The realm of Vishnu and Brahma on Ananthasayanam:
Life as we see it is a time period we exist in current consciousness and depart without knowledge of the next world. Perfect life is that which gives us a far more conscious mind, which knows exactly what happens during life and during death.
What is that perfect life? The great Chola architects have tried to depict this very concept at the temple of Chidambaram, which hosts Nataraja in Ananda Tandava.
The temple itself is a breathing reality of human life.
Our body is not just about eating, breathing and being active. There are 72000 nadis unheard of which are the integral support system of our body embedded well within our nerves system. Once inactive, life ceases to exist – we are called dead. Waking these nadis up is the stage of reaching Nadi Gantham, a higher level of purification of the body, where the 72000 dormant nadis get active transforming a person’s life into happiness, success and peace at the same time.
Where does all this stem from? Its peculiar that one of the most important Gods in the Trinity is hardly heard of these days. Brahma, the main God behind our lives assigns the bija mantra that we shall live with, the type of life we shall lead and the kind of death we would be subjected to. The awakening of the Nadi Gantham is a long process, which is attained by severe penance or can be attained sooner depending on “Purva punya stanam” meaning your deeds in your last birth that grant you the opportunity in this birth.
What happens during the first few months of birth?
The life support of the umbilical chord is cut off once the child is born. This is carefully covered to keep out any infection. During this time the child knows nothing about the world it lives in. If the soft bone of the skull closes sooner than expected at the region of the Sahasraha chakra, it means the child is not going to live long. For the next 90 days the operating system is head quartered at the Nabhi Kamalam, or the navel area. This is when the child suddenly starts to cry due to acute pain in the stomach, since it begins to swell up. After this the Nabhi Kamalam turns active, the 72000 nadis begin to function, the skull closes slowly, the bija mantra gets formed (Brahma’s talai ezhutu) and the child wakes up to its known world and recognizes Ma. During this time the only external supply is mother’s milk. These are the crucial days that decide whether the child is going to survive, and whether the child is going to do well in its spiritual life or not.
What happens during death?
Death comes in three ways. Kapala moksha is when the life energy or prana leaves the body through the small crack in the Sahasraha chakra in the head. This is what is called salvation. Its happens to select few who do not have rebirth and are lucky enough to get assisted during the moments of death. During this time the only intake is milk and tulsi water.
Most people go through death where the prana leaves the body through the Nabhi Kamalam. The navel region is that part which is the entry as well as the exit point for all who live and die in this life. The Nabhi Kamalam works as the exit door for the soul leaving the body.
The worst form of death happens to those who have cheated others, have been corrupt and have sinned through their lives. This form of death is painful to say the least. In this case, the prana leaves the body through the genitals, through the Yoni for women and through the male organ for men. This can be a saving grace if the person stays unconscious during the moment of death. But should he/she be conscious it’s the experience of suffering of the worst kind. This causes excess urination and gasping for breath at the same time, can be a deadly experience while exiting the world.
Nabhi Kamalam: Where Brahma rises out of Vishnu's navel
Of greater interest to us is the concept of the Nabhi Kamalam and its connection with our lives today. The Nabhi Kamalam is the zone that activates the Nadi Gantham or nerve centers of the body. This has been beautifully depicted in mythology where Brahma the Creator is seen seated on a lotus that rises out of Lord Vishnu's navel, who lies down on Ananthasayanam in the cosmic ocean. Truly a beautiful depiction of a concept so close to us, of something so real, and of which we are least aware of!
In conscious living the pranavom mantra OM is brought out from the “pit of the stomach” or the Nabhi Kamalam as we breathe it out as OOOMMM, the very basic form of life energy, which we experience in a glimpse through our lives. Brahma is not just a Creator, he is our life giver, he decides our future, he decides fate, and he gives life for us to live it.
Hinduism is a "science" of a higher kind, its not fiction!

Hi Kavitha, a good insight into the ‘advanced past’…
As we have attempted to read the minds of the ‘wise ancients’ earlier also - as per their apparent belief - in the ‘apparent present’, animal life is just illusory, an interesting film or ‘reel life’, being repeatedly viewed within no time by the unborn and unending Supreme Formless Being through innumerable eyes, which finds its reflection in humans also similarly entertaining themselves through stories of fictitious characters over eternity...
However, one can perhaps easily visualize the tremendous amount of labour that would have gone behind, say for example, as it apparently happends even in the production of innumerable number of films all over the world today, with a variety of effects depending on the technology applied, which cover only a few aspects of human life and thus leave innumerable aspects uncovered and unexplained because of the "outward orientation", to seek within or an "inward approach" by each individual concerned personally…
Of course, rarest of the rare characters, called Yogis or ‘highly elevated souls’, only believably could, at long intervals of apparent time, unfathom the secret and recorded it in the prevalent language and style, perhaps as per the will of the mischievous Creator - as believed by the ancients!
Talking about ‘moksha’ or salvation, one could perhaps visualize rise of energy in humans with the analogy of an energised pump imagined placed at the otherwise naturally almost obsolete ‘Ajna Chakra’ (the ‘third eye’ representing the material aspect of polluted Earth alone as apparent today, and as explained in the mythological stories, due to the beginning of ‘churning of the milky ocean by the devtas and the rakshashas') level in humans - in the present or Kaliyuga when efficiency is naturally at the lowest level - to lift the otherwise believably large chunk of unutilized potential energy as dormant energy, like water collected at the sump imagined at the ‘Mooladhar Chakra’ level, for delivery of lifted energy to ‘Sahasrara’ as the highest level at one point in the head necessary for achieving ‘moksha’ or salvation or freedom from rebirth-death cycle…
Under normal circumstances, the rise in energy from ‘Swadhisthan’ is believably possible to different highest possible outlet or exit points limited to levels lower than ‘Sahasrara’ in different individuals from certain different starting levels - depending on the energy accumulated in the past with the soul having had to pass through 8.4 milliion animal forms - as reflected in the apparent variety of behaviours in ‘Nature’…
These outlets are believably located at different levels, viz., ‘Swadhisthan’ (where the ‘materially imperfect Formless Himself in the beginning was seated’) at navel level, the location of the ‘Nabhikamal’, the believable location of physical form of the Creator or Brahma at the beginning of the apparent time or Kaliyuga with a view to attaining all round perfection as the goal; ‘Manipuraka’ at solar plexus level; ‘Aanahat’ at heart level; ‘Vishuddhi’ at throat level; and, as in the case of the reported location reached by sage Bhringi discussed earlier in another post, at ‘Ajna chakra’ representing the material peak of earth or Shiva, short of the goal of making energy reach at the ‘Sahasrara chakra’ or essence of Moon (Parvati) for ‘moksha’…
Kavitha,As a doctor I have witnessed many a deaths.I would like to know the original reference form which you have described the three types of deaths
wonderfully depicted.
The reference on which i have made this post is taken from the Garuda Purana, a book that should be read only during the 10 days when someone dies and not any other time.
I shall definitely get you the exact verses, please give me some time on that.
Sorry for the late reply.
Hi Anilji,
The central idea of the Philosophy, according to 'wise ancient Hindus', is that death believably is only an excuse for the continuation of the process of birth-death cycle of temporary human forms adopted by different souls such that each soul at a certain stage gets liberated from the cycle to merge with the formless Creator - like rivers losing their existence on meeting the ocean...
Due to my wife getting diagnosed as being afflicted with Rhumatoid Arthritis when she was a little over thirty years of age, and later because of occurrence of one complication after another, due believably to introduction of steroids in the early stage itself, I was brought in contact with practitioners in different systems of medicine/ Astrology/ Tantriks, and so on – thanks to different well wishers who narrated how some relative/ friend of theirs had been cured by different systems of medicines, and so on – to realize personally also that no system can give a patient 100% guaranteed cure. And, of course, one knows that although eventually all animals are destined to pass away one day however some patients apparently, physically, suffer more than some others. And, due to lack of overall knowledge, and therefore disbelief in the advice of the ancients, one doesn’t come to know whether it is good to die lying peacefully on the bed or, say, painfully in a battle field/ hospital etc…leading to debate on euthanasia today when a patient is kept alive on medicines and there is no apparent hope of her recovery…
Yogiraj Krishna in Gita also says that all wrong actions are results of “lack of knowledge”. And, Yogis believed that even food is poison. Certain Yogis therefore appear to have learnt to sustain on air only and in the process got virtually imprisoned within termite hills till their bodies eventually merged with earth and the souls released believably at different levels associated with the concerned Chakra one had reached during a particular birth... It is believed that mortal remains of persons with ‘elevated souls’ remain undecomposed for long (reference Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda whose body reportedly lay inside a coffin for many days with glass on top for the last glimpse by numerous visitors)…
Hi Anilji,
The central idea of the Philosophy, according to 'wise ancient Hindus', is that death believably is only an excuse for the continuation of the process of birth-death cycle of temporary human forms adopted by different souls such that each soul at a certain stage gets liberated from the cycle to merge with the formless Creator - like rivers losing their existence on meeting the ocean...
PS. I had posted it earlier also but it had remained "unaccepted"...
Hi Anilji,
One generally hears from ‘sadhus’ reason for suffering in human life as per the analogy about cleansing of dirty garments (with the background belief of ‘body as the garment of the soul’ that accumulates dirt during its travel through Yugas - as indicated in Gita too), the dirtier the garment the more the time to get rid of the dirt. They then recall the whole process of application of soap, beating with a mallet, turning and twisting of the garment, rinsing, and finally - after a strong shake - allowing it to stand in the sun hanging from a clothes line detached from the earth proper!
In view of the above-stated, mental detachment with earth while maintaining physical attachment with it has been advised as a rule by the learned sages – a phenomenon similar to witnessing performance of a drama/ film by various actors that one is aware is based on a fictitious script, which one naturally forgets in due course and thereafter watches another drama/ film till one reaches a state of super saturation and is forced to take ‘sanyas’, i.e., develops ‘vairag’ or detachment because, generally speaking, one ‘who isn’t a slave of time’ can’t stand the progressively poorer quality of the drama being performed around one with the passage of time and therefore prefers enjoying within one’s own mind the thoughts related with the ‘golden past’ that one finds were to one’s liking (and hence 'the generation gap')!!
Maybe different ‘seekers’, from time to time, saw in the repetitive process the script of human life written and also acted and projected by the Formless Creator, the Supreme Soul that is believably unborn and unending!
Hi Anilji, I thought I could reproduce some useful extracts from my newspaper (23/11 TOI):
1. When a persn dies, hearing is the last sense to go - the first is usually sight, followed by taste, smell, and touch.
2. A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it has been decapitated.
3. 100 people choke to death on pens each year. One is more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a spider.
6. Over 2500 left-handed people are killed each year from using products made for right-handed people.
7. It takes longer than ever before for a body to decompose due to preservatives in the food that we eat today.
9. Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry is the first person to have his ashes put aboard a rocket and 'buried' in space.
10. Japanese factory worker Kenji Urada became the first known fatality 'caused by robot' in July, 1981, in a car plant.
"The number of physicians in the US is 700,000. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000, (and so on)...So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners."
i have read about the nadi gantham and nabhi kamalaam.according to it can anyone tell me how a misscarriag during 8th week of pregnancy can happen.
Luchy enough to know about our life during birth and after death.
Thanks a lot.
We are very lucky to born in hinduism to know more spiritual ways our motherland is divine values other countries people come to our vedic places to see our ancestors civilization hara hara mahadev from varada raviKiran rajahmahendri👑 ♎
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