
Pradosham - The twilight hour

It was during the hour of twilight that the Devas and the Asuras began to churn the ocean of life to bring out the promised Amrit(elixir of living) which they had promised to share equally among themselves. With Mount Mandara pivoted on Vishnu's back in the Kurma Avatar (Turtle) the churn rhythmically continued till the deadly Halahala began to emerge out on the waves of the ocean. So strong was its potency, so strong its poison that all the life forms began to die not withstanding it element, almost bringing the world to its doom.

The Devas worshipped Lord Shiva to save them from this ordeal. Lord Shiva came down from Kailasa and swallowed the poison to save the world and hence is called Shiva Neelakantha(or the blue throated Shiva). This particular auspicious hour when the Lord saved all humanity is attributed to Pradosham, a special moment in the day, twice a month when Shiva is specifically worshipped by all devotees and all their wishes are believed to be granted.

This very same concept is brought alive architecturally at the Kailashnatha temple at Kanchipuram, in an unusual way. The path of circum-ambulation around the main sanctum is peculiar in this temple as it promises every aspirant an exit from the cycle of birth and death into eternal bliss. It presents them with the elixir of "life", where life is not meant to be taken in its literal sense. The dark passage hosts no light through the path of circum-ambulation, is entered by a flight of 7 steps, each signifying a birth lived. The entrance itself is small and needs to be crawled through. This leaves a void in the mind of the aspirant. It’s the churning of the ocean in the mind of the aspirant as he makes his way around the Great Shiva Linga housed within this temple.

In the literary aspect of the same mythology, the Mrityunjaya mantra is most profound as it praises the Lord in the form of Rudra and Shiva Neelakantha as the Lord who overpowers death (as we know it) and gains complete victory over it, ultimately feeling bliss. The mantra can be interpreted in the following way:

It is through the sincere worship of the forms of Rudra and Shiva Neelakantha, that there is a possibility to attain salvation from the cycle of birth and death, the churning of one’s ocean in this world of the living. The second part of the mantra explains that it is the elixir of living that we need to understand, and realize within ourselves that will elevate us to perfection, perfection that is in the same standing as the Devas possibly.

Mrityunjaya rudraya neelakanthaya sambhave |
Amriteshaya sarvaya mahadevayadhe namaha ||

In the devotional sense, it’s about invoking the presence of Lord Shiva into every living moment, every living breathe that fills the senses with His presence. To have Him in the mind constantly, a vision so strong with the mantra ringing in the mind, can reduce the mind's trauma towards the day's problems though the world around doesn't ever change. Isn't that state the first steps towards self realization, bliss and stress free existence, that even with the given world around us, the mind continues to remain calm and blissful within itself!

Peace! Silence! Lord Shiva Mrityunjaya! Neelakantha! A churn complete!


  1. Anonymous8:09 pm

    To act as the background for comprehension/ contemplation of the apparent ‘truth’ during the'twilight hours' of human life, it’s the story of the Formless Creator – His attaining perfection in the form of immortal Shiva/ our planet earth duly supported by His consort, the eight-handed Durga (including the other 7 supporting members of the solar system – the ‘seven steps’ that lead to moksha’) Parvati/ Moon as the provider of ‘Amrit’ that is the moonrays - His True Copy, duly attested eternally by different Yogis/ ‘seekers’ from time to time…

  2. Anonymous8:44 am

    The ‘churning’ - as per Hindu Philosophy - apparently begins with Vishnu/ Nadbindu that is the original point source of infinite energy...

    Brahma (Sun) rules thereafter through four stages, till Shiva appears in the ‘perfectly balanced’ physical form between gravitational force concentrated at its centre and the outer shells of ‘material earth’...of course, also duly supported by other members of the solar system…

    Analogously - through the eyes of an uninitiated - it is a journey between two stations. And, when I travel to Mumbai (the ‘commercial capital’ of India) from New Delhi (its ‘political capital’), or vice versa by train, which is generally considered as an analogous system - I am concerned with either of these two stations only as my respective destinations during the to and fro journeys. And, generally the intermediate stations only help me to work out the likely balance of time left to reach my destination, with which a commuter is generally more concerned (and perhaps therefore transitory Brahma’s worship was generally discontinued by ‘Hindus’ at some stage)…

    Now, let us say that I am aware that I am traveling from ‘Station Shiva’ to ‘Station Vishnu’, which as per external signs is quite close and perhaps, therefore, I should be expecting to see or realize soon ‘Vishnu’ the real Person/ Supreme Energy or Supreme Knowledge that believably resides within all – of course through ‘churning of thoughts’ within me, that is, I must activate ‘Kundalini’ or 'recall memory of the remote past'!

  3. Kavitha,I did not know the meaning of "pradosha" till I read the latest blog.There is always a churning going in in our minds between the good & the bad & salvation may be the point when we get rid of all the evil thougts & there is only "Amrit "all over.Curiously saint Tukaram preferred Human life to salvation as only in the human form that one can praise the lord!

  4. Anonymous6:58 pm

    Glad to hear from Anilji after a long gap!

    Kavitha, During the ‘return journey’, Bhootnath, that, is the one and only ‘real Person’ who alone existed as Formless, and could ultimately make the solar system - as the essence of the universe - attain immortality like Him, believably is reviewing His stories through innumerable human eyes as His Own differnt images…

    As you too have indicated to a certain extent, the roles in the apparent drama the innumerable other ‘junior ghosts’ played according to their different individual capacities are also being seen. And today, the luckier ones appear to have descended the ‘seven steps’ by the end of the 6th cebtury B.C. They thereafter apparently have been retracing their various paths, as other juniors keep on joining them, through the dark narrow passage the devtas and asuras had taken at the beginning of the circum-ambulation or ‘churning’ with the sole objective of reaching immortality/ receiving ‘amrit’ for all those who were fit and could last through the four stages after withstanding - with Chandrashekhara/ Gangadhar Shiva, the Neelkantha’s, blessings in the original rising stage - the poison; ‘glitter of gold’; and seduction by Apsaras or beauties, in that order, together with transparency of thoughts - like Bholenath!

  5. Anonymous7:35 pm

    Dr Anilji, ‘Sunset’ symbolically indicates the loss of physical form by any one animal form and release of the concerned ‘soul’, a small component of the Supremesoul. ‘Wise Hindus’ believed ‘Pradosham’ ('dosham' = fault/ faulty functioning) or ‘twilight’ to similarly reflect the time allotted to the soul to look back and assess whether it had successfully carried out the believable task that was originally assigned to it. If the answer is ‘yes’, it receives ‘salvation’. But, if it is ‘no’, it is believably recycled to correct itself – as it also gets reflected in the ‘education system’…it is thus the procedure adopted by the supremesoul to achieve the ‘target’ He set for Himself - for His Own purpose!

  6. Anonymous9:29 pm

    Attempting to 'enter the mind of God', “Hari ananta/ Hari katha ananta…, etc,” communicates existence of innumerable interpretations, as various ‘Truths’ of the same ‘Absolute Truth’, that is, the existence of one and only Supreme being, who, perhaps, eternally seeks His Own origin! For, even the ‘wisest’ of the ‘wise Hindus’ believably failed to find His beginning or end!

  7. Anonymous9:42 pm

    If 'Bhootnath' the Lord of the Past is believably reviewing His Past images, (like when a mature individual apparently has a look at one’s photograph - in one’s exclusive album - when he/ she was just born), wouldn’t it be foolhardiness if one expects Him to have then physically performed what He as a perfect being is capable of doing now? That’s why the advise to surrender in 'Bal Gopal' or 'child Krishna’ even!!

  8. Anonymous6:59 am

    The ancient ‘Hindu mythological stories’ indicate that the ‘wise Hindus’ considered Moon as the eight handed ‘Durga’, which included seven other members of the solar system also, including our Sun, or Brahma as one of the aspects of Mahashiva (solar system) that has planet Venus as His throat, which holds the poison, called Halahal or kalkoot/ Mahesh, the composite planet Earth acting individually also as the essence of the selected members of the solar system/ universe…

    Thus Earth-Moon together reflect Earth as an inert body that is dependent on Moon (and Her assistants too) for its sustenance and also to support innumerable animal forms on it as specimens that formed different parts, like links in a chain as recording devices to reflect passage of time during the evolutionary process from energy to human form (as specimens in man-made museums also do through specimens displayed therein that reflect different periods of time…

    And, in the ‘present’, in reality, however, these forms apparently are just the recorded images or ghosts projected from time to time in Bhootnath’s mind’s eye (reflected to a certain estent in human form too) or ‘Third Eye’ in His believable ‘Rudra’ or ‘Angry’ form that apparently resulted in disappearances of forms from time to time, including Kamadeva, Bhasmasur etc! And, therefore, the Mrityunjaya mantra or Mahamrityunjaya mantra (indicated below) suggested - for appeasing Shiva ‘the Destroyer’ in order to attain ‘Moksha’ that is ‘liberation’!

    Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
    Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
    Urvarukmiva Bandhanan
    Mrityor Mukshiea Maamritat

  9. Anonymous7:41 am

    In so far as the ‘scientific’ explanation is concerned, the interesting part of the stories is that moon was considered just a plaything for child Krishna! The statement can only be appreciated once one realizes ‘Krishna’ to mean a typical model of the centre of our galaxy where a Black Hole is believably housed, and also the back ground knowledge that a Black Hole is a super gravity hole (model of Vishnu the universal void) in the space that is formed as ‘a result of death of a massive star’ – a combination or Yoga of a ‘big bang’ that is followed by implosion of the resultant debris!

    Child Krishna even couldn't believably be taken lightly - He sucked out demon Pootna's life when she wanted to breast-feed him poisonous milk when he was merely an infant! And Krishna believably evolved eventually as one of the aspect, representing Vishnu, of Mahesh/ our planet earth!

  10. Anonymous8:56 am

    Kavitha, here is another reaction to an article that appeared in 'my' newspaper.

    ‘I’, the ‘real Hindu’ as
    ‘Formless Shiva’ born at Kashi, i.e., the one who resides within me, was much impressed with the writer’s knowledge about ‘Hindus’. And his use of the term coined by satan or demons that is ‘rakshashas’ that believably rule the ‘west’, i.e., ‘Hinduism’, in place of ‘Sanatan Dharma’, that is, a practice believably required to be continued in its original form since its inception since time immemorial…and even the ‘rakshashas’ today indicate Earth-Moon to be in existence at least for over 4 billion years while according to the writer Maruti(nandan) that is Hanuman is “1500 BC, the Hindu wind god”!

    He is doing a wonderful job on behalf of the ‘west’ or mischievous Krishna the Nandlal who was reportedly assigned the task of achieving perfection in physical form of Earth-Moon by Lord Vishnu in the ‘spiritual’ form/ Bhootnath Shiva the Lord of the Past represented by His lingam - that help distract the attention of ordinary men from the 'Truth', and instead lead to the erotica, like the ancient Hindus did through Khajuraho Temple etc!


  11. Anonymous6:35 am

    The Yogis, with ‘Krishna’ as the Yogiraja or their king, who apparently could reach a thoughtless stage appear to have realized the apparent human body to be formed like an eight-storey structure having infinite energy/ supreme knowledge stored and locked up within the body in the essences of eight selected ‘grahas’ (‘graha’ literally meaning a crocodile that has the strongest jaws among animals, and therefore used as a symbol!)...

    However, it was realized to be distributed according to some hierarchy at eight different levels from the tail-bone end to the head, called ‘Mooladhar Bandha’ and ‘Sahasrara Bandha’ respectively with six other intermediate Bandhas, locked up tightly therein…Hence total knowledge wasn’t easily available to all and sundry. It needed to be dug out, somewhat like potatoes from under the ground!

    The term ‘bandhas’ or ‘locks’ is used symbolically to indicate the need for any ‘seeker’ to unlock these to make total information to reach the top-floor, that is, the human brain, where only limited knowledge is believably recorded, and under normal circumstances it alone believably gets released slowly during one’s whole life-time…

  12. Anonymous8:01 am

    However, ‘time’ believably has the key, for, ‘Yogiraja Krishna’ in human form believably arrived during the Dwaperyuga (as the ‘purushottam’ or the best man during that Yuga, with 50% achievable potential only possible to be acquired), on the Krishna Janmashtami Day in the monsoon season, that is, the eighth day of the waning moon as the only lucky eighth child of their parents. As per the popular legend he was born in a prison (just as a ‘Black Hole’ is born because of confinement of star's debris in space!) in Mathura on the banks of River Yamuna when it was in spate...And Yamuna believably is teh sister of Yamraja, literally the 'king of death'!

    His parents, Devki-Vasudeva, had remained locked up since the day of their marriage, by Devki’s brother Kansa the King of Mathura because of a prediction on that very day that Devki’s eighth son would kill him (and the legend indicates how Astrologers those days were so advanced!)...

    Krishna’s seven siblings, immediately after they were born, one after another were killed (please note with refernce to the eight ‘bandhas’, seven of which need to be emptied and stored energy/ information lifted to the top ‘bandha’ for reaching ‘supreme knowledge’ – the believable goal of every human being!)...

    But, Krishna miraculously escaped and reached the other bank of River Yamuna, Gokul (literally the clan of cowboys), to be brought up by Yashoda-Nanda, his foster parents and be called ‘Natkhat Nandlal’, the cowboy who won the hearts of all with his pranks and flute while dispeling darkness of ignorance, like separating cream from milk - through ‘churning’!!

  13. Anonymous11:09 am

    Among animals, ‘Hansa’ or Swan believably has the natural faculty to separate milk from water, considered by ancient ‘wise Hindus’ as a symbolic message to humans to ‘read between the lines’ and draw the essence - “Satyam Shivam Sunderam”…

    The Formless appears to have taken lot of trouble to communicate silently in order to teach His supposedly ‘best creation’ - humans! And, the majority today says it doesn’t believe in His existence! A 'Hindu' would cite it as an example of ‘ghor Kaliyuga’, while some might see it as the hand of ‘mischievous Krishna’!

  14. Anonymous8:16 pm

    In the Gita, the ‘wise’ ancients have communicated through the character of ‘Krishna’ that any person, irrespective of one’s sex, profession, caste, creed etc. can reach Him, that is, the ‘Absolute truth’, through different innumerable paths/ fields of activity available to all humans...

    But, in the ultimate analysis, one needs to surrrender in Him, generally during the ‘twilight hours’ in human life, called the stage of ‘sanyas’, when He would lead one to Himself, that is, His True Self!

    And, the Yogis who apparently withdrew to the isolation, say of the ‘Himalayas’ (that exists within the mind too!), realized that the Formless Creator happens to reside within all physical forms, and that apparent hierarchy between different forms is because of ‘Maya’ or illusion, a ‘curtain’ in front of one’s ‘mind’s eye’, which one finds difficult to lift as part of a time-related ‘grand design’!!

    Millions before Newton had perhaps seen objects, viz. apples fall from the trees on to the ground, but only he could relate it with gravitational force, velocity, time etc...

  15. Anonymous7:52 am

    ‘Newton’s third law of motion’, that is “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, is often referred to explain events that apparently occur in ordinary day to day life even (Narendra Modi, CM Gujarat in the year 2002 when riots happened in Godhra/ Ahmedabad). For example, if Mr. X slaps Mr. Y, there is a possibility that Mr. Y would in return slap Mr. X too immediately thereafter…However, in human life there could be a slight twist, or twists, depending on many apparent factors. For example, if Mr Y is physically weak, he might not do it immediately. He might not even do it personally. Mr. X wouldn’t know why, say, some unknown Mr Z. slapped, maybe harder, or shot him maybe many years later (Principal-plus-interest-like!) after the particular incident! He would need to do an arithmetical sum, i.e., ‘make two plus two equal to four’! He might even fail to do it! The ancient ‘Hindus’, considering life after life, appear to have advanced in the art of prediction, in many ways, and pin-pointed the cause to some event in the remote ‘past’, even in some animal form!

    Of course, in the ultimate analysis life was realized as illusory, dream of the Creator, a cinema like projection in His ‘mind’s eye’ - of His innumerable experiences in various forms in His Past at different temporal and spatial locations on the globe – perhaps to reach His likely possible original physical form!

  16. Anonymous8:53 pm

    God’s ways believably appear mysterious to us today, solely because of lack of overall knowledge (failing to reach the brain), and therefore lack of ‘Faith’ in the ‘Hindu realization’ of existence only of the Formless as ‘supreme knowledge’/ ‘supreme energy’…

    the word 'churning' immediately brings to 'my' mind Krishna the cowboy of Mathura/ Brindavan!

    The wise ancient characters, through the character - named Krishna in Dwaperyuga – as the believable initial representative of Nadbindu, or Ma Kali who resides in the heart of Shiva/ centre of our earth, absolutely clearly depict Him telling Arjuna - in the middle of the battlefield of Kurukshetra – that Arjuna (model of Sun/ Brahma) knew only about his present life, whereas, as ‘Yogiraja Krishna’, He knew all about Arjuna’s life right from the day 1 (when ‘churning’ had originally begun at the start of Kaliyuga, literally the age of darkness/ ignorance, with the objective of Earth-Moon or Shiva-Parvati to eventually represent the Formless as its ‘true physical image’ at the end of Satyuga…

    Dwaperyuga is believed as the mid-point, that is, the age by the end of which earth then had come to be represented by Yudhister in human form attaining 50% perfection with the support of the other members of the solar system/ other four members of the five Pandavas (representatives of the ‘panchabhootas’) – Bhima the mace-holder representing planet Mars, as the base or mooladhar’, like 'Vighnaharta Ganesha' of Satyuga/ 'Sankatmochan Hanuman' the 'wind god' of Tretayuga…

  17. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Northeast India is believed to be the original ‘Mooladhar’ of Earth/ Shiva…as the mythological stories depict the location of the present day Kamakhya Temple (Ma Kamakhya believably being the fulfiller of unending desires, eternally) to believably coincide with the place where the genitals of Ma Sati, the original consort of the ‘perfect physical form’ of the Formless Vishnu/ Shiva (as the better half of ‘Ardhanarishwar Shiva’) fell when Lord Vishnu had believably separated Her dead body from the shoulder of angry Shiva by cutting it into number of pieces with His ‘beautiful wheel’ or 'sudershan-chakra’. (Also Vishnu believably reclines in West-East direction, and Krishna too is depicted in ‘Mahabharata’, similarly, to lie in that direction as indirectly communicated in the incident related with Arjuna, the model of Sun, approaching Him - for His support in the battle – waiting at the end where His feet were located!)...

    At the death of Sati in her father’s ‘sacred fire’, Shiva had in anger apparently started performing ‘Tandava nritya’ or the believable ‘dance of dissolution of the creation’ that apparently applies only to the 'inferior life' forms on immortal earth that is supported by other immortal Heavenly Bodies, although as the other relatively inferior members of the solar system - to reflect hierarchy in all aspects of the beautiful ‘Nature’ as part of a grand design…

    However, the drama apparently is unending and it is believably up to 'Krishna', who resides within all forms, to lead His ‘devotees’ to Vishnu at the end of Kaliyuga, for in the Gita, He says he is the origin as well as the end
    ...He assures that He never fails any of His ‘true deotees’ who ‘surrender in Him’ and personally leads tehm to Him!

  18. Anonymous8:07 am

    ‘I’ agree with the ‘wise’ ancients that 'Krishna' the Yogiraja is ‘natkhat’, that is, ‘mischievous’...

    The ‘present day scientists’ apparently for long have resisted the thought of existence of an unique ‘super intelligent’ or ‘Divine Person’ and ‘Nature’ as being His ‘Creation’, starting from an ‘imperfect’ stage, that is from nothing (material) to ‘perfect’ immortal physical Earth…apparently a detached ‘Hindu’s’ thought, from Moon, its apparent closest neighbour - for it is the attachment with earth that believably is the cause of the trillions of thoughts in the minds of the innumerable transient forms or 'bhoot' that is 'ghosts' that apparently inhabit it – believably as per a grand design for Formless Creator’s purpose believably not made known even to the ‘wisest character’, perhaps because it is obvious!

  19. Anonymous6:51 pm

    It was in the year 1984 that I apparently 'surrenderd in Krishna’ after I read the Gita on my return to New Delhi from the mysterious Northeast…

    As an example of Krishna's mysterious ways, many years ago I had received a phone call from a relative in Mumbai that her son had joined a Merchant Navy Company and was to report at New York. For this purpose he had boarded a plane to New Delhi and as there wasn’t much time available for him to catch the connecting flight from IG Airport it would be nice if I could receive him and escort him straight to the terminal, for he was nervous as it was the first time he was traveling by air…I took my daughter in my two-wheeler and we waited for his Mumbai flight to arrive…

    We were whiling away our time observing all passengers who arrived through different flights and came out of the exit with their bags etc. At that moment a thought arose to my mind and I told my daughter it was very strange that we didn’t find even a single familiar face among the large numbers that had by then passed in front of us!

    But, immediately therafter, to our amazement, we found Narain come out and exclaim jocularly, “How did you know I was to arrive from Pune today by this flight!”

    Narain, a South Indian, also hailed from New Delhi, but we had apparently ‘by chance’ met at Gauhati in Northeast India when he happened to come to reside with his wife in the Ground Floor of the building where we were residing for a few years by that time…And, we lived like members of a joint family in the land (in ‘India’!) where we were treated as ‘foreigners’! And, perhaps therefore, we bonded well together better! I can’t forget the help the couple rendered to us later when my wife was ultimately advised by the doctors to be flown back in a critical state to New Delhi for further treatment because of the chronic ailment and side effects of medicines – to survive, and live unexpectedly for 15 more years!

  20. Anonymous10:11 pm

    It was Narain who drove me to the airport alongwith my wife and one daughter who was to accompany us to Delhi, helping me before that to complete certain formalities related with school, necessary certificate from the hospital, and arranging air ticket on emergent grounds etc... I stood lost in thoughts in queue for clearance before boarding the scheduled flight while Narain went ahead with a view to driving my wife straight to the aeroplane…

    Suddenly, I heard a policeman on VIP duty address me by name and enquire from me where I was headed! After a closer look, I realized it was one of the brothers of an Army doctor’s widow whose house was rented to us a few years ago in another colony! When told that I was going to Delhi for wife’s treatment, as she was serious, he enquired if it was my wife in the car at the gate who was stopped and not being allowed due to security reasons? Hearing the reply in affirmative, he took over the charge and made it convenient for me to comfortably board the plane! And, it was he who recognised me in the queue, and not my appreoching him with prior knowledge of his duty at teh airport that particular day!

    I can’t explain the above, except as the mysterious and mischievous style of krishna’s functioning - perhaps to convince me of His presence!

  21. Anonymous7:39 am

    Through churning of thoughts, one learns that ‘Churning of milk’ for cream isn’t an isolated phenomenon. ‘Scientific’ discovery of galaxy of innumerable stars, apparently in ‘recent times’ (through ‘west’), and its functioning could perhaps help realize the sanctity of ‘wise hindu’s’ concept, carried forth through eons, of man as model of the universe within which ‘thoughts’ are believably churned to reach the essence of the Absolute Truth (Moon) in the head, that is, the ‘cream’ – leading to ‘Satyam Shivam Sunderam”, where Satya is derived from the word ‘Satva’ that is essence!

    Similarly, churning of thoughts could further lead one to reach many other such models, which could be attributed to model of the ‘Black Hole’ believably housed at the centre of our ‘Milky Way galaxy’ of innumerable stars as the source of milky-white light. One such example is the appearance of cyclones, that is, ‘natural churning’ of air and dust/ air,dust, and water, reflecting Krishna/ Bhootnath - sometimes in ‘playful’ mood (representing Krishna) and at another in ‘destructive’ mood (reflecting Shiva)!

    Maybe, now one would be in a better position to see how Ramleela apparently could be happening even in the 'present' and is not isolated to Tretayuga when demon king Ravana had refused to believe Rama as a reincarnation of Lord vishnu while all others believed it so!

  22. Anonymous9:13 am

    To appreciate the 'leela' that is the believable drama in human life, with human being believably acting as a model of the apparently infinite universe, one must perhaps, blindly maybe, accept the 'wisdom' of the ancient Hindus' belief/ faith in the Nirakar or Formless God, Bhootnath Shiva, who believably is related with zero time and space...called the 'Absolute Truth', and physical forms as His 'illusory reflections' or 'images'- as the various apparent 'Truths'...

  23. Hi Joshi uncle,

    I just got back from Tirupati. It was a good darshan and reasonably fast. Just took an hour!

    Rgds Kavitha

  24. Anonymous11:04 am

    Hi Kavitha, Glad to know you have had darshan of Triupati Balaji...May His blessings be showered on you, and others too!

  25. Anonymous12:26 pm

    Kavitha, I give below an extract from what 'I' wrote as background to 'Delhi's role' in the drama.

    "...once upon a time, Delhi was known as Indraprastha, that is, a fertile land that had the blessings of Indra, the king of 'devtas', that is, in short the Sun (or Brahma, who rules during the day) who is responsible for the 'water cycle'...while the one who rules the night, when it is dark (Krishna) MOON ('the eight-handed', Ma Durga, who is a more evolved form of Ma Kali) is the more powerful and mysterious of the two Heavenly Bodies - that believably (as per 'wise' ancient 'Hindus') is responsible to make water available on earth at the first place! And, this believably happened billions of years ago!"

  26. Anonymous12:54 pm

    I forgot to indicate that it was a reaction to an article 'Delhi fiddles while the northeast burns', received as a forward. I had sent it for information of a relative...to point out the well known 'historical fact' that Delhi has seen rise and fall of many Empires before the British - 'foreign' or 'local'...

  27. Anonymous7:58 pm

    ‘I’ gathered from some Meiteis in Manipur, one of the ‘Seven Sister States’ in northeast India (the directin that is believably controlled by planet Mars, representing Ganesha who believably had the blessings of both mothers, Kali & Gouri) that in olden days ‘black art’, or use of ‘spirits’ directly instead of ‘material’ means, flourished in Manipur, and that their King had many 'tantrics' as his advisers when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu arrived there, with the concept of ‘nam kirtan’ (Hare Krishna Hare rama) from Bengal to spread Vaishnavism in that region. He reportedly defeated the king’s advisers with his spiritual powers, resulting in the king therefore accepting Vaishnavite practices and, in fact, ordering all literature on the existing tantric practices to be burnt. And, as it normally happens, some records in certain regions, located beyond the boundaries of the capital Imphal, were hidden by some the then practioners…

  28. Anonymous8:18 pm

    I would like to add that Mars is believed to be the ‘Lord of War & Fire’! And, the essence of Mars is believed by Yogis to be housed, locked up in the ’moladhar bandha’ in human form at the tail-bone end, normally in a dormant state and thus needing to be activated for energy/ information locked therein to be released to reach the head or ‘sahasrara bandha’ through Yogic exercises – for an individual to attain enllightenment…

    Krishna the Yogiraja, and Vishnu/ Shiva the Yogeshwar must be really mischievous to give thought to some of the characters in the ‘west’ to patent Yoga in the 'present' ;o)

  29. Anonymous7:46 am

    As per ‘Hindu’ belief that which doesn’t change with time is the ‘Truth’. ‘Truth’ is thus indicated to be ‘immortal’, as the ‘soul’ or energy is believed to be, although it might change form with time...

    Thus, ‘churning’ by the ancient Yogis was done with a definte objective in mind, that is, after in-depth studies, realizing human body to be a composite body made from ‘essences’ of eight different members of the solar system, or ‘grahas’, they attempted to make total energy/ information, parts of which were locked up eight different energy centres, reach the brain for ‘moksha’ that is reaching the ‘Absolute Knowledge’ or the Formless Creator, or Shiva in Formless as well as physical form(s) too…The 'enlightened' said, "Shivoham!" That is, I am shiva!

    In the ‘present’, that is, ‘Kalyuga’, in the words of the ‘wise ancients’ believably as expected because of the characteristic property of ‘time’, ‘churning’ has taken the form of ‘brain-storming’ – but ‘purposelesly’...

    One hopes, only if 'time' is thankful, to ‘see the light at the end of the dark tunnel’ that human life appears to the ‘present day wise’ while everyone blames others for his/ her not reaching anywhere – going in circles only and with time 'rich' becoming richer and 'poor' becoming poorer despite ‘brilliant brains’ in ‘India’ that is ‘Bharat’, which continues to shrink with time – virtually tending to zero time and space with 'disturbed boundaries' (that is, VISHNU as He believably existed in the beginning before churning was commenced by ‘Krishna’, as His representative)!

  30. Anonymous8:27 am

    The ‘present’ situation reminds 'me' of a story heard long ago...

    A Guru explained human life to be like a man being pursued initially by a bear., who becomes unaware of the surroundings, because of panic, and trying to escape from the bear he realizes he has begun falling into a deep well!

    When he thought his death was now certain, fortunately, in a flash he managed to catch with his two hands the branch of a tree that grew from the wall of the old well! He thanked god!

    But, after a short time he was worried what he was going to do about appeasing his hunger!

    Fortunately again, he found honey dripping from a bee-hive from a higher branch, which needed him to just open his mouth! He thanked God again!

    Of course, he was aware that he couldn’t think of getting out of the well as he could see the bear waiting for him to come out. Also, that he wouldn’t be able to keep on holding to the tree when he gets older and, therefore, is sure to drown one day. And, on top of it all, he notices a serpent slowly crawling towards him and is sure to get him some day!

    Maybe fortunately, thanks to the ‘wise Hindus’, one could overcome fear (as advised by Krishna also) if one had the Faith that life is all about ‘Maya’ that is illusion, i.e., physical universe as various dreams of the unborn Creator! Of course, it is very difficult in the 'present' believably as part of a grand design as realized by Yogis - who apparently managed to reach a thoughtless state!

  31. Anonymous4:58 pm

    Krishna’ the cowboy, the beloved of not only His foster mother Yashoda, but of all other ‘Gopikas’ that is milk-maids of Brindavan, supposedly had received the charge of ‘creation’ from the Formless Creator who believably itself was unborn Supreme energy/ knowledge, being related with zero time and space!

    Thus Krishna the Yogiraja’s first job was to create apparent time, which He believably did with the creation of the apparent immortal Solar system estimated about over 4 billion years ago (confirmed by the ‘wise’ in the Gita showing Krishna, a model of the centre of our galaxy, telling Arjuna, a typical model of our Sun and the source of milky-white light, that He was associated with him right from the very beginning - from the day ‘churning’ (of teh galaxy) was initially commenced, however, because of the necessity to maintain hierarchy in creation, for reflecting variety, which is obviously a feature of ‘Nature’ that anyone can appreciate through whatever physical senses one has been provided, distribution of knowledge between different physical forms isn’t uniform)…

    Krishna eventually also made it clear to Arjuna that he was just a temporary instrument (acting as a medium, a model of our Sun, for demonstrating the functioning of immortal ‘Heavenly Bodies’ or selected members of the solar system, in which Earth-Moon, that is, Yudhister and Draupadi respectively as their models, represented Shiva-Shakti, the physical form and the soul that is energy)!

    In the animal form, the ‘sacred cow’ came to be associated with ‘mother’ (Parvati) while Nandi the bull came to be associated with Shiva, as His vehicle!

    Kavitha, I have already narrated elsewhere in detail my encounter with 'Nandi' while I was in northeast India, in Gauhati Assam...

  32. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Perhaps it doesn’t need mention that in this believably ‘nuclear age’ - or perhaps still ‘iron age’ when motor vehicles appear to be competing to virtually outnumber humans in the cities - bullocks/ bullock carts are still used in certain regions of India to till the farms/ commute in villages. And, unfortunately humans even are sometimes being used in place of bulls, when despite ‘advancement’ some poor farmers aren’t even able to afford to hire bullocks. Some poor farmers are apparently even forced to commit suicide! However, it’s a well known truth that everyone eventually is destined to die, in one way or the other. Death was believed by the ancients to be only an excuse for disappearance of the transitory forms! And everyone, in fact, might even be in a sense committing suicide - due to lack of knowledge of what all poisonous/ toxic items that are being served through food items/ pollution of water & air, and so on! In fact, the Yogis even believed food itself to be poison! Thus it is not surprising if one dies, what is surprising is how some continue to live! They perhaps have the blessings of Neelkantha Shiva!

    Om Namah Shivaya!

  33. Anonymous7:05 am

    In this ‘nuclear age’ when even a school student in the ‘west’ perhaps knows how to make an ‘atom bomb’, incidents/ accidents, such as ‘Hiroshima & Nagasaki’/ ‘Chernobyl’ raises to the mind of an average human being a sense of fear in the ‘present’…perhaps similar to that which reportedly did when 'Brahmastra' was used by 'devtas'!

    Although, ingredients for making atom bomb are available on earth too, for as per the ‘Hindu’ belief composite earth is a ‘perfect’ model of the universe, it is also common knowledge today that it is thanks to the trillions of Hydrogen Bomb that explode every second on the Heavenly Body called ‘our Sun’ that directly or indirectly provides energy for sustenance of life on earth!

    And, any rational person could realize that the ‘Creator’, who believably itself is Super energy, has taken adequate precautions to provide protection to ‘life’ on earth in the form of ozone layer in the atmosphere, the ‘Third Eye’ of Rudra Shiva, in the words of the ‘wise’ ancients that when opened turned into ashes ‘Kamdeva’/ ‘Bhasmasur’ even!

    The ‘wise’ ancients appear also to reflect the believable mischievous/ mysterious nature of ‘Krishna’, in reality the ‘Black Hole’ housed at the centre of our galaxy, as the representative of ‘Vishnu’ the Nadbindu, housed at the centre of our planet earth or Shiva the ‘Gangadhara’ or ‘Chandrasekhara’ in physical form, and so on!

    Once the style of their expression is understood, as in fables of 'Panchatantra' erc. also, it becomes easy to realize/ decode ‘Shiva’s Bow’ as the gravitational field of earth! And, the ‘breaking of Shiva’s bow by Lord Rama for reviving Ahalya in rock form with just the touch of His feet’ obviously describes the ‘natural phenomenon’ of sunrays penetrating earth’s atmosphere, its harmful energy reduced by ozone layer, to sustain life for eons!

    Thus Shiva, Lord Rama, and so on, i.e., all the ‘devtas’ (as well as Asuras) continue to exist right in front of human eyes all the time while due to lack of overall knowledge, an average man looks for them in human form only and believes these to be MYTH, because of Satan, or Saturn as the controller of that direction! Shiva thus although is Bholenath, is mischievous also and is fuly competent to take care of itself, during peace or pralaya time!

    "Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya...", "...Let there be light...","Lead the kindly light", in short, 'May Ma Durga (that is Moon) kill Mahishasura the dark buffalo of ignorance once again'!

  34. Anonymous7:53 am

    Of course, the ‘role’ of humans in the communication of ‘truths’ of the Heavenly Bodies - the hierachical and yet immortal forms as various reflections of Formless Nadbindu - cannot be ignored…they perhaps at least outwardly could be seen as ‘vidushaks’ the ‘jokers’ who help break the monotony…

    However, in order to reach the Absolute Truth, that believably according to the ‘wise ancients’ resides within each and every animal form - and in humans to a relatively higher level, but reflecting His characteristics to a limited extent dependent on time in terms of the yuga or era concerned - a ‘seeker’ irrespective of time would need to ‘dive deeper’…to eventually perhaps realize, like the ancient Yogis, that ‘life’ is but a drama or projection of the experiences of the Creator before it attained perfection in the form of Earth/ Shiva in His ‘Third eye’!

    Perhaps one could still see models of Rama/ Arjuna the believable expert archers of their time as models of Sun, preserved in a crude form in northeast India, in Shillong the capital of Meghalaya (literally the house of clouds)...

    The favourite sport of a Khasi is ‘teer khelna’ or playing with arrows!

    And today the birthday of Ganesha the son of Parvati - the model of planet Mars that believably governs the northeast - is being celebrated all over India!

    Happy birthday to Ganpati the ‘Vighnaharta’ that is the ‘trouble shooter’! May He act as 'kavacha' or protective shield of Durga eternally in the interest of sustenance of life on earth too!

  35. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Due to internet problem, I would like to round up comment on ;Ganesha', as follows.

    With a view to receiving ‘something new’ on the spiritual aspect of ‘Ganesha’, I watched on different TV channels, perhaps ‘born Hindus’ apparently competing with each other for reporting of installation of Lord Ganesha’s idols in homes of ‘VIPs’ (netas and abhinetas) and in popular temples in Maharashtra and Karnataka states. Due to the characteristic property of time perhaps, the ‘anchors’ appeared to describe the ‘material aspect’ only, as the ‘media’ has generally done for long; that is, how many crores worth of Gold jewelery etc. had gone into the decoration of a particular idol, say at Siddhivinayak Temple, ‘Lal Bagh Raja’ in Mumbai, and in other places in Maharashtra, and Mysore too…And why not? For Ganesha, the Lord of the ‘Ganas’ (say, Pujaris or priests) - who in the hierarchy appear between God and humans as links for communication, like a telephone exchange operator - is known as the giver of ‘naunidhi’ that is, literally ‘nine forms’ of goods covering all forms of material!

    But, they perhaps failed to discuss the ‘spiritual aspect’ the ‘Absolute Truth’s’ part, for He believably is also the giver of ‘ashta-siddhi’, making one an ‘all rounder’ and not a ‘specialist’ in a particular subject, Ganesha being the one who has the blessings of both ‘Kali’ and ‘Gouri’ the two primordial energy forms – called Mother that govern the ‘internal’ and the ‘external’ components of any physical form!

    As reflection of ‘truth’ in a mischievous manner perhaps, every Cricket lover knows today Tendulkar also as an all-rounder or ‘Siddha’ or ‘purushottam’ (in the words of the ‘wise Hindus’) for he is equally proficient in all aspects of the game, the five-day and the one-day versions, even in Kaliyuga, the Yuga of lowest achievable overall knowledge that is made to look bigger by ‘specialization’ in one subject only - as indicated by the ‘wise ancients’… And the ‘present-day-wise in the ‘media’ had recommended retiring him long ago while, because of the twist in the tail (like a pig’s through the eyes of the ‘west’ and ‘varahavatar of Vishnu in the ‘east’), perhaps indicating the approaching end of Kaliyuga, he is once again being considered as our ‘future Captain’ for five-day version of the (gentleman’s) game, where one’s patience that is ‘tapasya’ is tested (perhaps as a proof of Krishna’s mischievous nature) – a drama that is being enacted at the same time in the ‘local stage’ while Dhoni is being tested in the ‘external stage’ in Africa, the believable ‘root’ of present day Homo sapiens all over the world for one-day and 20 x twenty version of the game where only ‘brute force’ is required (demons’!)!
