
Taj Mahal - To break or for keeps?

I do not reply to many forwards, I scarcely react to most of them, but there was one series i felt strongly towards...The doubt in the minds of people who started the chain mail of forwarding the possibility that there was a Shiva temple or "Mahal" below the Taj.

Yet it bothered me, when I received it from more than one source, I began to reply back. The claim was simple, a Shiva temple had been uprooted or buried centuries ago and the Taj was built in its place, a spiritually potent shrine supposedly gave way to a marvel in white. Who ever started that mail, picked up pictures (which maybe true), and he/she very half heartedly interpreted them as symbols of Shiva entwined in Islamic design. Focus was on designs looking like Trishul among floral patterns and other auspitious hindu symbols being found on the mausoleum, right upto secret wells and chambers. What was the purpose? Demolish Taj to build a Shiva temple?

I couldn't help but question why this mail made it to so many mailboxes? Why didn't we think before forwarding it? Or was I being a fool taking it seriously. No I didn't think so. People still want to know the possibility of the presence of a ravaged Shiva temple lurking under the strong marble of the Taj.

So I raised the question...Do you want to dig it up or demolish it like the Babri mazjit to find nothing under it? Or do you want to leave it to your belief in your heart that Shiva doesn't need a temple to fundamentally exist.

And then...Wooosh! they proclaim the Taj a new wonder of the world. Campaigns ran, it was hyped as usual by the media, and people casted votes. Taj is back on the list of 7 wonders bringing fakir land and snake charmered India to the world map as hosting a beauty in marble. Pride could have bloated all our chests, we made it!! It didn't matter who the other 6 were. I don't think most of us even cared to find out, Taj is back and thats all that matters.

The same people who questioned the truth below the Taj with reference to a Shiva temple, today rejoice that the Taj has been rightfully respected. Now, do you want it to stay or do you want it to go?? What would we do if we knew the truth anyway?

As a religiously influenced nation, what do you want to do with the Taj. Now with Taj on the map of 7 wonders, am happy that the west made it clear, the Taj is here to stay.

We might be confused, we might not think, we might not know what do to with the Taj, but for now we don't have to worry. The Taj lives on, Shiva temple or otherwise. The world put our doubts to rest...if any, the only good thing I did was delete that mail.

Disclaimer on audio:

- Palaces could have been cleared for making the Taj, but the claimed presence of a Shiva Mahal sounds absurd, the canons of architecture never gave guidelines for a Mahal. Gods didn't ever have palaces, they only had temples with detail instructions for their building.
- Sealing of rooms...we will never know
- The well...so what about it. Its a well not a theertham.
- Do not trust the audio, I couldn't shut it down.


  1. Anonymous3:37 pm

    In the present day terms, there is a saying, “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.” The Hindus however considered a beautiful thing or a person as Shiva Himself, as expressed in the statement, “Satyam Shivam Sunderam”, meaning Shiva is the Truth, and He alone is beautiful. And, also, “Satyameva Jayate,” that is, “Truth ever prevails.” The sgtatement applies both to energy or the Formless, as well as Mahashiva/ Shiva in physical form that is immortal Solar System/ Earth.

    I don’t think there is anyone who has seen Taj Mahal and wouldn’t agree with the rest of the world who cannot but appreciate it as the most beautiful poetry in white marble.

    It being of a transient nature, I would have no problem accepting it as a reflection of Shiva Himself. Although there might be many who would perhaps not like to appreciate it as a token of love of an emperor for his beloved queen, as the historians publicise it as such, because then it generates a feeling of inferiority complex in them...

    It is said that the one who rises to the top of pyramid, does so by climbing over many dead bodies...Ghiva also believably is Destroyer...

  2. Anonymous3:40 pm

    Gorry folks, Please read Shiva for 'Ghiva' in the last line...

  3. Hi Joshi Uncle,

    Very well said indeed. You have painted the beauty of Taj so well and entwined it into the very grace of Lord Shiva.

    I hope people are able to understand this profound thought and appreciate it in the right way without bringing religious barriers into it.


  4. Well! As of now! Let's be proud that Taj has been retained as one of the wonders. But i still feel that there are much more in India more precious than the Taj. As for the forward message regarding the Taj, it is best to leave the discussion about the possibility of the remains of a Shiva temple below it. Even i doubt it.

  5. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Hi Kavitha, Aswin Kini...
    Call these as my views or the views of the 'wise' ancient Hindus, I would like to reiterate as follows.

    Formless Yogeshwar Shiva/ Vishnu in super conscious state that is ‘yoganidra’, as per wise ancient Hindus, resides within every human being, virtually imprisoned within the exterior form that acts as an independent system designed to act differently with the help of different permutations and combinations of essences of selected members of the solar system…

    No educated person today would perhaps deny that the ancient Hindus had at some stage advanced in science, particularly in Astronomy applied to human form…And, that the present day scientists, therefore, apparently being relatively in a rudimentary stage, would need many more years before someone would reach the essence of Creation and also convince the masses, as the ancients appear to have done, such that the concept of ‘Maya’ that is illusory universe was known to every ‘Indian’ even in the interiors…In the west also man was stated as an image of God...

    The knowledge of the fall of the Vedic Era in the 6th century BCE, and births of various other religions is well known. Read with the communication in Hindu Mythology about deterioration of human efficiency expected with passage of time due to events being seen in the reverse order of the original evolutionary processes, the phenomenon is comparable to innumerable pieces of mirrors that were joined together to make a big infinite mirror (on the same lines as 'little drops of water make teh mighty ocean...', is getting undone to result into their original bits and pieces…

    One could therefore visualize the apparent chaotic conditions that exist today, which are getting worse as time apparently passes…Unless it is right time for commencement of Satyuga once again…

    Imagine the scenario, the destruction to man made structures and animal life, when Himalayas would have emerged from under the sea bed, to rise much higher than the Vindhyas, the highest mountain till some time, which pushed the water in the North of Jambudweep to South India...

  6. kavitha,I am having difficulty with the comments page.It flickers again & again for quite some time flashing an error message.I don't know what to do about it

  7. Kavitha That is precisely the point that I wanted to make last time when I also wrote about the Taj being a Shivalaya!Can we not study the "Building" purely as an architectural wonder keeping religion out of it?Probably I am drawing a wrong parallel but see how ruthlessly "Islamic" Pakistan government has attacked the Lal Masjid when the so called militants were misusing it.

  8. Hi Anilji,

    That is the problem with us. Us as in Hindus, living here. I want to make two points here.

    1. There are enough and more indian art historians and none seem to have gone into digging up whether there was a Shiva temple/palace below. Those who have researched seem to be from the west, and do not know the essence of being Indian or Hindu, thats what they fundamentally lack. The speaker in this video, what was he trying to prove? What was he trying to achieve. I seriously doubt the presence of a Shivalaya because no ruler in the history of this country has built a palace for God instead of a temple and that the western researchers do not know. Someone did puja in one of the rooms of the Taj they say, well i can do a Shiva Puja on the road and leave everything there that I used, does it mean it would be called a temple 3 centuries from now when discovered??

    2. M.F.Hussain has been painting atrocious pictures of Hindu Goddess implying sex in the wrong combinations. I dont think we are tolerant people, but we are stone hearted towards our faith when people like him dare to paint this way. If you ask me, he was provoking us and laughing at us while he painted it. And he still walks free.

    Hats off to the sikhs and Musharraf for being iron handed on these kind of atrocities. We need to learn from then.


  9. Anonymous8:15 am

    Hi Anilji, Kavitha, and other interested visitors.

    Children born in Hindu families earlier had no problem accepting the symbol of Brahma the Creator that showed a typical aged man with sunlight-like, or milky white beard, but nobody questioned His four heads (perhaps indicating the four cardinal directions on earth)! Or Vishnu the Perpetrator shown reclining on the bed formed by Ananta or Shesha the celestial serpent in the middle of the milky ocean (Milky Way Galaxy?)! However, Shiva the Destroyer; wearing tiger skin, live snakes around his neck as garlands; ash applied on His body; big locks of hair on His head; even as one who indulged in intoxicants, and so on, was readily accepted and copied too – except for the Moon on the forehead and the holy Ganga flowing from His locks! Obviously, these two symbols made Him different from “common man” in the eyes of the wise. These characters who apparently performed an in-depth study, therefore, literally attempting to enter the head of the Formless, unveiled the mystery of Creation, believably by a Super intelligent being who was without any physical form!

    And even today, we are aware that the languages used by humans as mediums of communication - even between individuals apparently separated by great distances - are only symbolic, and are imperfect, because words fail to express a realization. The wise therefore advised one to seek the Creator on one’s own, although one could take the help of relatively more knowledgeable persons, or Gurus, or elevated souls that are relatively closer to the Supreme soul or Paramatma…

    The question therefore is: When can one expect Yogeshwar Vishnu/ Shiva remove the veil that is believably covers our 'third eye' en masse?

  10. Anonymous9:53 am

    There are numerous examples in ‘Nature’ to indicate how the five basic elements; earth, air, water, fire and sky, inspire man to copy natural happenings on the planet earth. For example, in the mountainous regions, landslides, i.e., slipping down of earth due to forces that destabilize the top soil at a given moment of time, along a newly created stable inclined surface in the soil beneath it, is a common phenomenon. The original slope prior to this happening might have remained stable for many years. If and when the landslide is sufficiently big to block a river, the water level is likely to rise behind the fill and at a certain stage cause havoc in the reaches downstream of it when and if the temporary dam bursts…Observation of such phenomena has led man to apply his mind - to store rain water for various purposes when it is available, for use over the rest of the period when it is not available naturally - eventually come out with earth/ masonry dams that are apparently designed to take care of all destabilizing forces, as far as man can visualize based on the knowledge so far accumulated, that are likely to occur at the given location…However, man is aware that a structure isn’t going to last for all times/ lose its useful life, howsoever beautiful and or physically strong it might appear to be, and also that man is the biggest destructive agent in ‘Nature’…

  11. Anonymous1:23 pm

    A reincarnation or a physical representative of Lord Vishnu (Formless Nadbindu) in ‘yoganidra’ or apparent sleep but in reality a state of super consciousness/ of Yogeshwar Shiva, represented symbolically by Shivalingams, in Dwperyuga of maximum 50% efficiency in human form, that is, Yogiraja Krishna, in the Gita also reportedly says that all ‘wrong’ actions result from lack of knowledge…

    Perhaps every mature person, in India at least, knows that Yogis stressed on acquiring overall knowledge, that is, ‘siddhi’, to reach at the essence of various ‘Truths’ of Creation within a few decades as the time allotted to each average human being at least on retirement/ ‘sanyas’...

    The ancient wise Hindus, however, pointed towards Shiva/ Earth, literally as the ‘Beautiful Truth’…And, each human being was realized as model of Shiva that is Earth, for the realized souls exclaimed, “Shivoham!” That is, I am Shiva! They also added that all physical forms on earth also were models of Shiva, which can be visualized from the ritualistic practice since time immemorial followed in India, where every image/ idol/ thing/ person is worshipped…Why not then the wonder of wonders, Taj Mahal, be accepted as an image of Shiva - by mature persons, at least? Everyone knows that the IQ of a mob is zero, at any or all times…

  12. Anonymous9:32 pm

    The beautiful Taj in white marble could perhaps indicate how the ‘Beautiful God’ appears to have taken special care of ‘India’, or the Indian sub-continent, perhaps as a model or essence of our ‘Milky Way Galaxy’, while the entire world, with all continents considered together, represented the essences of other major galaxies also that together with India (or essence of La Lune, that is, Indu the Moon) represent the essence of the universe, just as the essences of eight members of the solar system - believably as model of the universe - go into the structure of animal life, with human form as the superior most in the hierarchy…We have come to know in the present also that microcosm and the macrocosm, both, function on similar principles in ‘Nature’…And, the Hindu mythological stories indicate that ‘India’ that is Bharat today was Mahabharat, once upon a time, which is like ‘activation of kundalini’ in humans whereby the total energy at eight different chakras, at different levels, gets concentrated in the head, or at Sahasrara chakra’, where moon’s essence is housed…

    Agra is famous not only for Taj Mahal, but, perhaps coincidentally or by design, a lunatic asylum is also located there since long! And, Taj literally means ‘crown’ that is worn by Kings/ Queens over their heads!

  13. Anonymous7:12 am

    It is said by historians that Hindus were ‘tolerant’ in the past and therefore they accepted anyone who came to ‘India’ unannounced, conforming to the saying, “Atithi Devo Bhava”.

    A seeker of ‘Truth’, i.e., Shiva in the words of the ancient Hindus, even today could arrive at their logic if they had full faith in the belief that Kashi on the banks of Holy Ganga that is Varanasi today, near 82.5 degrees Longitude East that is reckoned today for determining IST, was the original abode of Adi Shiva, Ardhanarishwar or the believable Mahakal or the Controller of Time and therefore considered as the Absolute Zero! Although after His marriage with Parvati, He believably changed His abode to Mount Kailash, the place now in Tibet, China, also is located at the same Longitude - perhaps a coincidence in the eyes of a non-believer!

    They also called the entire human race(s) as “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” meaning Earth’s family members, i.e., progeny of Shiva-Parvati. Thus, they were perhaps 'tolerant' based on realization or knowledge that all humans have their origin in Earth-Moon or Shiva-Parvati. If today ‘Indians’ appear to have become ‘intolerant’, it has to be a part of the grand design or Adi Shiva’s will, for we, according to teh 'wise ancients', are on our return path to Him! Krishna also says that all wrong actions result from lack of knowledge, and therefore asks one to surrender in Him, the Supreme Knowledge. And, there is a present day saying also, “What can’t be cured/ Must be endured.”

  14. Kavitha,If some Indian Art Historian wishes to study the Taj would he be allowed to do so by the government?Mr.P.N. Oak has studied this subject of Taj being a Shivalaya but he is too biased towards the so called "Hinduism".He has gone to the extent of calling the "kaba" a Shivalaya.But some of the points that he makes during the argument are indeed thought provoking.

  15. Anonymous8:48 am

    Hi Anilji, In 'my opinion', which I believe is based on the essence reached by the apparently 'wise ancients', we get the many 'truths' of the same 'Truth' - which in the ultimate analysis itself is 'Untruth' - from different sources that were understood/ realized as (inferior) reflections of the 'Absolute Truth' that is Formless. All these would sound convincing as these come from 'experts' who have done in-depth study in a particfular subject - and not from 'Siddhas', who have considered all the data made available by different 'experts' in different fields...

    A student of 'applied science', or a 'Civil Engineering' while doing land surveys (that is attempting to reach at the essence of Shiva/ Earth) is advised to start from the whole, and not from the parts, for, the parts so surveyed in details when joined together to reach at the whole area under study wouldn't match with the actually existing boundary conditions...

  16. Anilji,

    If a qualified art historian is willing to do so, he will be allowed by the govt. Stella Kramrisch is a very well known art historian and has access to such material.

    Its interesting that someone has taken this up for there should have been sufficient evidence to prompt him to study it.

    It just beats my understanding and logic (supported by education)that there never could be a Shivalaya built because in traditional indian architecture or canons of ritual there was never such a idea put up in stone.

    But there is one more thing, the century in which the Taj was build is well past the 16th century by which time there was enough dilution done to the very same canons.

    Yet this is the only place/ monument that ever gives a mention of a SHivalaya, and I in my limited knowledge have not heard or read about it anywhere else in the north or south.

    So I am made to question it. If there were Shivalayas built historically I wouldn't have even doubted its presence. But there are none. In this case if one was ever built as claimed or speculated, it was done with the whim and fancy of a rich enough person/ ruler and does not take claim to be a "holy place" that goes with a mythology like the other temples we know. No great rishi/muni is known to have installed a Linga there, there is no teertha to increase its credibility, Lord Ram or any other incarnation of God didn't have anything to do with the location of Taj, and neither is it a Shakti sthal which commonly gets associated with some Shiva temples.

    It was a temple, period, if it was ever there. But from my biased point of view, with a little orthodoxy thrown in, i would respect the effort put into its building but my emotions would stop with that.

    Ritualistically, Pranaprathishta (according to me) was diluted after the 16th century and might not have been as "purely" done as in the previous centuries. Now this is of course my personal point of view.

    Do let me know your thoughts too.


  17. Anonymous12:57 pm

    One must be aware that Taj Mahal is located on the banks of River Yamuna that is associated with Krishna, the mischievous son of Nandlal, in Dwaperyuga of maximum 50% of the 100% maximum potential possibly achievable in Satyuga...Thus any judgment in Kaliyuga, the era of maximum 25% efficiency, and tending towards near 0%, which is also evident from observation of relatively inferior human behaviours over just 60 years of Political Independence in 'India' vis-a-vis the rapid melt of glaciers in the Himlayas. It is reflected also in the disappearance of ice shivalinga in the Amarnath cave this year even before the ritualistic start of visit to it by tourists, and taking 'Nature' for granted perhaps reflects the legendary sleep of Kumbhakarna among the majority of Indians today, who are lost in non issues only, thanks to immortal Earth/ Emperor Shiva, the supreme form of Krishna, who wears Taj as His crown!

  18. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Historians are also serving some useful purpose, for the historical records show to the generation next certain interesting aspects, of say governance in the past. For example, the present day generation can observe how from time to time, like links of a chain, physically powerful 'foreigners' ruled over 'India' for centuries and taught the natives - then existing here - something different each time, maybe 'good' or 'bad' in the eyes of different individuals depending on their own inclinations, thus dividing the society broadly into three different categories on each and every issue - some are for the issue, some against and some are indifferent...In the present days of 'democracy', SMSes make the judgment in support of the majority. However, in Dwaperyuga, Arjuna chose the one and only Yogiraja Krishna while Duryodhan was happy to have His army of innumerable soldiers - and still lost in the battle!

    Maybe some day, the majority of 'Indians' would see the light at the end of the tunnel...

  19. Kavita,The original book written by Mr.P.N.oak is in Marathi.Please visit the link www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevjayate/tejo.html for the gist of his writtings in English.You may not agree with all the so called evidences listed there, but some of the poits mentioned do make us think & ponder...
    Would like to know your views on it

  20. Hi Anilji,

    The page doesn't seem to exist. I tried flex.com and it took me to an ISP site in Hawaii.

    Is there an alternate URL I can access.


  21. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Hi Kavitha, Anilji...Continuing I am to add as follows.

    Although the purpose of the Formless in creating the infinite physical universe apparently ever remains unknown to man, one could perhaps get some vague idea from man’s own expectations from other animals/ men, or even from his own creations…In the specific case of grand edifices that are apparently well thought out and designed to last long, such as Taj Mahal and certain Pyramids in the past, as typical examples - unknowingly perhaps - man is guided by near permanent ‘beautiful’ earth-moon - as part of the solar system - with the available technology at the time when those were constructed…Some such man-made creations in the present force man to realize the truth of the wonder that human form/ brain has ever been since time immemorial, although not properly understood and therefore major part of it remaining unutilized by the majority…Individual characters, like fire-worms/ mirrors, though, have apparently reflected to some extent the likely brilliance of the Formless at times. These characters have acted as role-models or inspirations for some others later – thanks to the essence of historical records! Although historians apparently get lost when they attempt to interpret or extrapolate finer details with the background knowledge of outer physical world only, i.e., ‘moving outwards’ and thus, perhaps unknowingly confuse the seeker, because of their personal leanings and incomplete knowledge, perhaps also unaware that the ‘wise’ ancients have already explained why human beings behave thus, that is, the characteristic property of Time or Mahakal Shiva/ Mahakali is the cause of ‘Maya’, or human efficiency being related with time in terms of Yuga!

    For me, Taj is Bhootnath Shiva's crown!

  22. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Fortunately for the youth today, who generally find fault with their forefathers and the ancients - because of apparent exposure to the influence of the materially advanced modern west - some of the ‘renowned western scientists’, at last, have realized life on earth to be the result of design by some intelligent being in the past. One has to look for hints, viz. Lal Masjid or 'Red Mosque' in news from Islamabad, Pakistan and 'Blue-line' buses in Delhi, India!

    In view of the above stated as the turning point in the wheel of time, it shouldn’t now be surprising, to the youth particularly, that the ancient ‘Hindus’ - who as per available indications in the mythological stories and ‘Puranas’ apparently were relatively much more advanced - believed the essences of members of the solar system to have gone into the formation of animal structures as part of a grand universal design…And, that it was a Formless being – call it a spirit or a ghost - represented by Earth in material form, who as per them is the cause of Creation, for His Own Purpose, which even they couldn’t guess. They, however, realized after in-depth studies that the Truth is revealed by the Formless, through Earth that is Bhootnath Shiva to humans only when it is the fresh beginning of yet another Satyuga, which recurs cyclically after a duration of 43,20,000 years for over 1,000 times in one day in the life of the physical aspects of the Creator…And thus man has no other option at any other time but to surrender, for - as part of a grand design - each individual is temporary and exists for a negligible duration only, a ‘flash in the pan’ compared to the life of earth, understood as a true physical representation of the believably immortal Formless!

    Unfortunately for historians including archaeologists man is unable to have access to information about human activities in the remotest past based on physical observations and, therefore, is dependent on whatever material that is either accidentally, or coincidentally, or by design is available to the human race carried forth despie the vagaries of Nature…The Yogis, however, realized apparently by reaching a thoughtless stage that the ‘supreme knowledge’ was recorded within human form itself!

    After a person is born, at a certain stage one becomes aware that he/ she is part of a system, called family, which itself is a small part of a community, and so on. And today, there are forces that make the chain to stop abruptly at one’s country only. However, if one could ‘break the mental barrier’ and look around without a bias, one would find logically that everyone is in reality a part of the earth that is understood as a planet, which itself is a part of a family called solar system. Thus, like the ancients apparently did, one could visualize in essence immortal earth as the central figure, which is part of the solar system on one hand and also sustains innumerable families of different animals or life forms, normal or ‘weird’, so far researched or not, including as the ‘time tested truth’, Man as their leader, on the other hand and, therefore, expected to take care of all life forms selflessly – as a representative of selfless Mother Earth…

  23. Kavitha,Give a google search for tejomahal & you should get the desired link

  24. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Hi Anilji, Kavitha would perhaps react only on Monday, my instantaneous reaction in the meantime is that the material contained - at the site recommended - reflects a typical approach through the misleading western eyes, attributable to 'Satan' or mischevous Krishna!

    The Hindu, by thought, would not be carried away by the outward appearances. Krishna in the Gita recommends one not to get distracted by outward appearances because those are illusory, but to 'look inwards' only...It is time that shakes our faith/ belief...God is beleived to be really the Absolute minority that rules the universe, the phenomenon reflected by the rule of minority today - although in the name of majority in the guise of democracy!

    I would request you to please personally attempt explaining of, say, the behavioiur of CMs, Narendra Modi of Gujarat, or Mayawati (of 'Taj-corridor' fame), despite India being a democratic country, perhaps somewhat like Shahjehan, in U.P., once she has got elected with the support of Brahmins, many of whom are devotees of Shiva - without knowing the 'Truth' though! "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," is applicable to man - and not Bholanath Shiva!

  25. Anonymous8:23 am

    From the behaviour of the present day historians also we can get a glimpse of how historians, in a ‘democracy’ even, dance to the tune of the party in power – ‘in selfish interest’ - and depending on the wishes of the 'ruler' concerned (not servant!) are prepared to distort the record of the past that were passed on since long, apparently to the annoyance of the students of history in the present. However, perhaps one can visualize that whatever record gets saved at a certain period of time becomes the taken for granted absolute fact for the students in future, say, after lapse of long duration of time…

    But, controversies can be generated if various written accounts of the same incident becomes available…

    In view of the above, I would suggest one to try reaching, for example, the absolute truth of moths invariably committing suicide on a candle flame.

    Is it an example of the tradition of Hindu widows of warriors, similarly, performing ‘Sati’ that is related with the myth of Shiva’s original consort, which although apparently is banned, maybe rarely, is heard to occur from time to time even in the present day ‘India’?

    We also know that the ancient Hindus believed in that to be the truth, which doesn’t change with time…and there can be many convincing thoughts expressed to justify the phenomenon. For example, poets call it eternal love between the moth and the flame!

  26. Anonymous10:13 am

    Maybe, an advanced seeker could attempt trying to explain Shiva’s ‘third eye’, opening of which turned ‘Kamadeva’ to ashes; or ‘Bhasmasur’, similarly turning himself to ashes - virtually unknowingly commit suicide!

    Perhaps, one could then relate Shiva with Earth, and realize holes in the ozone layer with His third eye...

  27. Anonymous7:02 pm

    ‘Sanatan Dharma’, meaning a practice carried forth since time immemorial, is based on the realized Truth of existence of the one and only Formless Being, a point, and its innumerable reflections or images existing at zero time and being reviewed in apparent time.

    The Pyramid (meaning fire within), a structure apparently made in masonry that has four triangular sloping faces, so oriented that one side is always facing each of the four cardinal directions (compare it with believable four-faced Brahma of the mythology) - that form a large square at the base with the area of the square reducing as one moves up such that the figure ends up on one point at the top - could be visualized to represent the original formless being and its innumerable images increasing in numbers as one views it from top to bottom…

    Scientists in the present also have apparently observed presence of energy within such a structure irrespective of the material used in its formation…’Muslims’ used big structures to preserve and energize their King’s soul while ‘Hindus’, similarly, energized idols/ shivalingams, to indirectly energize their own souls too, with a view to attaining supreme knowledge, that is, achieving ‘moksha’…

    Thus irrespective of one’s ‘religion’ it is the structure, or Earth the taken for granted Provider, that is more important as a means to reach the Absolute Truth…

  28. In the Name of Brutus, of New Delhi

    Dames and Gents, Namaste!
    I am The American who sojourned all the way to Darjeeling, to take a bus and a rickshaw to the sleepy mountain kingdom of Sikkim, Gangtok that is, to The University, to meet the Lama and discuss becoming a monk…during the Persian Gulf War. I am told the monks still talk about me. And I remember seeing Kanjanjunga, every morning when I woke up, silhouetted perfectly in the window, changing every moment as the sun shifted in the sky, sometimes snow billowing from the summit from the wind.
    In my country presently, we are experiencing excruciating birth pangs, pained to be delivered. I wish to share with you some of my experiences, as you, India, have shared yours with me, in the hopes that we may preserve that which truly makes us Civilized.
    In times unprecedented and tinged with despair, it is appropriate to reflect on the founding of my great nation. It was not with George Washington, but with Brutus, and not the one who killed Caeser. There was another who rebelled against the tyrant monarchy of Rome, The Tarquins. He wrote the Roman Constitution that would stand for 500 years. His sons sided with the monarchy. The monarchy lost. So to punish his sons and found a perfect union, he immolated his own sons. Machiavelli speaks fluently and voluminoulsy and voiciferously on this subject, in ‘The Discourses’, and yet is proved wrong on several counts by the miracle of America.
    He says that a nation founded in servitude, as America was a colony, will never win its freedom. He also says that a nation founded on fertile soil that is easily defended, will in time loose all of its freedoms because it will become, eventually, inevitably, sloth and sated, and will forget to protect them.
    As regards 'The DC Madam', I am personally involved. You can view my involvement at http://www.maytheygetwhattheydeserve.com/KAT.html
    Sometimes a mouse will lead you to a kat, and a kat can lead you to a rat and a rat, ironically, can lead you to the truth. And the truth, as they say, and as it is written, will set you free.

    May all those who sincerely and patiently wait for freedom be free and may all those who desire to steal those freedoms find instead the dire consequences that accompany contempt for a great man like Brutus.

    As regards Machiavelli,
    eram sapiens tamen nefas
    And again,
    vox vocis publicus est vox vocis dues

    May The Republic stand forever and bring the Glory of The World, with Dignity, into Its Treasury.


  29. Anonymous7:57 am

    Thanks! Mr. Purple...I would love to read your views. In the meanwhile I have a question to pose:When a 'Hindu', notionally only, can be brain-washed and get converted into a Muslim/ Christian, or vice versa because of lack of firm faith/ belief in the 'Absolute Truth', even if it is true, why should one expect any powerful King to have had any problem in the past in converting a brainless 'Hindu building' into a 'Muslim building'? Do we ha ve any objection to use of an 'English' Parliament House today?

    Of course, today Mayawati could be restrained because Allahabad High Court is in existence, and Supreme Court also exists, although God alone knows how much more time remains allotted to these!

  30. Anonymous6:48 pm

    It is well understood today that - believably starting from a 'cave age' - so far no human administrative system has proved to be foolproof.

    At any given point of time, to start with, a well thought out system, as a rule, apparently has certain positive features while there inevitably are certain negative features also, on the other, which might appear negligible. However, as time passes, due to the apparent peculiar bent of human mind, as a part of the design, negative features begin to outweigh the positive ones, obliging the decision makers to introduce a change…thus conforming to the natural law, “Old order changes, yielding place to new.”

    The wise ancient Hindus also, similarly, reached the same conclusion, and also attempted to reach the apparent unseen hand, and appear to have reached the Absolute Truth, and so also His physical forms, or the various 'Truths', through meditation leading to a thoughtless stage, irrespective of one’s location and the crowd around one!

  31. Anonymous9:00 am

    By design, due to characteristic property of time, ‘meditation’ has come to mean today a quick visit to ‘a place of worship’, ancient or modern, where one carries all one’s painful thoughts related with day-to-day life, and to pray to ‘God’ for fulfillment of one’s desires related with those…

    The 'Crown', or Taj, still weighs heavy on one's head, although 'Democratic countries' have only outwardly kicked it off...If one were to keenly observe the process of meditation ritually followed in the present day India even, overcoming ‘slavery of time’, one could notice that its purpose was to achieve eventually a thoughtless stage, or ‘detachment with the external world’ that otherwise forced one to ‘look outwards’ only, step by step, gradually through training of the imperfect physical senses - by performing minimum possible actions for some time, like a student graduates in steps – with a view to developing a link with the supreme computer that has the universal knowledge recorded on igt and is readily available within one’s physical form, believably in eight ‘locks’ or ‘Bandhas’. This process was termed ‘looking inwards’…A poet expressed human beings' helplessness, in the popular lines to the effect, “I want to kick the blanket/ But, the blanket doesn’t leave me”...

  32. Anonymous1:30 pm

    i read your blogs quite regularly and enjoy and learn quite a bit from them. am not really competent to comment on something like these but i think http://www.hinduism.co.za/ will give some insights into how Hinduism was "hijacked" and marketed as a new religion. am not sure of the authenticity of the site but am sure theres no harm in knowing anything that could be new.
    am sorry if am sounding outdated or repetitive.


  33. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Hi Vinay, You are right in so far as ‘Sanatan Dharma’, or the original belief related to the Formless Creator and the whole universe as its dream, expected to be understood by all humans at all times is concerned. Today, due to inherent characteristic property of time, as per the will of/ design by Mahakal Shiva, the Controller of time, such that His Own Images fail to realize the Truth and appear to behave erratically with passage of apparent time.

    Only Bhootnath Shiva (in energy form residing within all forms) is aware that He is related with zero time while His own images are lost and look for ‘something new’ in the exterior world and can make one wander aimlessly for eternity, life after life…

  34. Anonymous7:45 am

    Of course, it doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t look for ‘something new’.

    An infant is a clean slate in so far as external world is concerned. It was unconcerned, for nine months or so at least, when it was in its mother’s womb, and perhaps happier too, and maybe in a state of bliss. Appearance in this world, for purpose unknown, itself gives it a big shock. Slowly and steadily it learns to pass through various stages ‘to stand on its own two feet’ in so far as his physical development is concerned till it attains maturity...

    Mental development, however, apparently depends on the circumstances encountered by one depending on one’s location and family background. And, this is unending, for one continues to learn 'something new' all the time.

    Siblings belonging to the same family even would be observed to have physical and mental developments that differ from one to another, and thus their behaviours as independent individuals might appear different…This was explained by the ancients to be so because each individual is a unique system, its behaviour being related with apparent time and determined by the governing member of the solar system… For the benefit of the ‘common man’, or ‘aam admi’, the wise ancients, however, took recourse to symbolic language and thus one finds so many legends and mythological stories to read between lines when one reaches the stage of 'sanyas' that is retirement for active physical life…This stage too is different from one to another...
