The scriptures say the "most sinful Pretas" continue to experience the insensibility of death like a stone. They are awakened into consciousness after a duration of time (up to 1 year in human terms) based on the amount of sin committed during that life time. They are described to be as inert as a stone, or similar to an immovable tree towards the sensibility of this experience of death.
Kama Loka is the world of desire, the after life which is an illusion that the souls go through before they awaken. My assumption is this is the illusion they go through in the "stone" state. This is a state of consciousness where an illusory world is created to match the desires closest to the recently departed souls. This is an illusion the dead wake out of when they first arrive here. [Muslims believe they have reached paradise, ancient Egyptians filled the tomb with desired objects for the journey of the departed into this illusory world, Christians possibly believe they see Christ in this state] In a very short time these errors of perception are corrected.
Virtuous souls too don't have an inkling of death. While some of us might feel safe that we don't even have consciousness towards the state of dying, I personally wonder what it really is to pass from one state to another. In the case of virtuous souls, death passes them by in the same inertness which is short lived, but at the end of that they are promised an experience of the world of Gods. They are subsequently reborn into the world in richer families, in comfort.
Ordinary virtuous souls face a different experience after they have tided over the insensibility of death. They experience being carried away by the winds and are turned into plants and herbs. Subsequently they are taken as food for the expectant mother aiding the birth of another soul into the world.
Is there life after death?
Hindu scriptures give elaborate descriptions of other worlds that seem to exist in parallel to us. These are what they call as Lokas. I am not sure whether the word "Life after death" holds good any more. There are various states of consciousness and in the human state, we have this level of consciousness that mostly depends on our senses. Yet we are blessed with the sense of "thought" which when tuned and polished can reach a higher state of consciousness and help us graduate to the next level of consciousness.
Under normal circumstances, the souls of the departed either make it to Swarga Loka or Naraka Loka which is the next state of consciousness, for the experience of which one has to discard the current human body. Once the human material body has been discarded, the soul takes 13 days to rebuild its next body in the intermittent world (Garuda Purana). In these 13 days, if this soul is blessed, the children of the departed will perform ritual to deliver the food it so desires through the channels of feeding birds as well as feeding brahmins. At this stage, the soul departed can either bless or curse the living - leading to pithrigal shrap (ancestral curse, or curse of the departed) should the departed be left suffering in hunger, being denied the essence of food which is their only source to build this new "body".
Swarga Loka, is defined by a temporary place where the soul enjoys the fruits of its actions on earth and Moksha is the supreme salvation the soul can still aspire towards. Swarga is inhabited by the Devas who are believed to be children of the Rishis, and masters of the elements. Indra heads this division of consciousness and others who reside here are Varuna, Agni, Kubera, Kamadeva, Ganga, Bhumi, Surya, Soma and Yamaraja or Dharma (Lord of faith and death). Other inhabitants of this state of consciousness include Gandharvas, Apsaras and celestial sages.
Naraka Loka, on the other hand is ruled by Yama with a band of emissaries called Yamadutas, who bring the souls of the departed should they have committed grave sins during their earthly existence. The Garuda Purana gives in depth description of the torture they go through in this world of consciousness. Chitragupta, the karmic accountant is the deciding factor on whether the souls will go to Swarga or be consigned to Naraka to undergo pain to atone for their sins.
It doesn't end here. The word Loka originates from the syllable Loc which means "to shine, be bright and visible." This is a dimension of manifested existence, say a cosmic region. Every Loka reflects a particular range of consciousness. The primary Lokas are Bhuloka, Antarloka and Siva Loka.
The Bhuloka, is the world we live in and our current sense of consciousness is perceived mostly through the 5 senses, this is the most dense world.
Bhuvar Loka is the plane of the atmosphere, this is the second of the seven upper worlds. Bhuvar Loka is closely associated with the physical plane of Pithriloka (ancestors) and Pretaloka (world of the departed souls). Bhuvar Loka is often spoken of in Hindu literature as the middle region (referring to the triad of ethereal dwellings name bhur, bhuvas, and svar) and as the abode of the munis.
Mahar Loka is that state of consciousness where the munis or rishis dwell at the time of pralaya according to the Puranas. It is the abode of Bhriga Prajapati and one of the 7 who co-exists with Brahma. This is a state of consciousness that is even higher than the state of Indra Loka or Swarga Loka. Interestingly, in this state of consciousness, they have not renounced family life.
Jana Loka is a state of consciousness where Rishi Munis dwell after their corporeal death. This is a terrestrial locality as described by the Puranas.
Tapo Loka is that state of consciousness which is ruled by the five devatas named Vairajas. This is the world of seven sages and also the realm of great penance.
Soma Loka is the lunar world, the region of the moon. This is closely associated with the Pithri Loka, the realm of the lunar pithris. Possibly also called Chandra Loka.
Patala Loka is the lowest of the seven worlds and is inhabited by nagas or great serpents.
In our current state of consciousness, isn't it so clear that we are limited, inadequate and in this state quite imprisoned within the walls of the human body?
To be continued...
The Bhuloka, is the world we live in and our current sense of consciousness is perceived mostly through the 5 senses, this is the most dense world.
Bhuvar Loka is the plane of the atmosphere, this is the second of the seven upper worlds. Bhuvar Loka is closely associated with the physical plane of Pithriloka (ancestors) and Pretaloka (world of the departed souls). Bhuvar Loka is often spoken of in Hindu literature as the middle region (referring to the triad of ethereal dwellings name bhur, bhuvas, and svar) and as the abode of the munis.
Mahar Loka is that state of consciousness where the munis or rishis dwell at the time of pralaya according to the Puranas. It is the abode of Bhriga Prajapati and one of the 7 who co-exists with Brahma. This is a state of consciousness that is even higher than the state of Indra Loka or Swarga Loka. Interestingly, in this state of consciousness, they have not renounced family life.
Jana Loka is a state of consciousness where Rishi Munis dwell after their corporeal death. This is a terrestrial locality as described by the Puranas.
Tapo Loka is that state of consciousness which is ruled by the five devatas named Vairajas. This is the world of seven sages and also the realm of great penance.
Soma Loka is the lunar world, the region of the moon. This is closely associated with the Pithri Loka, the realm of the lunar pithris. Possibly also called Chandra Loka.
Patala Loka is the lowest of the seven worlds and is inhabited by nagas or great serpents.
In our current state of consciousness, isn't it so clear that we are limited, inadequate and in this state quite imprisoned within the walls of the human body?
To be continued...
Hindu mythlogy/ philosophy revolves around the magical number '3' the three-in-one God, Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh, as reflection or representation of 'om' the basic sound energy (the immortal 'zero' or Bhootnath Shiva) that believably went into the cycle of creation, sustenance and transformation of the apparent physical universe/ earth that includes the atmosphere or 'sky' (where king of birds, 'garud' or eagle flies as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu; as well as 'patal' or the underground besides, of course, 'dharatal' the surface of earth as the datum...
Zero believably being real, infinity is illusory, as both creation and destruction are related with zero...sustenance alone is based on 'maya' that presents innumerable versions of the same event, apparently seen through innumerable eyes...including that of the eagle the king of birds that happens to be the emblem of North America ('west', the direction believed under the control of Saturn, or satan)that itself is sculptured in the form of an eagle - by design - for even the non-believer to realise as the hand of GOD :)
This is wonderful and complicated. The doubt that I have is that the only reality about all these places and states is the one that exists in the minds of those who thought these places and states are real. See I can think that invisible spiritual being that cannot be detected by material senses exist and that they are creating a spirit world where I will be empress. Well, none of this is real except in my neurons. Now that I concocted this fantasy that you read, this spirit beings that will create a world where I will be empress exists in your neurons, even if you and I do not believe that they are real. They have become real in your neurons though we are all sure that these spirits that will make me a world where I can be empress do not exist and neither will be my future spirit world empire. What we can expect after death is what we had before birth, unconsciousness. The universe existed for 13.8 billion before I was conscious and will continue to exist for a while after my neurons stop functioning and thus deprive me of my consciousness
Let us say, as 'an image of the formless energy', 'I' am made to appear real to 'myself' for the unreal time period of 'my' apparent existence on an imaginary datum or 'stage', called earth, and so also to other images that are also projected on this apparent stage, considered a lie...for in the apparent birth and death cycle whatever appears to undergo change with time is a lie, irrespective of the role apparently assigned to each character - decided by the only formless that doesn't undergo any change, it ever remains unmoved, 'stithpragya'...say a dot at the centre of the apparent earth that is indicated as the centre of the apparent universe, Nadbindu Vishnu...
Man is believed to be a model of the universe by 'ancient wise Hindus'. And thus in order to see other models in 'Nature', 'I' find only the 'micro-organism' that needs to be magnified millions of time through electronic microscopes before it becomes visible to human eyes (although perhaps visible to Garud's eye acting for 'Vishnu' literally the 'poisonous atom', or at least to life forms of the same kind, maybe through their sense of touch, or 'telepathy' the missing or dormant sense in humans who too perhaps initially had only females of the species with the capacity to multiply on their own) as the closest one in appearance to a dot, the physical image of the believable formless creator...But unlike humans even today the bacterium multiplies by division and not addition and acts like the empress of the region it manages to cover where conditions for its/ their sustenance indefinitely are available...
While virus apparently remains neutral, virtually in a frozen state, till it, perhaps luckily, finds a host to which it can get attached and feed on it (reminds 'me'of similar behaviour in leeches/ parasites, in human form too :)...
The 'Vedantis' thus realised only one female 'Sati', or 'shakti' that is energy form as the creator of illusion that is 'maya', whereas 'evolution' of infinite universe is reflected through mythlogical story of 'Ardhanarishwar Shiva' the Androgynous God dividing into Shiva-Parvati (models of Earth-Moon) and thus introducing the apparent 'duality', perhaps to help the three-in-one creator to seek its own origin...but unable to reach it and hence the apparent unending cycles of review from 'perfect stage' (Satyuga) to the absolute imperfect stge (Ghor Kaliyuga) as long as our Sun has the capacity to provide the light for vision to the innumerable temporary characters - from one day to another, each believably of over four billion human years...
Now, when 'I' try to utilise 'my' sense of vision as long as our Sun lasts, (like the saying, "Bahti Ganga mein hath dholo," i.e., 'make use of water as long as it is available') to observe human behaviour, 'I' find one day in the life of 'animal-life-forms' on earth, that is headed by man, a day and night is believed by humans to have 24 hours**...
And, perhaps by 'design', it gets naturally divided into '3' equal parts - the 'magical number' related with zero ('0'), the centre of earth that is imagined expanded in all directions in space to reflect the 'true image' of 'om' the basic sound energy through physical form of near spherical earth - of '8' hours each, another magical number related with 'Krishna' the 'Black' and therefore also each related with three different types of 'actions' indicated in the HIndu mythology - 'inaction' or sleep for 8 hours; physical action during the day as per 'factory act' of 8 hours, thus leaving 8 hours for say 'mental action' for evaluation of achievement and for any modified planning for future depending on the target!...and earth also during a day can be seen to get divided into 12 hours of day when half of earth receives light while the opposite half remains in dark ('krishna')...
** A day, including one night, is reckoned with respect to earth's (Shiva's) relative motion with reference to our Sun (Brahma). 24 hours thus indicate the time taken for earth to rotate around its own axis (that is however tilted, and thus perhaps reflecting 'eccentricity in humans!), ie., Shiva's 'soumya' or peaceful dance - as different from His 'Tandav Nritya', the dance of Lord Rudra that leads to mass destruction...
The expansion of Sun's empire or influence range within our expanding galaxy is believably reflected in human life by Suryavanshi Kings through 'aswamedh yagya' (utilising a 'White Horse' the colour of sunlight), greater the number of the sacred ritual, greater the empire or expansion of field of influence of a king...However, Shiva the Destroyer obviously can be imagined to use 'Kala-ghoda' or 'Black Horse'...the opposite of the coin also as the 'truth'...
The above might be satisfy Shri vijay jain(solanki) query in teh space for messages: sir , iam impressed by your knowledge about shiva. Sir,iam a marwadi boy from mumbai(rajasthan) we are having kala-gora bhairava as our kuldevata . I would like to know more about this deity . - 26 May 09, 17:10
'I' would like to add that if the magical number '3' in 2D is considered to symbolically represent the formless in physical form of the dancing Shiva in human form, then '8' that is two zeros, one pot over another, could be visuallized to represent him in 3D...
And the acupuncturists are also noticed to have indicated human form to consist of two 'vessels', the 'governing vessel' and the 'conception vessel'...and the human form is visualised to have 12 'channels' that run on both right as well as left side of the body and connect the 12 vital organs that believably are meant to naturally get energised by cosmic energy, through windows provided in each of those channels.
However, blockage(s) in any or all of those windows gets manifested as some mild or severe illness and in those cases the naturally available energy in the environment everywhere needs to be provided access into the related organs, through either acupuncture needles or use of acupressure over the concerned points/ windows...
From the above, perhaps an inferior soul that each one of 'us' is as 'His Own Image', one could only salute the supreme soul with awe that He went in to such minute details for reaching perfection!
However, as demonstrated to 'me', perhaps as part of 'my education', through 'my wife's' case(of Rhumatoid Arthritis diagnosed at the young age of 30 years), an active woman and mother of three, from the Seventies to the Nineties, no system of treatment available at different locations during that period, proved effective. It was Allopathic treatment that was initially resorted to, but (as 'luck'/ cirumstances would perhaps have it) it led to side effects and complications. Only then Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic, Acupuncture etc were also tried from time to time. But, no treatment apparently worked, and eventually she pulled on for 15 painful years on steroids, this time under close observation of a physician for that were initially also administered by a well qualified doctor. However, the last two years were the most painful ones...
'I' believe,that the above phenomenon perhaps can only be attributed to the believble Bhootnath Shiva or Mahakal's review of 'His Own past', of 'apparent time', that is, the believable Kaliyuga, or, in fact, 'ghor kaliyuga' when human/ animal race is apparently heading rapidly towards the beginning stage, ie when Nadbindu believably would have created the infinite universe, indicated in Hindu mythology as 'krishna' who resides within all forms, and believably reached his 'virat', or enlarged, form of the universe...the infinite void filled with 'ether' that perhaps holds the different souls (like moths in spider's web) that had believably particpated in the drama during a certain period as temporary life-forms...like a museum that houses specimens that belong to different ages...
Although it is difficult to accept any theories or advice available when someone is apparently passing through a trying time, it is only when one ovecomes the problem somehow and soon, or gets some respite from the problem for some duration after the eventuality in whatever form it gets resolved, that one can attempt to seek the 'truth'...and perhaps through the 'Hindu philosophy' of transmigration of souls explain historical events and correlate them with 'mischievous krishna' on account of the apparent mysteries and miracles that do seem to occur in human life. For example, Mahatma Gandhi, the 'father of the nation' apparently chose Jawahar Lal as the first PM of 'independent India'. No problem in accepting that by an average man. After his death Lal Bahadur proved his mettle by Indian Army defeating Pakistan's Army in Sept '65. However, one can perhaps only explain it as 'Krishna's' mischievousness that he died soon thereafter in Tashkent (Russia) and Indira became the PM, although doubted in teh beginning by an average 'Indian' she proved herself as one of the best PMs India has had since independence...(and perhaps mysteriously 'Indu' associates her with the mysterious moon, the mother or origin of the word 'Hindu':)
Doesn't it look too much of a coincidence that like Parvati Indira also had two sons? And Sanjay was her 'right hand' like Kartikeya, or 'Somskandha'? And 'Hindus' believed man as model of universe and only that as 'truth' that doesn't change with time - and history also repeats!
Kartikeya the rider of blue peacock as his vehicle (and 'Neelamber Krishna' also) is believably related with planet Venus, ie., 'Shukra', whose essence is believed to be housed in the human throat. And also semen, responsible for procreation, is called 'shukranu', whereas Sanjaya brought Indira bad name reportedly because of forced sterilisation even of unmarried males during emergency and thus resulting in her fall! However, perhaps it could be considered a miracle (or moon-like cycle from new moon to full moon) that although the public had voted her out in '77, she was back again in power in '80! And although apparently she was grooming Sanjay for PM's chair, it was Rajiv the younger son who ultimately got it after her death...for Sanjay died in 6'80 in an air crash and Indira in 10'84 met her tragic death at the hand of her own security guard...Also, Ganesha's head was believably cut by Saturn and Rajiv also coincidently got his head blown away by an extremist in 5/91...
However, it being Kaliyuga, no one could replace Rajiv's head by the head of an elephant :(
However, maybe his son Rahul, treading on his father's feet would one day replace Rajiv, who knows?
Although it might not be necessary, 'I' might however elaborate (for academic interest, for 'I' don't come to know if anybody has been reading the comments or not) that Parvati was reportedly responsible for handing over charge of earth to her younger son Ganesha and not to Kartikeya although he was relatively more powerful and faster. And in Kaliyuga there appears a change in the plot, Sanjay got eliminated 'naturally'...and PM's chair got offered to Rajiv, confirmed duly by the 'democratic' process also...
Also, the mythology indicates Parvati (or the soul within as a component of the supreme soul) as herself responsible for creation of Ganesha to save self from 'Shiva' the Destroyer, earth or 'mrityulok' where death of all temporary lives is inevitable, by natural design - although he being her own spouse...And as per the popular description of 'Shiva' in human form, a 'present day' sikh's appearnce nearly matches sans of course cremation's ash applied on the body, which however on account of their belonging to a martial race in 'India' could be visualised as being responsible for generation of the said ash in the 'past' if not today...And, Indira, or Parvati in Kaliyuga, was apparently killed by 'an image' of Shiva Himself who (as earth) acts Her (moon's) 'body-guard' for the last over 4 billion years - thanks to Parvati, or Moon the 'Mohini form of Vishnu', (or 'Peetamber Krishna' the Yogiraja ie the king of yogis, who says he resides within all physical forms), of 'Hindu mythology' when the 'churning' was completed at the end of Satyuga and 'amrit' was duly distributed to all 'devtas', ie, the members of the solar system!
Ultimately, a soul, or one, might say that although a 'born Hindu' could have had an advantage over the rest of the terrestrials - in so far as reaching the 'Absolute Truth' is concerned - but, apparent existence of too much of data related with the 'spiritual field' helps only in distraction of a seeker's mind today...
Krishna advises one to act only as a witness and says he can be reached by any one, irrespective of one's caste, creed, belief, sex, etc. Thus one might find that the essence of the infinite universe is indicated right there before one's eyes, as in the saying using just '3' words, "Satyam Shivam Sunderam" (as it is popular in 'north India'), perhaps could be translated as, 'The essence (of the physical universe) is Shiva (the immortal, that is, energy) and it is beautiful...
'God' is thus indicated as formless, or a point source of energy, 'Nadbindu' (or 'Vishnu', literally a 'poisonous atom') to 'Hindus', thus believably related with zero time and space. And that it has an infinite range of influence - say located at the apparent centre of 'mithya jagat', the illusory earth, as manifestation in physical form of 'Shiva', the immortal that is duly supported by selected members of the solar system for creation of illusion, or projection of 'past events', shared also by His Own innumerable temporary images till those last, and thereafter enter into a new form in the eternal cycle, however, generally losing memory of its past life, or lives, and thus called 'Apsmara Purush' the 'forgetful man', symbolically shown lying under the foot of Natraj Shiva, the base of earth or South Pole, needing to lift the total energy to the head, to attain 'moksha'...
Shri Vijay has further queries that 'I' have attempted to reply to below.
29 May 09, 00:40
vijay: Sir, please put some light on tungareswar mahadev and relation with kalbhairav or parshuram
The word ‘Tung’ means high (in height or status), as reflected by ‘Mahadev’ also, that is, the greatest devta or god... Tungareshwar Mahadev (a door-less temple dedicated to Him, located in Thane region of Maharashtra is reported to be 50,000 year-old) could thus perhaps be seen represented physically by Kailash-Mansarovar the believable abode of both Shiva & Parvati (models of Earth-Moon), and as source of life giving water in Indian Rivers, Ganga (that believably descended from Moon), Yamuna, and Brahmaputra…
Parvati/ Ma Durga is indicated as responsible for provision of 'amrit' or immortality to the members of the solar system, refered as 'devtas'...Shiva the Destroyer (dancing earth as ‘mrityulok’) is also referred as Kalbhairav…as evolution is indicated through ‘churning’ of bhavsagar (top-soil of earth that gives beautiful exterior to earth after it was fully evolved over long time or ‘Kal’ virtually floats over molten rocks, or magma, as earth initially also is understood to have been a ‘fire ball’ – and Bhairava is the early morning raga composed by sages) using Mandara Hill (located in African Continent) as the churner and Vasuki Nag as the rope!
Parashuram is indicated one of the forms of Lord Vishnu (6th) as He believably evolved from Fish to Krishna (the first and the 8th avataras or reincarnations)…And the Hindu mythology indicates, the Supreme Being as formless, and thus “Vishnu is Shiva, and Shiva is Vishnu,” Vishnu is indicated lying on the bed formed by the celestial serpent Ananta or Shesha Nag in the middle of ‘kshirsagar’, ie., the milky ocean (and our galaxy that also contains our solar system is called 'Milky Way Galaxy) and Shesha also balances the earth on its hood. Whereas formless Shiva, symbolically only, is worshipped in the form of ‘shivlinga’ made generally of stones, or even any other material found on earth itself…
On review, 'I' find that 'I' forgot to mention that 'tung' also means 'ugra' and 'prachand', that is, high in temper and intensity also, which is reflected by 'fire' one of the 'panchbhootas', and theoiugh Bholenath, Shiva is popularly known for burning demon Bhasmasur as well as devta Kamdeva...and Mars (mangal), Hanuman as its believable model in Tretayuga, is also believed as the 'lord of fire and wars', which is also indicated as one of the properties of the 'sanjeevani booti' that Hanuman brought to revive Lakshaman, that is, they twinkle like stars in the night...
And Parusharam is believed to have wiped out all 'adharmi' or crooked 'kshatriyas' from the face of earth, till he met Rama, the 'suryavanshi kshatriya', gentle prince from Ayodhya, who proved his capability by breaking Shiva's bow, which no other prince could...and also showed he coiuld handle Viushnu's bow too...that's how the mythological stories through cryptic clues indicate 'dhanrdhar Rama' as model of our sun from which sunrays emanate in all directions, like arrows believably flew frow expert archer Rama's bow...
Yes,the human form does seem to be a limited, painful form of existence,wracked as it is by desires ,diseases and old age.On the other hand ,our scriptures say that it is only in this form that we can achieve spiritual progress and even higher beings aspire to be born as humans in order to progress further.Thus human birth is considered to be precious and not to be squandered.
I have doubts regarding the relevance of some post death rituals like feeding brahmins.Maybe they were relevant in the bygone days, when brahmins were governed by strict rules regarding livlihood and as a result were poor.In today's scenario, it makes more sense to feed the poor rather than to feed wellfed people just because they happen to be brahmins.
In moments of spiritual despair,it may seems like consciousness is limited, fettered, imprisoned by this body.But the inadequacy is not ordained, only assumed by ourselves.Even scientifically speaking,it has been found that we use only 10% of our mind power. And even less of the wellspring of the pure consciousness within us. It is not the fault of the design, only the shortcoming of the end user. Scriptures repeatedly reiterate that attaining birth as a humanbeing is a high point in the evolution of the soul. "Maanidarai pirappatharkey nalla ma-thavam seithidal vendumamma" ( Human birth is the fruit of great penance). We have been given a gift. It is upto us to either appreciate it and put it to good use or to rue it as something lowly and waste time looking for unknown/non-existant mediums.
It pays to keep in mind that all rishi munis and realised souls who have left us all those accounts of lokas and beings of others dimensions were also very much within their god given bodies, but using the capacities of chit, manas and buddhi to the maximum. We have it within us.What is needed is only the realisation that with some spring cleaning of accumulated clutter and some re-arranging of the furniture,we CAN achieve illumination. It may take a day or a millenium, but ekagrachitta and Isavara-anugraha always delivers.
The Hindu rituals are based on what Yogis apparently learnt through their personal realisation while attempting to reach zero thought state, or reaching a capabillity to almost reach it for some time through regular practice in some isolated location, in Himalayan caves, say. For they apparently realised existence of some immortal formless being, 'ultimate truth or knowledge', related with zero time and space, as responsible for all life forms on earth that in fact also are in reality formless, but through the inefficient physical senses appear differnt, because those have relatively lower levels of knowledge about the 'absolute truth', each form being 'apparent time' dependent...
The word 'brahmin' originally was used for those who believably had realised personally the 'absolute truth' and thus could act as a medium or Guru (superior) for the spirits that existed at lower levels - just as its model perhaps a magnet can help a piece of iron to also exhibit similar properties of attraction, or repulsion...
In the 'present times', perhaps thanks to it being Kaliyuga, all of 'us' appear to float in the same rudderless boat. And at times even the so-called 'inferior animals', viz dolphins and dogs appear wiser than 'us' humans!
And, 'Krishna' the Yogiraja says he is present within all life forms that in fact are yoga or fusion of souls as components of the same supreme soul and different appearing material forms due to 'maya' or illusion (imagine one wearing a mask as its example in human life).
So, one is advised to remain unmoved, attached only to 'Krishna' who alone is the real 'brahmin' who can lead one to his supreme form/ ultimate knowledge (seek him within the self)...
In 'India' alone, therefore, one can find every form, from a mouse to a mountain, is worshipped in one corner or the other...since time immemorial...
'I' first learnt from an English novel, and not from a 'brahmin', that when a 'Hindu' says, with folded hands, 'namaste' to another he is in fact praying to the God within that person! And today even some 16 year-old also proudly say he/ she doesn't believe in God! Maybe the phenomenon is akin to the proverbial ostrich that believably refuses to see the predator and, therefore, believes Yamraj also would not see it!
My father once told me to follow 'my conscience' and act accordingly...My widowed sister and her children (and their rspective families) following their conscience on the annual shraddha day of the 'departed soul' feed poor children in some orphanage.
Food, anyway, is one of the various sources of providing energy to the physical body and thus indirectly provides satisfaction to the soul within! And, therefore, perhaps 'more, the merrier'...
The opposites during our temporary life, 'right' and 'wrong' etc, are perhaps just like two different sides of a coin, for no one knows the 'truth'. However, in the 'present' also one has apparently come to learn how there exists an ecological balance in 'Nature' whereby if a butterfly flutters its wings at one part of the globe, it could have some impact in some other part!
As part of an 'intelligent design', a soul that appears at a given point in time in some Human form only is believed to reflect some aspect of the infinite and unending universe ('Brahmand' literally 'God's egg' in Sanskrit), as its model, or in words prevalent in the 'west', 'an image of God' Himself...
However, inequality due to hierarchy apparent in 'Nature' is explained to exist on account of 'Time', or 'Mahakal Shiva' the immortal controller of apparent time who Himself in reality is related with time and space zero, but is eternally, in unending cycles, reviewing His Own Past or History from zero to apparent infinity, ie, from His believably originally imperfect stage to the stage when He attained perfection through 'churning of the milky-ocean', but in reverse order perhaps to realise His Own origin...
The total time to attain perfection is indicated to run into billions of years to cover 360 degrees of space in the '3' aspects of creation, sustenance of different physical forms, and their transformation in cyclic order through transmigration of 'souls' (perhaps refers to gravitational force in case of 'heavenly bodies' that is concentrated at their centre)...in case of earth, it is represented as 'Ma Kali', who believably 'resides in Shiva's heart' and has a protruded tongue that is painted red. The symbolic representation obviously relates Her with an erupting volcano, and Shiva the immortal with our earth...whereas Ma Durga (another form of Sati/ Kali) who rides a Tiger, as Her vehicle, obviously refers to the binary system of Moon & Earth the cause of the duality apparent in 'Nature'...
The interesting aspect of the so-called 'churning', in a symbolic language, is that it reportedly was done under the supervision of Jupiter (a ring-planet, like Saturn, or 'Shani' the 'Surya putra', but relatively inferior in appearance although relatively closer to Sun or 'Surya', and sudershan-chakra-dhari Krishna is also indicated as the representative of Lord Vishnu) in four stages (and wise 'Hindus' indicate review of 'History' also in four Yugas, from Satyuga to Tretayuga to Dwaperyuga, finally to Kaliyuga in reverse order)...
In the correct order of evolution, it is only towards the fag-end of Satyuga that appearance of 'Mohini' form of Lord Vishnu the 'sudershan-chakra-dhari' is indicated (perhaps referring to the though small in appearance but mysteriously powerful Moon as the 'image' of the beautiful ring-planet Saturn, the physical form of Lord Vishnu, and moon also referred as 'Peetamber Krishna' too!)...
The concept of 'intelligent design' is nothing new. The ancients all over the globe, even in the 'west' at a certain period of time - like in the 'east' from time immemorial - came to believe that which remained unchanged as the 'truth'. Historians aren't clear about the origin of the Aryans, however, the 'intellligent race' that reached 'India', and propspered in the Ganga-Yamuna valley, came to be known as Indo Aryans and those who settled in Europe (such as Germans) as Euro Aryans...Nazis also used the symbol of 'Swastik', similar to the Christian Cross to a certain extent...'Swastik' is used in 'India' believably to indicate four hands of 'Vishnu' (indicated by the meeting point of the Cross) and, 'I' believe, to indicate four hands of Natraj the dancing Shiva as well...or eight hands of Durga the 'ashtbhujadhari'...and interestingly 'Krishna', the lucky 8th child of Ma Devki, is indicated as the 8th reincarnation of Lord Vishnu! Some numerologists also call eight ('8') as 'child of fate'...
'I' have also posted a few comments in a 'science' blog indicated below, indicating the apparent design related with humans...as indicated by Hindu mythological stories...
Dealing with the apparent use of numericals as symbols, 'ancient Hindus' are credited to have given to the world the numerals from 0 to 9. It's a different matter that these have come to be known in the 'Christian Era' as 'Arabic Numerals'. It is perhaps explained by the 'Hindu belief' of rise and fall of intelligent civilisations time after time after time, eternally (with the Banyan Tree as its model)....
However, origin of 'Maya' that is apparent duality or multiplicity is believed to rest at a dot or 'Zero' on the banks of 'Mother Ganga' at Kashi that is Varanasi, reflected by adoption of IST corresponding to 82'5 degrees east - with revised '0' at Greenwich Village in England, the related Big Circle also passing through Lake Volta in Northern Africa, indicated here by 'me' with the belief in mind that the 'present day' intelligent race, the Homo sapiens, all over the world has 'its roots' in Africa the 'Dark Continent'...And (Yogiraja) 'Krishna' (the cowboy) also means Black or 'Dark', and our universal void that contains innumerable sources of white light is pitch dark...and also it is now believed that a super gravity heavenly body, called 'Black Hole' is housed at the centre of our 'Milky Way Galaxy', which is disc shaped (Krishna's sudershanchakra to 'Hindus' that believably revolves around His index finger, which as per palmists represents in human hands Guru Brihaspati that is Jupiter) that is thick at its cenre and thin at the periphery and our solar system is also located towards the outer periphery of our galaxy - like cream in a centrifuge...
The above might show an 'intelligent design' conveyed through symbolic language.
Graphically, to visualise evolution of '8' from '0', 'I' take a piece of a little thick iron wire and make it appear like a zero ('0'). Now 'I' hold the zero shaped wire in the middle in 'my' hands with an intention to make '0' appear as '8'.
Interstingly 'I' find 'I' use 'my' index finger and thumb of both hands along the side at the middle of the circle. And now when 'I' press it and make my thumb meet the corresponding index finger (as in 'siddhasan'), already these jointly read '8' and 'I' just need to twist the wire through 180 degrees to atain the same shape on the wire too!
And, Krishna the 8th child of Devki is believed to be natkhat or mischievous, but on the other hand Bholenath-like simple too when he says he alone can lead one to Him, ie, his Supreme Form, the Super Conscioiusness personified (Yogeshwar Shiva/ Vishnu) only if one, an inferior soul, shows the intent of holding his finger!
In 'my' previous comment 'I' had mentioned Lake Volta in the Dark Continent, with life giving Mansarovar at the back of 'my mind'. 'I' find that it is the largest reservoir by surface area in the world and is located in Ghana. It covers an area of about 8,502 km² (3,275 square miles). Its northernmost point being at the town of Yapei, and southernmost at the Akosombo Dam, 520 kilometers downstream, built recently in the year 1965.
Interestingly, the dam on Volta River - that drains into the Atlantic Ocean - was constructed beyond the confluence of the two rivers, 'White Volta River' and the 'Black Volta River'. This might bring to mind Ma Kali & Ma Gouri of 'Hindu mythology' that believaby is responsible for the apparent duality or 'dwaitwad' resulting from the believable death of 'Sati', the 'better half' of Ardhanarishwar Shiva who - before His marriage with Parvati and thereafter their abode shifted to Kailash-Mansarovar - had His original abode on the banks of River Ganga (related with Gouri) beyond its confluence with River Yamuna (related with Krishna, or Kali :)...
Rwitoja had said, "...I have doubts regarding the relevance of some post death rituals like feeding brahmins..." In this connection, although 'I' had earlier also narrated it, now that Kavitha has also brought up the subject, 'I' would once again recall the mysterious incident occurred on the 8th December 1981 while 'I' was supposed to fly to Imphal from Guwahati....
The flight was scheduled at around 1:30 PM (?), taking off from Delhi at around 10 AM via Patna. One of 'my' colleagues offered to drop 'me' at the Borjhar Airport a bit earlier as he had to catch a ferry, to cross River Brahmaputra, for his onward journey...'My wife' decided to serve me heavy breakfast a bit later than usual so that 'I' could thereafter have tea with the colleage before proceeding for the airport and skip lunch at Imphal...
'I' was ready and waiting when almost around 10 AM 'my' then 10- yr-old daughter approached 'me' and to my surprise asked 'me' if my flight was cancelled?!! 'I' told her the details. 'I' was at the airport by 12 PM and read on a black-board written with chalk that due to some technical reason the flight was delayed! Finally the plane arrived by 2:30 or so, but the pilot announced that due to non-availability of instrument landing facility at Guwahati, the plane would return to Delhi! Thus my flight was virtually cancelled!
'My wife' was surprised when 'I' returned home by 6 PM after booking seat for the next morning flight at the city office...
When 'I' told her how the little one had already predicted cancellation of the flight...She then said that she had approached her also and had said that as she was not feeding papa, his flight would be cancelled!
As per the Hindu customs the eldest son is believed to perform all rites related with departed souls. Thus, being the second son, 'I' had even forgotten that that very day, 3 years ago, 'our mother' had died in New Delhi while parents were staying with 'my elder brother'!
By then 'I' hadn't had opportunity to think about souls, for 'I' just believed in some supreme being who was taking care of the entire universe...
'I' have pondered since then about the apparently bizarre connection of my youngest daughter with her grandmother's soul! Or, perhaps some sort of ESP inherent in her system. But, why did she tell her mother that as she didn't feed me, my flight would be cancelled?
Of course, that event changed 'my mental attitude'. And 'I' believe 'I' myself have heard voices of unseen twice, which 'I' have already narrated elsewhere earlier...in brief, once it was to remind 'me' to buy eggs in Guwahati, and the next time in a crowded city bus in New Delhi when 'I' heard a lady singing close to 'my left ear' - the sound emanating from a shawl that had a colour which is generally used by ladies, but was worn by a male...who perhaps also belonged to the same hills as ours!
If a seeker is interested in reaching the 'truth' of 'intelligent design', perhaps one could take up for examination the results of, say, some Board examinations in which fresh students, Homo sapiens (reflecting souls engaged in the process of uplift of the self), appear year after year in virtully an eternal cycle at different locations on the globe in the 'present'...and then one could attempt to generalise the findings...
Maybe one would see how the percentage marks obtained in a typical sample in a particular comparable class, or level, irrespective of their location on the globe, medium of education used, and so on, when plotted on a graph would vary from zero (0) or near zero % to 100 or near 100...%. However, average marks obtained by students would vary from one location to another, one school to another, and so on, depending on various factors...and a certain percentage of students everywhere would apparently 'fail' to mover over to the higher class, and woiuld need to repeat...
Maybe such observations helped the 'wise ancients' to read the mind of God, and suggest 'moksha' or 'liberation' from the cycle of life and death as the 'goal' of 'human life'...
Now, also one would also perhaps observe various attempts by the human race to improve the performance of souls at different times and in all locations on the globe, viz. a few of those that prima facie indicate some sort of inherent characteristics, called 'lunacy', and thus rendering those individuals of no apparent use to the human society, or/ rather a headache to the society concerned and, therefore, atempts to correct their behaviour in some asylums; or certain souls that also become handicapped because of some ailments, from minor in nature to severe, and thus attempts to correct those at home or in 'hospitals'; or there might appear some that apparently get engaged in 'anti-social activities' and, therefore, attempts to correct those in 'prisons' etc; and so on, a large variety of souls that reflect a grand hierarchy in all aspects of 'Nature', some believed as 'good', or 'the best' (the 'purushottam' at any time) who are further encouraged to continue to do 'good job' in their field of activity by rewarding them...
Thus a large number of souls are seen engaged in the job of 'correction' only...Also, therefore, one might find various ways that have been attempted in the 'past' also...the essence of which, through the eyes of the wise ancients, is that what primarily needed is the 'control of mind' by each 'normal'
individual with the belief in some supreme being who is responsible for all what a soul gets to see, due to 'maya' or illusion...
The 'realised souls' appear to have reached the conclusion that each and every individual is an image of God Himself!!! But, they too couldn't realise the purpose of God...however, they believed the only purpose of man was to seek formless God as well as His physical forms...
Kavitha, 'I' hope you are all right. Perhaps because of Kaliyuga, although, 'I' have been attempting to read the mind of the wise ancients, 'I' am yet to enter Lord Vishnu's mind! For, He alone is believed capable of enjoying His own stories in 'yognidra', ie, in a 'super conscious state', as it is conveyed through the story of Brahma, who is indicated at a relatively lower spiritual level than Vishnu...
Brahma was believably seated, (in the sky), on his seat, the 'lotus flower', the plant had believably evolved from Vishnu's navel...
He however grew panicky when he saw two demons, one each born out of Vishnu's ears, getting enlarged in size and appearing to grab Brahma any moment. And all the while Vishnu appeared to keep on smiling, least bothered about Brahma's prayers! However, he was relieved when at the nick of time Vishnu grabbed the demons in His arms!
And, how many times umpteen numbers of humans might also have perhaps experienced similar situations, for 'truth' is not dependent on time, and 'Absolute Truth' is zero time and space!
The Vedantis apparently realised existence of a formless unique supreme being. And His 'maya' that is illusion, or earth as 'a market where only lies are sold' etc. were intended to convey the 'Absolute Truth' of creator beng related with zero time and space, and hence 'creation', as well as 'destructruction', to have occurred within zero time.
It is aso conveyed in the statement, "Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is Vishnu," and both are symbolically, through the 'Swastik', indicated as linked with each other.
However, it is only the third member - of the three-in-one physical God, Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh, or 'Shiva' the immortal formless being - Brahma is conveyed as the cause apparent of the illusion or 'maya', as also indicated in the story where Vishnu truthfully conveyed that he had failed to reach the bottom (or origin) of Shiva. But, Brahma lied that he had reached the end of Shiva, symbolically represented by a column of fire, that is, energy that has influence over the entire infinite universal void that is filled with innumerable galaxies...whereas our Sun is indicated as Brahma of Satyuga in its essential form. In human terms, that is models represented through the members of the solar system, the stories indicate Sun's typical models represented in Dwaperyuga and Tretayuga respectively by 'expert archers' Arjuna and Rama - from whose bows arrows flew in straight lines in all dirctions like sunrays...
And, in 'India', in the 'present' only one temple, dedicated to Brahma, exists in west India, in Rajasthan state in the city of Pushkar...
And, interestingly 'pushkar' also means 'sky', that appears blue during the day. And, blue colour is associated with Saturn, the planet that is is considered as the controller of the direction 'west' since time immemorial...And 'Neelamber Krishna', who believably wore peacock feather in his crown, is also popular as 'Satan', ie, mischievous as he played pranks with milk-maids of Mathura and Brindaban. While peacock is associated with Shiva-Parvati's elder son Kartikeya as his vehicle, and is India's National Bird...
And, Krishna in Geeta says that he resides within all animals. And interestingly, although camle is not referred therein, 'Pushkar ka Mela' the world`s largest camel fair is an annual fair held in the holy town of Pushkar, yet the animal is considered the 'ship of the desert' and similarly Krishna offers to help one's soul find 'moksha' or 'liberation' (being imprisoned like a bird in a cage) to cross the 'bhavsagar', that is earth considered as unfathomable sea...Also, the wise sages considered one's wife as her husband's boat for this purpose, like Parvati believably acted as the 'better half' of Shiva (the evolved form of Krishna) by granting immortality not only to Him but to all demi-gods also...
The saying, "East is East and West is West/ Never the twain shall mmet", conveys different and opposite appearing thoughts among the people in the 'east' and the 'west' in communication of the same 'truth', while in the east 'Absolute Truth' even was reached...For example, consider say 'satan', as the term is popularised in the 'west'. It is depicted to have appeared in the Bible in the form of a snake in the 'Eden Garden', and to have been instrumental in Adam 's eating of the forbidden fruit, 'Apple', through Eve, ie, his 'better half', being literally made out of his own rib by God for giving him company when he was feeling bored alone! And, it is also conveyed as the cause of apparent human suffering since then, and 'adam's apple' is believed to have also got reflected by its presence in man's throat as a mark, perhaps by design!
In the 'east', however, human throat is similarly conveyed as the house of the essence of planet Venus, ie, 'Shukra', while indicating 'Shukracharya' as the Guru of the Rakshashas, crudely translated as 'demons'...And a snake is also called 'vishdhar' by 'Hindus', which also applies to 'Neelkantha Shiva' who believably held the deadly poison, 'halahal' or 'kalkoot', in His throat', which therefore turned blue and Shiva thus called 'Neelkanth' or 'blue throated'.
However, it is further indicated to have been made possible by His 'better half' Parvati thanks to 'amrit' provided by Her to all demogods or members of the solar system, in which our planet earth in a cryptic language is indicated as the Shiva of Hindy Mythology as the true image of the formless creator!
With a view to 'entering the mind of God', the super conscious being, starting from Brahma that is our Sun that rules the blue sky during the day, astronomers in the Christian Era have informed Sun ('surya') as the leader, at the centre of our solar system that makes its innumerable members go around it...
Time, as 'we' reckon it, is known to have been generated because of the relative motion of our sun and planet earth in an elliptical orbit around it. However, it also rotates around its own axis too that gets reflected in the appearance of the sun rise from the east and set in the west each day in a cyclic order and thus reappear again the next morning... This one rotation is considered by 'us' humans as one day, which is further subdivided into 24 hours, with an hour having 60 minutes, and a minute having 60 seconds - for keeping track of the passage of time to its smallest unit...
And, similarly, it is observed that during the period in which earth completes one revolution around the sun, it rotates around its axis around 364.25 times, which makes one year. In view of this the Gregorian Calendar, adopted worldwide in the 'present', is seen to have 12 months, from January to December, each having 30 days (April, June, September, and November), or 31 days (January, March, May, July, August, October and December), while February has 28 days for 3 years and 29 days in a Leap Year (of 366 days, as against 365 days of the said other three years)...
It is however interesting to note that since 'my' childhood in 'India', 'we' learnt to follow 'thumb rules' indicated by 'Nature' in the human hand itself: All four fingers in a palm generally have total 12 parts (like 12 months in an year); little finger has three (3) parts, the total of parts in ring and middle finger reads six (6), whereas those in the index and thumb read five (5) and thus the fingers in a human palm help read 365 days in one year; and the closed fist, with the 4 number knuckles at the back, starting from the knuckle behind the index finger (January having 31 days), were used to remember what particular month had lesser numbers of days (28/ 29, or 30) read in the three depressions between each pair of knuckles, ending in July at the knuckle below the little finger, and repeating with August once again to end in December under the knuckle below the ring finger...
Also, if the thumb was also included, the total parts became 14, that is, a fortnight, which could be related with the relative motion of our Moon from one New Moon to the Full Moon!
Continuing further, 'I' recall that 'I' was initiated to the art/ science of Palmistry by 'my brother' acting as a medium when he brought home during one summer vacations a book on the subject by Cheiro. And, thus 'I' too came to learn how the fingers symbolically represented certain selected members of our solar system, and their interaction reflected in the three major lines on the palm: Heart, Head and Life lines...and from those attempt at predicting the likely behaviour of the individual concerned as per some 'grand design'...
Later while at Guwahati in the northeast, it was 'my wife's' chronic illness that as advised by a local engineer, 'I' got exposed to the practice of 'Acupuncture', ie, treating ailment with the help of metal needles applied through specific 'windows' in one or more channels that believably connect teh outer world directly with the internal world, indicated as 12 numbers 'vital organs', on each side of the body...and it would perhaps be considered by an average person as a mere 'coincidence' that - when 'I' had gone to a book-shop to buy a birthday greeting card - while waiting for the shopkeeper to bring cards from an inner room, when 'I' lifted 'my eyes', casually towards a shelf, they came to rest on the spine of a book ('merudand' in humans!) and read the title 'Acupuncture without needles" authored in English by an American physician, Dr. JV Cerney! Obviously 'I' purchased it too along with the card...and thus got familiarised with the subject to a certain extent...
The above helped 'me' to correlate teh little finger alone with the centre of earth, where Kali (of red tongue) resides at the heart of Shiva! And, the 'Heart Channel', in acupuncture/ acupressure - starting from H1 on the chest at the shoulder level and running along the inner arm - is indicated to end on the inner side of the little finger (H 9), where the top line meets it..
And thus, with 3 read on the little finger as indicated in 'my' previous comment, 'I' could realise at a certain stage the sanctity of 'adwaitwad' related with Shiva that is earth-moon or Ardhanarishwar Shiva, and 'dwaitwad' or duality (leading to multiplicity) introduced due to emergence of moon as a separate entity, as indicated by me in reading 6 and 5 on two fingers/ one finger and thumb earlier...
Attempting to answer the question posed off and on: Who am I? In so far as the external world is concerned, 'I' am a 'born slave' of the British, a 'Hindu who apparently attained 'independence' some 8-9 years after 'my' birth in Shimla (77.13 east), the then 'summer capital' of Pre-independence 'India', but brought by my prents down to New Delhi (77.38 east) because of start of the World Ward II when 'I' was an infant...
Thus my childhood memory is related with the 'Capital city', of 'Post Independence India'...'I' have thus been exposed more to a cosmopolitan environment and got educated in an 'English medium' school... 'I' graduated from Delhi University and thereafter studied Civil Engineering in a college in Rajasthan, due 'west' of Delhi and it was there that 'I' first saw peacocks in large numbers in their natural environment and also got to enjoy their dance from close quarters...
In short, 'I' can say that 'I' had come to see the hand of Neelamber Krishna, as 'I' had earlier also narrated how 'I' almost got crushed in a crowd during one Janmashtami Day at Lakshaminarayan Temple (popular as (Birla Temple, and interestingly theword 'birla' means 'rare')...But, came to realise it as such after 'my' serious introduction to the Gita/ story of Mahabharat wherein Krishna, the close friend of the Pandavas in Dwaperyuga and associated with 'Indraparastha' that is New Delhi, is indicated as the King of an empire with His capital located in 'west India', at Gujarat, where Somnath Temple is located...And, in the 'present' 'we' generally tend to blame the 'west' (that is in fact Neelamber Krishna) for all our ills! It is of course, indicated by wise 'Hindus' to be so because of Kaliyuga the age of gross ignorance that existed when 'churning' had just begun!
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