void of the universe and were held at different locations by each acquiring different physical forms, called ‘heavenly bodies’.
The closest models of these can perhaps be visualized with the help of a single bacterium that divides itself for multiplication. In the laboratory, the phenomenon is generally observed in a laboratory with the help of a bacterium contained in contaminated water in a circular dish containing ‘agar media’, which is food for the micro-organism and observing its growth under a microscope, day after day. First day one might notice a colony developing around a point as a black dot, which slowly would be seen to fill the dish completely and thus seen as a black circle…
In essence, with the pyramidal shape in mind, the ‘Hindu mythological stories’ indicate evolution of ‘animal forms’ from large numbers of ‘wild animal forms’ to have taken place gradually and in reducing numbers of relatively ‘higher civilized state’ over a long time till the apex in the form of Shiva the simple God was achieved.
However, the mythology (Young Shiva the Destroyer, ie, images of Bhairavnath depicted with hairs flying in all directions, reflecting original fiery earth) also indicates review of the creation from the end to the beginning in opposite direction of evolution. Thus numbers are increasing (events reflect deterioration of human behaviour with time) and now micro-organism is seen going virtually out of human control as it gets reflected in the form of AIDS and other such ‘incurable diseases’…
It, therefore, might not be a pure coincidence that, like the circular dish referred for culture of bacteria, our galaxy and other galaxies too, in general, are circular disc-shaped and might appear to have some arms that contain gases and new stars too.
The mature galaxies, such as ours, believably tend to acquire a spherical shape: it is presently reported as thick at the centre and thin at the edges, while the new ones generally have thin and long plate like appearance.
And, even the game of Cricket reflects in its stadium a disc shape which holds the spectators in different layered steps, thus reflecting innumerable stars that a galaxy apparently contains, while in the middle there is an oval ground with a strip that is used for conducting the match by two teams of eleven members each, which reflect the solar system, and as Hindu mythology indicates ‘Dashavatar of Vishnu’, in the game an innings gets over when 10 batsmen get out, maybe in different ways to reflect the variety that is observed in ‘Nature’ in its different aspects, including in the manner in which a temporary life gets dissolved! North-South poles of earth/ universe are reflected by sight-screens while earth’s tilt is indicated by the location of the pavilion on one side of the screen that results in oblique path traced by the players from and to the pitch…
‘I’ am not an exponent of ‘Bharat Natyam’, but ‘I’ have viewed some dancers perform on stage, or even on certain TV channels at times, while standing all the time on a disc-shaped metal plate that they push around all over the stage as they danced (the dancer perhaps thus reflecting ‘Krishna’ the ‘Black Hole’ at the middle of our galaxy).
As a Civil Engineer ‘I’ have come to study a bit of Geology also and even otherwise perhaps everyone today is aware of ‘tectonic plates’ and ‘fault lines’ that result in movement of different continents over these, such that certain plates push against each other to the extent that it apparently resulted at a certain stage Himalayan range to emerge from under the sea beds due to folding of rocks in the north of ‘Jambudweep’ that was ‘India’ once upon a time (and jambu grass is commonly used in the Himalayan region for its typical flavour in cereals)!
The Hindu mythological stories narrate this phenomenon in code words through the story of sage Agastya who came down over the Vindhyas from north to south to witness the marriage of Shiva-Parvati from a distance (describing evolution of moon from earth-moon and pushing of sea-water southwards). Sage Agastya apparently consumed the entire sea-water for Vishnu to kill a demon who had been hiding at the bottom of the sea (hard rock related with Venus or Shukracharya the Guru of Rakshashas that got exposed to result in the high peaks of the Himalayan range and provide Mount Kailash at the same longitude that passes through Kashi as the new abode of the couple!)
Another interesting thing has recently been reported about our galaxy in ‘my’ newspaper under the heading Milky Way ‘loses’ two of its arms (to be read with ‘Hindu belief’ of Lord Vishnu as four-armed). The extract of the news issuing from London reads, “For decades, astronomers have pictured our galaxy as sporting four major, spiral arms, however, new images effectively sever two appendages, revealing the Milky Way has just two major arms…” The news is reported to be based on a report in New Scientist and the scientist concerned is Robert Benjamin of the University of Wisconsin in Whitewater, US…however, it is also reported that lot more work is still required to confirm the above finding…
Maybe the above finding reflects the beginning of the believable ‘churning by Bal-Krishna’ who eventually evolved or matured only by the end of Satyuga as the four handed Shiva/ Vishnu, as our mythological stories in code words indicate…
Attaining political Independence by ‘India’ at ‘0’ hour, that is, midnight, on 15th August 1947, over six decades ago, is a very well recorded historical event. It’s also well known that this event also led to partition of ‘India’ into ‘India’ in the middle and ‘Pakistan’ in the east (now called Bangla Desh since December 1971) as well as west of ‘Independent India’…
In view of Time indicated by ‘Hindu mythology’ as moving backwards from Satyuga to Kaliyuga, from the most evolved or perfect state to the beginning that is ‘imperfect’ state, the above happening could perhaps be interpreted as marking the time when Shiva/ Vishnu had attained the two extra arms when process of evolution is seen in the right direction…as indicated by the story of ‘churning of the milky ocean’…
The two findings that have been aired in the recent times that have apparently foxed the ‘present day scientists’ about our universe/ galaxy perhaps need to be searched in ‘Hindu thoughts’, of terrestrials apparently getting to review the entire story of creation by the one and only formless supreme being in the remote ‘past’!
The ‘present’ is seen in the Milky Way Galaxy, which perhaps is heading towards zero rapidly as reflected by apparently viewing recently only two of its spiral arms instead of the believable four, while, on the other hand, the ‘future’ is perhaps seen in the infinite universe apparently continuing to expand rapidly to reflect ‘anant’, thus apparently ‘defying gravity’ as per by the ‘present day western scientists’, thus reflecting the mischievous nature of ‘Neelamber Krishna’ that wears ‘blue garments’/ Murugan that is Kartikeya who had a (blue) peacock as his vehicle – and Peacock is adopted as ‘Independent India’s’ National Bird!
It is interesting to note the essence of life in an extract of an article that appeared in ‘my’ newspaper this morning credited to Brian Greene, a professor of Physics at Columbia University, titled Science Is A Fun Story – It can give your life context and meaning. The extract is, “…We must embark on a cultural shift that places science in its rightful place alongside music, art and literature as an indispensable part of what makes life worth living…”
With the above in mind, we can perhaps visualize that’s what ‘Hindus’ apparently already attained in the ‘past’! But, unfortunately ‘East is East…’, and in the ‘present’ west rules even the east! And it was the time when 'poison' had emerged due to churning...
The soul that seeks the ‘Truth’ always needs to remain conscious of the realization of the wisest of the wise ancient ‘Hindus’ that the formless being is ‘anant’ that is ‘undying’, for it is related with time and space zero (0) and, therefore, the entire creation and its dissolution too are instantaneous (as Kavitha says, “…the click of a finger”) and it still is apparently well thought of (say to some extent reflected by ‘directional blasting’ for damming a river in a narrow rocky valley, say)…
Kavitha, Talking of ‘click of finger’, Hindu mythology believes Brahmanad to have been used for the entire creation, and ‘I’ find that ‘I’ am able to produce the loudest click or ‘nad’ with ‘my’ my right hand thumb and middle finger only (but no miracle happening!), and almost no sound when ‘I’ use other fingers (maybe ‘I’ could improve with practice though). And, as ‘I’ had indicated elsewhere earlier, as per ‘me’ the thumb represents planet Mars (Ganesha) and its ball is mainly used for Acupressure at acupuncture points also, and the middle finger the planet ‘Shukra’ (Guru of Rakshashas), or Venus (the friend of Saturn, misnomer ‘Satan’, or natkhat Nandlal used for Balkrishna), and perhaps therefore palmists indicate middle finger to represent Saturn, although the girdle under it on the palm is called ‘girdle of Venus)…
In the childhood we the children living in a colony and enjoying life in our own way - after having spent a ‘hard day’ in our respective schools - used to laugh when we saw some mature person talking to oneself walking down the road – perhaps sent on some errand by the ‘better half’ after a hard day in office!
Sometimes, similarly, ‘I’ am amused by my own thought when it similarly appears like soliloquy as the blog owner itself doesn’t have time to read ‘my’ comments, although she would very much like to read those and also react!
And even though the meter also mechanically indicates ‘hits’, i.e., there are regular visitors to the blog, but due to various factors beyond their control they do not have time to exchange thoughts, perhaps because they too are lost in soliloquy of their own!
In view of the above, we all humans/ animals perhaps reflect the mind of the formless creator, for the wise ancients believed the Supreme Being to exist alone in the infinite dark void of the universe, like an unborn child in its mother’s womb that is reflected in its dreams by the immortal appearing earth, called Gangadhar Shiva, and many innumerable other names by its models or images, as a result of Maya that is illusion or its own mixed dreams of pleasure and pain!
Continuing with my loud thoughts uninterrupted :), in view of the variety in ‘Nature’ and it being realized as truth that everything had some useful role to play, an essence of human life is presented in the saying, “They also serve who just stand and stare.”
Thus in human life one might notice that according to specialist characters categorized as ‘historians’ there could be identified some specialist characters called ‘scientists’ or ‘experts’ in some particular field related with creation, who from time to time in the ‘present’ also have apparently expressed desire to ‘enter the mind of God’ – like Yogis of the yesteryear!
Yogis that is ‘wise Hindus’ have depicted Yogiraja Krishna (meaning Black or Dark in appearance and the King of Yogis, and coincidentally, scientists today find 96% of universe made up of ‘dark matter’ or ‘dark energy’) as the ‘avatar’ or representative in human form of Nadbindu Vishnu the Nirakar Creator of the infinite physical universe, a ‘mischievous character’ born in a prison in Mathura on the bank of River Yamuna during Dwaperyuga, an era that has duration double that of Kaliyuga (literally the Dark Age).
The ancient Yogis reportedly attempted reaching the Absolute Truth, that is, the unique source of creation through in-depth studies/ research in isolated locations under the blue sky in open air/ dark natural caves. And coincidentally perhaps, similarly the present day scientists also get away from ‘ignorant common man’ by creating massive concrete, steel and glass edifices, that is, artificial caves within the concrete jungles! And, coincidentally perhaps Yogi Paramhansa Rama Krishna’s disciple, Vivekanand, informed modern Hindus that it wasn’t necessary to withdraw to the isolation of Himalayas and that one could reach God even while one performed the normal day-to-day duties of a householder!
For enjoyment of seekers, ‘I’ give below a reaction sent to an article that had appeared in ‘my’ newspaper, for it is beyond persons who have, relatively speaking, greater selfish interest, although there is perhaps no one who is not ‘selfish’…
SHASHI ON SUNDAY Four cheers of IPL made an interesting reading of the external appearances that, in the words of Yogis, garbage-like hide the gem underneath - just as the so-called ‘Truth’ believably hides the ‘Absolute truth’, it being related with time and space zero and therefore unapproachable by its own imperfect models in ‘human form’, although a perfect creation rendered imperfect due to lack of knowledge about its proper use. All because the Creator didn’t make available printed instructions along with the instrument at the time of its delivery (as we have grown so accustomed to ‘user friendly’ machines, like the PCs, due to slavery of Time)!
The author has concluded the article with a statement that in fact is the 'truth', that is, ‘India’ represents the Milky Way Galaxy, and the apparent ‘game of Cricket’ in reality is a 'working model' of the galaxy that was designed by ‘India’ itself for it represents Krishna (the Black Hole at the middle of all galaxies, or even Bhootnath Shiva who has Kali in His heart and His original abode is at Kashi, although He now resides in China, that is Mount Kailash, in Tibet: Spectators seated packed up around the oval field in large numbers representing the innumerable stars, players in the middle of the pitch representing the members of the solar system/ earth…and so on :)
To wind up 'my' loud thoughts on the subject, 'I' would like to point out that the game of Cricket helps as a versatile tool for utilizing in an interesting way the reduction in the availability of time for humans to reach the ‘Truth of Time’ that follows the ‘scientific law’ expressed by a character named Le Chatelier! That is, to the effect (which mightn’t be the exact words), “When a new member is introduced into an existing system that is in a state of equilibrium, the existing members resist it till a new state of equilibrium is established.”
The five-day match reflected lots of time on hand for man to act leisurely. As the time passed, and change is accepted as inevitable being one of the laws of ‘Nature’, which on the other hand wanted to indicate reduction in the availability of time in hand as time moved backwards towards the end of Kaliyuga, there apparently was resistance to introduction of 50-over one-day (ODI) matches by the existing members. But, it was eventually accepted and a new equilibrium was established. Once again there was initial resistance when time elapsed further and ‘Nature’ needed to express it, it got reflected through introduction of 20x20 over matches. These got over within three hours, with lots of fanfare squeezed in for us to enjoy to the last moment! This task anyway was performed by the games of Football & Hockey that existed as examples that reflected the ‘truth’, but not realized! It was expressed by ‘Hindus’ in the saying to the effect, reminding man to realize the ‘Absolute Truth’, “Do today what you need to do tomorrow/ and do just now what you need to do today/ for you do not know when there would remain no time to do it!” And Krishna blames all ‘wrong acts’ to lack of knowledge!
Thus Shiva’s kavach is indicated as an absolute necessity, which Shiva Himself in the form of centre of earth has provided in the form of the infinite universe. And that believably in the form of its essence exists for the soul in the human form too!
Nice topic.Thanks for this shiva Kavach.Actually somebody said me this is a very effective kavach.When anybody read this only one time this is very effective for him.I have also some mantras,videos about shivaji.collect that information fromOM NAMAH SHIVAY
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