
Within a watery bed of peace

An untouched world
So far away
In silent watery peace
Does the Lord reside
In constant meditation
The only sound heard – OM

The peace unreachable
The greenery untouched
The sound of crystal clear water
In constant bath
Draped in the ripples of life
Shimmering in the sunlight

Who carved these stones
These sacred emblems
Or did they rise out of the rock alone
Power in the air, purity in the water
Devotion in anyone’s mind
Whoever comes near

Far away from the madness called life
Far away from all the noise
In the lap of velvet green
As silvery waters flow
Cold and pure, waking up the soul
Revealing to mankind secrets unknown

Is it only for the pure hearted
The divine in His realm displays
The joys of peace and tranquility
The wonder called life unfolds
Its beauty within now touched now felt
An experience unknown, and yet so close

The cool crystal waters flow
Washing my feet, washing my soul
As I look on to see in rows
Sacred emblems lined up in stone
A vast ocean so sacred
Lies ahead untouched, unknown

The depth of faith is so strong
The world of emotions so true
The pinnacle of love felt in every drop
That flows this sacred land
Washing you in all your splendor
Bathing you in constant meditation

The water so cool and crystal clear
Purity in melted snow
Fresh, reviving, energy giving
Life giving water freely flowing
Washing away all fears
A silent mind rests in peace.


  1. Anonymous9:24 am

    “Water is life”

    There is a Guru
    An unborn kid
    All knowing
    And all powerful
    That resides within all
    Unknown and unseen
    Within material forms
    ‘Gaja held by Graha’
    Or a flag-like
    That holds rose petals
    Tied up with a string
    Ready to fill the air
    With sweet fragrance
    Waiting merely for a pull
    From a VIP
    Symbol of Vishnu
    In Person
    That could send it flying
    High in to the blue sky
    Like Neelamber Krishna
    Mischievous child Nandlal
    Brought up by foster parents
    On the banks of Yamuna
    Wanting only the moon
    Eager to meet its mother
    Ma Devaki the moon
    The source of Ganga
    And father Vasudeva
    Or Vasudha the earth
    That is Shiva
    Waiting for the right time
    The zero hour and space
    The origin of both rivers
    The Kailash-Mansarovar
    The abode of Shiva-Parvati!

  2. Anonymous11:38 am

    The perfect being
    Called Nadbindu the Formless
    Absolute zero time and space
    Or the ‘Absolute Truth’
    Also exists at earth’s centre
    Or Shiva’s heart
    The abode of Ma Kali
    With Her ‘images’
    On earth’s surface
    As erupting volcanoes
    Also referred as Shivalingas
    With Shiva’s abode at Kashi
    The believable centre of the globe

    But it remains ever detached
    Leaving the eternal drama
    To Earth as its true image
    Lest the creation
    That is illusion
    By animation of images
    Comes to a halt
    Like in its reflection
    In the present
    In man-made films
    As a reflection
    Of human life imperfection
    It being a phenomenon
    That is time related
    As per a grand design
    For Creator’s own purpose
    That ever remains unknown
    Even to the wisest among wise men

  3. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Krishna told Arjuna
    There remained nothing
    Yet to be achieved by Him
    In the space
    On the earth
    Or under-ground
    Advising all to surrender
    And seek Him within the self

    Yet He keeps man busy
    Through generations
    Looking everywhere outwards
    Not knowing what one sought
    Yet going into details
    Of innumerable images
    Incessantly through eons
    Seeking light
    At the end of the dark tunnel
    That for him today
    Is life’s goal
    While simple water shows
    How it enjoys flowing on earth
    Through thick and thin
    Again and yet again
    Knowing well its purpose
    To act selflessly
    In the service of Earth
    That is Shiva
    The supreme being!

  4. Anonymous6:53 am

    Man takes water for granted
    While on the other hand
    Engaged in research too
    Finds water a major component
    In his own body too
    And can’t imagine life without it
    On the ‘non-living’ earth
    Where he started as an ape
    And evolving from ‘cave-age’
    Has reached ‘Atomic-age’
    Leaving all animals behind
    In the race for supremacy
    Living now in man-made caves
    Instead of ‘natural’ ones
    To start with thanks to nature
    Carved out by water itself!

    Apsmara Purush that man is
    That is forgetful in nature
    Ungrateful to Mother Nature
    Proud of his achievement
    He continues to live unhappily
    In constant fear
    That also has grown bigger
    With passage of time
    Not knowing what would
    Bring end to human life
    At any time now
    Due to lack of knowledge
    And also lack of faith
    In ancients’ wisdom and advice
    To seek the essence
    After in-depth study of Nature
    As they apparently did
    And left sufficient hints
    Each in its own way
    In different languages
    Perhaps as part of a design
    Of Natkhat Nandlal
    Mischievous Krishna
    The flute player
    And his various tunes!

    "Hari Ananta Hari Katha ananta"

  5. Anonymous8:12 am

    When one thinks of a tree
    He thinks of the seed first
    A complete tree
    In a miniature form
    From which sprout the roots
    That act like anchor for a ship
    To hold the tree at one place
    And the stem too
    The visible part
    That rises up and up
    With passage of time
    As if to touch the sky
    And although attached to earth
    Its stem acting like a flag-pole
    Its frail leaves fluttering in air
    Like innumerable flags
    As if representing the universe
    While acting also as its cook
    Receiving fire from sunlight
    And providing food to all its parts
    Including its roots
    That act as pumps
    To lift various ingredients
    Provided by earth
    Mainly thanks to water
    The universal solvent
    And the omnipresent!

    In the same fashion
    The ancients perhaps imagined
    Rivers as Water lingas of Shiva
    Rising from the sea
    To their symbolic common source
    The moon in the sky
    The believable source of Ganga!

  6. Anonymous8:10 pm

    The fruit is store-house
    Of surplus energy and seeds
    In case of plant life
    Is a well known fact

    The story of Ganesha
    The favourite son of Parvati
    However communicates cryptically
    Implantation of elephant head
    In place of the one
    That he was born with
    Indicating thus a modified design
    In case of animal forms
    To allow them freedom
    Of movement on earth or air
    Like dust and water
    To dance like earth
    And travel in space
    Unlike it in one fixed orbit
    To any part of the universe
    Physically possible
    Or even mentally
    Using one’s thought power
    As is apparent in human form

    They are not rooted to the earth
    And instead have roots in the sky
    Connected with the heart
    That acts as a muscle pump
    In place of roots in trees
    To circulate food through blood
    To various body parts
    While drawing energy from sun
    Either directly or indirectly
    From its other family members
    The other concerned members
    Of the Solar system
    Each finding representation
    By some vital organ
    Within the animal forms also
    To act as an essence
    Of the universe
    While displaying hierarchy
    As it is evident in Nature
    In all its aspects
    Due perhaps to a grand design
    Believably of a Supreme Being
    Who resides within all forms!

  7. Anonymous7:31 am

    Human form was believed
    The best among animals
    A combination of essences
    Of selected time-tested members
    Of our solar system
    That is Mahashiva
    Essences that go into its formation
    To reflect the balanced universe
    Or image of all rounder God
    Forms being symbolic only
    Representing energy
    Creative or destructive
    Moon or core of earth
    Durga or Kali
    Earth in the middle of the two
    Therefore considered ideal
    As image of the inert Shiva
    Opposite of Visha the poison
    Or pollution in its environment
    And yet Yudhister-like unmoved
    Under all circumstances
    The immortal Supreme Being
    The all knowing Yogeshwar
    Reclining Vishnu-like west-east
    That fire can’t burn
    Water can’t dissolve
    Air can’t dry up
    The 'Bhootnath' or supreme soul
    Perhaps a role model for all souls!

  8. Anonymous6:12 pm

    The mythological stories
    Related with Krishna or Shyama
    The king of dark night
    And his archer friend Arjuna
    That struck arrows
    Straight like sunrays
    Contain hints of design
    Of human form
    Using colours as essences
    Of eight heavenly bodies
    Or members of solar system

    His colourful Holi in Brindaban
    With cowboys and milk-maids
    Point to play on green earth
    As the stage of human life drama
    Using colours in white sunlight
    Seen in the visible spectrum
    Or simply in the rainbow
    Created by simple water drops!

    And his reference as both
    Neelamber as well as Peetamber
    And also as the Yogiraja
    Associate him with both colours
    Addition of which result in green
    That is blue as well as yellow
    The cold and the hot colours
    The two groups of colours
    Including rays that find entry
    Into earth’s atmosphere
    Ultra-violet and Infra-red
    Related with King’s advisors
    And also the red colour
    Of Ma Kali’s tongue
    Reflecting the Force
    Associated with earth’s core
    Or Shiva’s heart
    That results in orange colour
    When added to yellow colour
    Associated with Guru the superior
    Alluding to the mysterious Moon
    Located at the human head
    As the story writer!

  9. Anonymous11:34 pm

    We have already seen how essences of Moon (yellow colour as the root, representing Mother) and Mars (surplus yellow colour plus red colour or orange color as store-house of seeds, representing Mother’s trouble shooter son) believably represent the two Poles of the (green) inert earth (surplus yellow colour plus blue colour), and head and tail-bone end in the human form. Also, in the human form, it has cool white colour at the solar plexus level with Infra-red rays at the navel level below it (while balance of hot red colour is located still below it) and cold Ultra-violet rays at the chest level above it. Throat has the cool blue colour and cool green colour at the third-eye level as the witness of the interior, unlike the physical eyes on either side of it for viewing the external world.

    Like River Yamuna flows on one side of the central River Ganga, and Brahmaputra on the opposie side of it, I have assumed these to find their reflections in the three Nadis/ Nervous systems believably existing within the human body.

    I have assumed River Yamuna, related with Neelamber Krishna, therefore, related with the group formed with harmful Ultra-violet rays associated with planet Mercury; blue colour associated with planet Venus (that holds the poison in Shiva’s throat); and green colour associated with earth, all linked with Orange colour related with Planet Mars or Ganesha to whom Shiva believably gave the charge of control of earth on His retirement.

    In the other group related with River Brahmaputra, I have assumed cool colour white associated with Sun to be linked with hot Infra-red rays associated with planet Jupiter; balance hot red colour associated with Asteroids or the group of planetoids perhaps formed due to destruction of a single heavenly body - to represent Ma Kali the destructive force; and balance hot yellow colour associated with Moon the creative Mother.

    With the above assumptions, I have developed cycles related with eight different controls, separately for males and females (which can be found out with their known time of birth in IST), to reflect at what age an individual would pass from cold to hot, and vice versa, and therefore likely to experience shocks at the corresponding time anticipated from the chart. And, therefore, could take advance precautionary measures in the form of gemstones/ yogic exercises/ meditation. I have used gemstones on photographs of a few known individuals. Although, the research has shown effects on them irrespective of their location on the globe, the work isn’t yet completed to my entire satisfaction.

  10. Anonymous8:14 am

    Hi Kavitha, like Dr Anilji also felt, I give below another of my reaction to newspaper articles as part of my serial comments!

    "This refers to the editorial We The Peoples as also The Speaking Tree article by Shri Rohit Viswanath, Dvaita or Advaita, Take your Pick.

    It might sound i am philosophizing, but logically speaking even, once someone were to accept that the ABSOLUTE TRUTH already stands realized by the ancients (Philosophy of 'Vedanta'), that is, there exists one and only one real being who is formless, call it 'energy' or 'supreme soul'. And, that all the apparent forms in the universe as its innumerable images only that reflect hierarchy, to conform to the variety in 'Nature', which create various 'truths' , from time to time, that in real terms are only lies or 'untruths'.

    The illusion is believably created by the Supreme Being, who is related with zero time and space, as the ‘decision maker’ itself, for its own purpose, which is not made directly known to any other 'image', although its own, as those are all 'imperfect' and therefore of relatively inferior intelligence at any given apparent time – almost zero at the fag-end of Kaliyuga. [This is communicated in the story of Brahma - with the background saying, "Satyam Shivam Sunderam" - the apparent creator of physical forms not finding Shivalinga's top, although He lied that He had reached it (symbolically only, just as we believe the 'sky' to represent infinity), and Vishnu failed to reach Shivalinga's bottom - and therefore the conclusion that the Creator, Nadbindu the source of unlimited sound energy, is unborn and unending]...[Also there is a saying, "Hari ananta, Hari katha ananta/ kahat sunat bahu vidhi sab santa", or some similar words, indicating that there exist various versions of the same event possible because of 'Hari's Maya' that is illusion. And, also it is believed that Hari Vishnu is Hara Shiva, and vice versa.]

    Therefore, in view of the above-said and also because of the natural hierarchy existing at any given time, 'child prodigies' even are believably seen - infant Krishna sucked out life from demon Pootana... Krishna, Rama etc were reported as 'Purushottam' or the best among men during a particular era...just as Amitabh Bachchan (in the 'reel world') was considered the best in the last millennium. And Christ is projected by the 'west' as the best in the present era named after him! And Krishna was also called mischievous, or 'natkhat Nandlal' son of King Nanda although His father was named Vasudeva (and 'Vasudha' means the earth) who exchanged Krishna for his daughter!

    Having consciousness of the above-stated background, as Krishna advised in the Gita too, there is, of course, no harm in enjoying the drama and continuing to play our role as WE feel it appropriate!"

  11. Anonymous6:56 am

    Kavitha, Although I was born in Shimla in a family that had the roots in the Himalayan soil at another hill region, when I acquired an impressionable age I found I was like the drop of water in a hill stream that finds itself in a river that has swollen and grown bigger in the plains. It was thus like a droplet of water which is being recycled that I visited my parental town as a child a few times during summer vacations with the family and enjoyed the natural air-conditioned environment of the town as against the oppressive heat of the plains, which alone used to give a sense of relief and happiness.

    Almora town being located at a hill-top and less populated in the late fourties and early fifties presented a greener scenario, particularly after the showers that used to clean the dust from tree tops.

    It is beyond words the impact the lake Nainital had on me when I first visited it in the early fifties, reaching there by bus from hot summer days of Delhi for a three-week stay with a cousin in the company of my elder brother and another cousin that we enjoyed thoroughly hitch-hiking, boating, and Malling. The life in the hill-station revolves around the lake, as if it is Krishna, the centre of our galaxy making the innumerable heavenly bodies/ cowboys and milk-maids dance around Him in Brindaban!

    Today, whereever I might be located, I can visualize the lake washing the feet of the Naini Peak that stands about 600 metres above the lake level, and can similarly imagine Kailash-Mansarovar/ Shiva-Parvati relationship!

  12. Anonymous7:33 am

    Kavitha, I would add that the peak is formally known as ‘China Peak’, however, I call it 'Naini Peak' because of the Naina Devi Temple, original one being in the Himachal Pradesh, which is dedicated to Ma Sati where Her eyes fell, as per Hindu belief, when Vishnu cut Her mortal remains with his sudershan-chakra when Shiva carried it on His shoulder after having picked it up from the sacred fire where She had committed suicide. It is located towards the upper-side of the lake, or ‘Mallital”, I imagine it as ‘Naini Peak’ as I imagine it as a symbol of Mother's eye, or Jagadamba the Moon’s eye, like Garuda’s (Vishnu's vehicle), as witness of the surroundings!

  13. Anonymous9:19 am

    In the same fashion, now I can visualize why the ancient Hindus related 'Krishna' (who claims Himself, in the Gita, to also be an Agent of death, besides believably being a flute player and dancer) with River Yamuna, believably Yamaraja’s sister, around which the administration of the whole country today revolves because of the Capital city, New Delhi, being located on its banks.

    It apparently saw the rise and fall of many empires - as ‘Indraprastha’ during the rule of the Kaurava Kings in Dwaperyuga and many other ‘foreign rulers’ from time to time, with different names given to this region by different rulers! Arjuna realized the Supreme form of Krishna to have eyes and mouths in all directions!

  14. Anonymous10:55 pm

    Although the Personal Computer today appears superior to human form, however, in reality, everyone knows it is a poor substitute for human system, or the self, if only one knew how it could be utilized to its full potential. In the present, with huge infrastructure in place, through efforts over centuries, virtual reality is generated by tele-portation of alphanumeric symbols electronically to be read as messages on the monitor while attachment of the ‘magic eye’ helps similarly in almost instantaneous projection of one’s image also to a desired person located at any part of the globe or space.

    The Yogis had apparently come to realize that the human form is capable of reaching the ‘Absolute Truth’ that is zero time and space, and thus overcome the feeling of time and distance only if one could concentrate total energy within the body at a single point in the head, for which they suggested Yogic exercises, which are found beyond the reach of an average person. A subtle hint was however given for the sake of the average man in the Gita about ‘surrender in Krishna’ when He Himself believably would lead one to the ‘Truth’. Thus it is a matter of full and firm faith in the words of the ancients - a difficult proposition in Kaliyuga because of the mischievous nature of Krishna!

  15. Anonymous6:52 am

    With the truth realized by my ‘wise’ ancients - “Shivoham”, that is, “I am Shiva” the Bhootnath or the Lord of the Past, with Earth the Provider of material resources as My best reflection or image, which is sustained since time immemorial with energy received from Moon, like mother’s milk to an infant, for I am unborn and unending. I am convinced of that.

    Now, through humans He is perhaps trying to communicate to man to be conscious of His origin, His imperfect most past that lies at the heart of Earth as His root.

    Halfway down the memory lane He finds Krishna, the centre of the galaxy, the sudershan-chakradhari - like the peaceful eye of a destructive cyclonic storm - as His basic building block (like a cell is to a human body). Thus He sees billions of eyes in the forms of galaxies - of trillions of stars each - within His body, the infinite universe and, similarly, innumerable animal eyes on earth too as their reflections or images that irrespective of the time reflect the apparent hierarchy from near zero (micro-organism, say) to infinity (Dinosaurs/ Elephants, say), as is reflected by a water fountain, where water droplets are present at all points within the fountain, or even reflected by roots similarly in the Banyan Tree as rare but precious examples, at any given point of time – like precious gems/ metals are hidden within tonnes of soil/ garbage and need trained eyes for their location and appreciation and use in creative works...

  16. Anonymous9:31 am

    Another reaction to an article in the newspaper is given below.

    Reference the Speaking Tree article Kulakundalini: Gently Rouse The Sleeping Divinity by Shri Shri Anandamurtiji (May 7).

    A ‘born Hindu’ learns today through communication carried forward over time immemorial despite apparent innumerable catastrophic events that might have occurred on planet earth, which could be visualized through personal experience at any time, or with the help of their historical records maintained through human agency itself, although those might pertain to a few thousand years only in the over 4 billion year life of the planet estimated today by scientists.

    As per scientific evidenvce, earth was a ball of fire to begin with, and that the ordinary bacteria inhabited it much before intelligent animal life evolved - with the help of air and water becoming available to it - with man at the head of the list landing on the stage relatively in the very recent past only.

    The ancient ‘wise’ Hindus or Yogis (mathematicians in the present day terminology who made ‘two plus two equal to four’, or/ rather, four plus four equal to eight to represent Krishna the Yogiraja as the best or ‘purushottam’ in Dwaperyuga), however, apparently came to realize that man was the most evolved form of an instrument – like earth - that evolved from sound energy represented by ‘Om’. And, within human forms also the apparent hierarchy reflected the apparent variety in Nature in all its aspects.

    The above could perhaps help as background information to a common man before one believed activation of ‘kundalini’ as a means to ‘rousing the Sleeping Divinity’, who in reality ever remains in the super conscious state! It is the apparent exterior material form - ‘Mahishasur’ in the words of the ancients that the ashtabhujadhari or eight handed Durga, who resides within each human head also, killed - that needs to be aroused to realize the ‘Truth’ contained in the age old saying, “Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya” that is “Lead the kindly light”!

  17. Hi Joshi Uncle,

    I just got back from a visit to Trichy and Srirangam. I was off the internet for about 4 days.

    It was a great trip. Been to these places before, but it felt special to be back there again.

    More posts will come up :)


  18. Anonymous10:49 am

    Hi Kavitha, Glad to hear from you!

    Yes, human eyes are funny. You may look at something many times (through physical eyes) but might not see it (through the mind's eye), unless you look with a particular objective and background in mind at a certain period of time!

    Best wishes.
