
A finger for the future, an angula for the past

I held up my hands in prayer to God this morning and as I opened them I stared into them and my palm and wondered about the power they held. My fingers smeared and shining yellow with turmeric powder, reminded me about the life I have chosen to lead. A life of orthodoxy, one of purity as prescribed in the shastras, one that states that purity of the body is very important apart from that of the mind.

It was a moment of bliss, a decision I had made to follow this path. As I stepped into it deeper, I came to realize the meaning of all that has been told to us as kids. Today I have slowly begun to realize the reason for this lifestyle and more than anything else I have learnt to appreciate every moment of it. I stared up at the portrait of the Lord, smiling down, enigmatic and yet calm. He seemed to speak a million truths, both big and small through the flame of the oil lamp as it flickered in front of me.

It is a small wick, a bright flame, eating into the wick, sucking out the oil as it lives through the worship. A potent flame that needs the oil to survive, I remembered what my Guru had said. The flame is important, for it is the path that connects you with the Supreme, hence the size of the flame should definitely not exceed the division of the angula (finger) on my hand. The flame shows me the path, the character of which is defined by the height of one division on my index finger. One division, a whole world undiscovered, one finger engulfs a complete world of serious mathematics.

I turned my hands to see a series of lines that define my character, my identity in this universe. These almost looked like they were my blueprints in this world, in this space that we call reality. I thought about the importance of these fingers of mine, that each finger held a truth, a truth that leads man to paradise, undefined by modern science, lets say unknown to modern science.

A finger or an angula has been a basic system of measurement in olden times. One angula clearly defined the base, the root to an entire temple construction. It’s amazing that we could probably find out the size of Rajaraja Chola’s finger based on the basic system of measurement he would have used to build something as superb and mammoth as the Brihasdeshwara temple at Tanjore.

Imagine a ritual, to prepare the ground for the building of this magnificent temple, a ritual that defines the man building it is Rajaraja Chola, of a particular Gotram, a particular naksharam, in a particular yuga, on say Somavara (day), in a particular month, in a particular year, considered auspicious, as the ruling king of the Cholas in the south of Bharat desha, so on and so forth… in a series of mystical words that enter the ears of the devas and super Gods who now have placed him and have accepted his offering of building a temple on this earth, the soil of which is so pure and powerful.

And then the yajna fire rises, and the offerings of ghee, herbal twigs, fruits, flower, camphor, honey and jaggery are made to complete this grand start. Now the funds roll out, the construction begins and as every new pinnacle on this gigantic pyramidal roof is reached a huge ramp is built to move the final cover stone (stupi) up the tall vimana. Such an imposing structure, so massive and awe inspiring, that it reduces our presence to nothing. Would anyone even stop to think that the basic measure started with his angula or index finger!!! A small measure, imprinting Rajaraja Chola’s very being into every stone that was cut and put into place, inscriptions that spoke of his greatness somewhere hid the fact that yes, he had left his blueprints here long after he was gone…

Now that is Immortality...all bundled into a finger...
this is leaving a legacy behind.


  1. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Leaving a legacy behind...

    Hmmm... I understand. So many ways of leaving a legacy behind.

    I respect your decision. I have understood your decision.

    And, I respect you. Just four lifetimes, and you will attain mukthi or liberation from the cycle of life and birth as we know it.

    Maybe this was the only it could have happened... maybe, you could not have done it in any other way.

    The Gods must be really, really happy. And so am I.

    Happy to have known, met, and lived with you though it was only for few months.

  2. Anonymous7:57 pm

    I dont know both of you personally, but you both seem to be two different entities with entirely different spectrum of thoughts, it is fate which brought you together and it is fate that has seperated you. But anyway it is difficult to erase past memories, so instead of thinking of the past, think what you can do brighten the future. Hope the future would bring peace and harmony into your lives. Keep blogging.

  3. Anonymous8:49 pm

    Hi Kavitha...

    That’s a very pragmatic advice coming from a mature person. I have seen people separating for months and then reconciling and reuniting thereafter. God’s ways are mysterious – beyond human comprehension because of ‘lack of knowledge’, as per Krishna in Gita. He also called Arjuna a mere ‘instrument’ and Himself as the ‘real doer’ who had already killed his opponents – Arjuna was required only to play the role of an ‘expert archer’, a warrior… It is therefore a matter of belief and faith… It is of course easier to advise...

    In the ‘present’ times (towards the fag-end of Kaliyuga) there is an apparent chaos as all souls head 'homewards' – like birds noisily return to their nests when sun is about to set…

    As far as King’s digits (fingers or toes) used as a measure in Indian temples, the same practice is being used in ‘Acupuncture’ an ancient, believably, Chinese practice to decide the locations of ‘windows’ along the 12 channels in human body (temple of the ‘living God’) that connect the vital organs - from some specific point in each channel according to the considered individual’s dimensions of the same…

    It is therefore clear that knowledge was wide-spread even in the ‘past’ and much more advanced than in the ‘present’…

  4. Hi Joshi uncle, traveller,

    Life has its strange turns and yes it does teach everyone something.

    I would be very happy if we can all look at the posting i have made more than my life itself.

    Lets not deviate from the topic. The topic is very potent, serious and very very enlightening...

    My life is not important...its what i learn through my life that will make a difference to everyone.

    If you deliberate into the topic you will realize there is a stong element of potency hidden within the post... the value of it of course can be defined by every individual depending on what they take from it as a learning.


  5. Anonymous10:11 am

    Hi Kavitha... Yes, 'Truth' is always within one readily realizable - if one isn't 'intoxicated' and thus suffering from 'optical illusion' or 'Maya'...

    In the Upnishadas, example of a hunter shooting an arrow, towards an animal hiding between bushes and appearing like a deer, is cited. There is no way to stop the arrow even if he realized too late that it was in fact a cow! (Today, cows are not held as sacred as they were earlier, even in India, and hence no problem!)...

    Human life is therefore understood by 'wise ancients' as actions and their outcomes that might appear 'right' to one and 'wrong' to another, 'at any given instant'...

    No one can claim to be perfect at any time. That's why God or believably the 'Divine Person', 'Omnipotent', 'Omnipresent', 'Supreme Knowledge', 'Supreme Soul', and so on, should have been more relevant. If it isn't for the majority, as it is very apparent from human behaviour patterns today, there must be something very wrong - either with our ancients or with the present generation... Only TIME can tell that...

    I think there should be no problem in accepting that at any time there are individuals who are returning or have crossed their ‘peak’ in life and are heading towards obsolescence while the younger ones apparently are making advancement towards their ‘peaks’. The phenomenon can also be visualized with the help of a crowd, some returning from a shrine in the hills while some are on their way up. Or even from the row of ants, some moving from and some others to a source of sweet tasting thing (God’s or 'Nature's mysterious way of communication?)…

    The above could also help imagine that what appears ‘new’ to the young could be what the oldies had seen and dealt with eons ago! And, obviously forgotten due to long passage of time and no possibility of any documentary evidence being produced in this regard, even if it had existed then (as some ‘expert Astronomer’ demanded from me :-)

    The Survey of India, in the initial stages in the Himalayas, in the guise of pilgrims, measured lengths etc. using approximate length of their foot steps, and so on…

    Even today, when scales are not available, one uses one’s body parts, viz., width of fingers, arm’s length and so on for making rough estimates…

    During my childhood, the shopkeeper used to measure kite-string in yards, one yard being considered from left hand middle finger tip to the right hand shoulder joint :-)

  6. Hi Joshi Uncle,

    Here in the south, flowers are measured in "mozhams", that is the garland of flowers is held from teh tip of te index/middle finger to the elbow and folded again to repeat the measure.

    Its interesting to note that measurement used to be relative, meaning the length from my finger to my elbow will differ from yours, yet there is this belief that it is the same through out.

    I found it very interesting that a flame also has a part to play in worship... everything has a deeper meaning and dismissing it is the height of ignorance.


  7. Anonymous12:49 pm

    Hi Kavitha…

    Yes, that reminded me of my cook, who belongs to Karnataka, wearing a ‘veni’ of ‘Kanakamber’ flowers or a length of ‘golden flowers attached to her hair, on an auspicious occasion… She told me it cost Rs.10/= per unit length, measured as indicated by you…

    About the kite-string referred earlier, I would like to add how the shopkeeper used to quickly measure the length ordered while he remained standing and spread it on the floor, and how we tried to keep pace with him and wrap it up between our thumb and the little finger – in the shape of the mysterious number 8 (read like infinity) to finally roll it up as zeros, 0s, on the reel at home :-)

    If you ask me, I find a lighted ‘diya’ or the earthen lamp as one of my own reflections :-) The earthen lamp reflects my body, the wick my spinal chord, the oil the stored energy in my body in material form, and the flame the light slowly burning within me, to last me till one life time, and reflected through my eyes :-)

    I used to see my own reflection in the lighted cigarette as it slowly burned, till the fag-end. Ten minutes of pleasure representing that of 100 human years :-)I gave up that pleasure because of pressure from my family members

  8. Wow! that is a beautiful description of equating a oil lamp with the human body as you rightly put it.

    That the wick is the spinal chord, the life line between the body and the mind, the flame being the guiding force.. while the rest simply stays characterless. The mind is the entity while the remaining diya and wick just follow.

    A beautiful description indeed. I have always been fascinated by the flame, it lives as along as the ghee or oil lives, but after that its gone, it just dies out.In some cases it burns the wick completely, in some cases it leaves the wick dry.

    The flame is indeed a very enigmatic element, concentrated heat and yet controlled! Bright and luminous yet limited. Very much like the human mind...

    You have drawn a wonderful parallel.


  9. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Well Kavitha,wishs you all the best, just one thing. The greatest way to attain mukthi is first renounce your worldy belongings, SO in order to do that, you have to first enjoy all pleasures or boycott them totally. As far as i know ,your mind seesm disturbed, you have been a little too unpredictable. i think you have to find a person with whoim you can share your feelings and you can find shiva in him too. Remember, we are all travellers in the path of life, we need a guide at some point to reach the journey ,find your guide because you will need one man who can live with you and guide you. find your man and you fill find peace and salvation. OM Nama shiva

  10. Anonymous4:23 pm

    Hi Kavitha, Thank you for appreciating the view-point!

    For the benefit of all, I give below some ‘lessons’ I received from a friend, which God (whose image all of us are)willing one might find useful in day-to-day life…

    I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person

    I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows

    I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day

    I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world

    I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right

    I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child

    I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way

    I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with

    I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand

    I've learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult

    I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes

    I've learned.... That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for

    I've learned.... That money doesn't buy class

    I've learned.... That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular

    I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved

    I've learned.... That the Lord didn't do it all in one day; what makes me think I can?

    I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts

    I've learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you

    I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds

    I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am

    I've learned.... That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

    I've learned.... That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks

    I've learned.... That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them

    I've learned.... That life is tough, but I'm tougher

    I've learned.... That opportunity is never lost; someone will take the ones you miss

    I've learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

    I've learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them

    I've learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks

    I've learned.... That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it

    I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life

    I've learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it

    I've learned ... That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation

    I've learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done

  11. Hi Anonymous,

    Interesting view, but i do not believe companionship is very important. As long as you are comfortable with yourself in silence i think a greater part of the battle of facing yourself in life is won.

    BTW, do I know you anonymous? If I do, I would prefer to hear the same thing from you with the curtains drawn...


  12. Anonymous11:34 pm

    Hi Kavitha,

    Once one were to develop an eye for it, it would look surprising how one could have so long remained ignorant of the secrets that even a simple earthen lamp reflects… One could lok foolish in one's own eyes :-)

    As it showed it to me, the wick acts like the ‘steel nerves’ (Venus) that join ‘brother Ganesha or Mars’ at the lowest tip or the ‘Mooladhar’, the representative of the Supreme Knowledge, with parents Shiva & Parvati, i.e., Earth (Shiva at the eyelevel as he witness) & Moon (mother superior at the highest pedestal, i.e., head), with variable quantum of different energy forms stored in the various members of the solar system released through one life time…with various possibilities of failures as indicated by you too, as part of the design that reflects the variety inherent in other aspects of creation, which is governed by the formless reflected through Ganesha, the controller of caretaker of Earth or in fact his parents… And hence the importance assigned to Ganesha, Hanuman, and so on, as links to the Creator, in the Hindu mythology... All new works are taken up with "Om Shri Ganeshaya namah"... Shri (for Ganesha) is used as a prefix in all Hindu names...

  13. Anonymous6:31 am

    Hi Kavitha,

    Flying the kite is another child’s play that perhaps can reveal a large number of secrets of ‘human life’…like I see, in the prototype, earth as the flier and moon as the kite connected with the string of gravity, the string getting wrapped/ unwrapped as the two relatively go around each other…

    Earlier, I had indicated how one could see communication regarding ‘business’ from it, which I recapitulate below.

    “The boy who holds the string appeared to me like a Manager of a business who handles a product. … The kite flier, before he starts flying the kite, checks the direction of wind with a pinch of dust, like the entrepreneur must first study the market’s trend…

    The boy who initially carries the kite, in the direction of wind, and holds the kite properly with the tail pointing downwards, appeared to me to be the teacher who shows the right direction to the management trainees! ...

    As every business has ‘teething troubles’ so also the kite flier has to learn to overcome the hurdles at the initial stages. For example, there are trees, electric and telephone wires, buildings, and so on, (which also form parts of the requirements of infrastructure of a business house) which he must learn to maneuver... If the quality of his string (product) is competitive and the supply of the string (product) from the reel (supplier) is not held up, his kite (business) will flourish and virtually touch the sky!

    Sudden rain, storms etc (vagaries of Nature) may, however, result in unexpected collapse of the kite (business)!”

    The representative of the formless void or dark space, rain, i.e, normally life giving water, acts as spoilsport at times in all day-to-day activities of animal life...

  14. Anonymous7:48 am

    PS> I thought I should have added that even a small amount of water in oil makes the flame to splutter and sometimes even extinguish it (like stammering utterance or a confused sound in humans, which might even render one speechless...that also could get reflected in writings of such individuals...) The phenomenon is taken for granted in case of happenings related to 'non-living' as natural - but when it comes to humans there is a barrier in the minds :-)

  15. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Hi Kavitha, and others...

    There is another prototype in ‘Nature’ that has a flame at the top end, but doesn't have any wick :-) And, that is called an erupting volcano, which the formless unborn Creator appears to have evolved from the numeral ‘2’ read with its image on a vertical plain mirror, (representing red colour core of earth, as essence of Asteroids, as indicated by me earlier in the graphic representation), placed at the end of the straight line at the base and touching the upper curve tangentially – leading to an image of ‘Diwali’ firework, called ‘Anar’ in North India, that is shaped like anar that is pomegranate, a fruit having a reddish, hard rind filled with a tasty, red, many seeded pulp :-)

    It also could be visualized as representing the activation of ‘Kundalini’ where energy at the core or ‘Mooladhar’ is made to rise to the head in thousand channels or ‘Sahasrara’ - also as water under high pressure from a fountainhead apparently reaches the ‘sky’, and also in natural geysers :-)

  16. Anonymous6:16 am

    Hi Kavitha, and others...

    In the North India, (because of Moon or Yellow colour as its essence as the controller), the phenomenon is celebrated as ‘Diwali’ - the festival of light when rows of ‘diyas’ as models of human beings or images of God are lighted annually - or ‘Lakshami Puja’ the celebration of hopefully better future with fresh fertile soil from the core of earth spread over its surface after the red hot lava cools in contact with air and water and turns black (‘kali’ in Hindi)...

    The same festival is celebrated in the East, in Bengal, as ‘Kali Puja’ despite the apparent havoc that is caused by lava in its wake when a volcano erupts – the objective being to hopefully reach the ‘Truth’ when time is ripe (when the ‘Kalchakra’ or eternal time cycle brings in Satyuga again) based on knowledge of ‘life after life’, i.e., circulation of the same elevated souls that had at a given time initially witnessed, as His image, the phenomenon of the formless Creator achieving perfection in material field also!

    A volcano or a lighted natural gas emissions at places in Himalayas, and worshipped as ‘Ma Jwalamukhi’, could thus have been visualized as ‘Shivlinga of fire’, and even apparently opposite as seen in the hot geysers or sulphur springs erupting from the core as ‘Shivlinga of water’…

  17. Anonymous9:10 am

    Hi kavitha, and others,

    I would like to give a personal touch now to indicate in retrospect how the unborn perhaps had exposed us to the drama in life in the beginning itself...

    In my childhood days in New Delhi our school was located on the Mandir Marg, literally the ‘Temple Road’, adjacent to Lakshami-Narayan temple. It is popularly known as ‘Birla Mandir’. As far as my personal experience goes, maybe by chance, the year of my joining Birla Engineering College coincided with inauguration of the Goddess of learning Saraswati Temple within the campus of the Institute that very year. It is made in white marble, the exterior resembling the Kandaria Mahadev temple in Khajuraho…

    The Kali Bari or Kali’s Temple, besides some other temples, also was located on the same road…

    Our residence, on Ramakrishna (Paramhansa) Marg, was hardly five to ten minutes walk from the temples…

    In our colony of 36 houses there was a senior boy, a Bengali, who used to make ‘Diwali anars’ that went over thirty feet height and used to stand first in the competitions held annually on Kali Puja day at the Kali Bari…

    From him all young boys in our colony learnt how to make ‘sky-scraping anars’ at home using the requisite ingredients in correct ratios - his trade secret revealed to us, which used to change every year as he attempted reaching still greater heights - thoroughly powdered, separately dried on old newspapers, mixed thoroughly and filled in globe shaped empty shells that had a small hole (zero) at the top and a bigger one at the bottom for filling in the mixture tightly, packing some space at the bottom tightly with newspaper pieces, to finally seal with wet clay and each ‘anar’ left to dry in sun… Oh! How the entire colony children used to get excited when Diwali approached :-)

  18. Hi Joshi Uncle.

    The universe is part of us, and we are a part of it. But this does not have to be taken literally.

    We are talking energies of a kind completely unknown to man. Maybe sound energy can get converted to electrical energy in small ways too, or light for that matter... extremely scientific a thought...

    But what i feel uncomfortable with is the direct connection made to geography with Gods and Goddesses of the Hindu Pantheon. Like Kali for black earth.

    Its one of the many interpretations, but i am not entirely sure its the way it works.

    Its all within us.. not out there.. The point is the five elements are a part of us, and we are a part of them. Na mah shi va ya has the 5 elements embedded in it...

    just a thought..


  19. Anonymous6:29 pm

    Hi Kavitha,

    As I said earlier too, the ‘Hindu’ belief is that the Creator of the universe is unborn or a formless dot called Naadbindu, the one and only source of super energy within the entire apparent universe…

    One apparently seeks the answer to the eternal question, “Who am I then?” It apparently was realized by ‘wise’ ancients that I am just a character in its dream! That is, the entire physical universe is illusory - “Jagat mithya” or ‘the world is a market where only lies are sold’! However, there apparently is logic in its mind behind every phenomenon in its dream, which also gets reflected through some human characters also - maybe differnt versions of hte same event…

    The telephone apparently is an instrument that converts sound energy to mechanical movement of a plate in front of a magnet, placed inside at the speaker end, which results in generation of electrical energy that when received at the other end reconverts it into sound energy by a similar process… Likewise, earth is one unit, an instrument consisting of a limited numbers of elements that have apparently gone into various permutations and combinations to generate the apparent innumerable beautiful forms, all held together by the gravitational force (that is called soul in the human body, as its model as it too contains the same elements)…

    Similarly, 'Geologists' or 'Volcanologists' would tell you how a crater of volcano has a ‘mouth’ from which gases, water vapours and ash appear first (like belching in human body), followed by red-tongue-like flame and then the flow of lava over the mouth of the crater on to the sides to burn everything in its wake. However, the red hot lava slowly cools down coming in contact with air and water and turns black on cooling. In fact it explodes like Diwali crackers when it comes in contact with water… The fresh soil then encourages heavy plant growth, which attracts animals to come again and resettle when the whole thing is forgotten – to cause greater havoc when it explodes again!

    Such events have apparently been taking place since time immemorial (within its head, like a thought or a dream though :-) And, thus aid in comprehending why the ancients called the energy form as 'Ma Kali' and represented it symbolically with the figure of Goddess Kali, although no such woman might ever have existed…

    In Bengal, however, even today a small girl is addressed as Ma :-)

    The concept of 'Panchatatva' or 'Panchabhoota' might also thus be its imagination only, as the logic behind the creation of apparent physical forms :-)

    "Hari Ananta / Hari katha Ananta"! God is unending and so are His stories.

  20. Anonymous6:41 am

    Hi Kavitha,

    The ‘Truth’ of human beings, carried over through generations as understood by the apparent ‘wise’ ancients, i.e., believably its elevated images or souls, is that the Formless Creator reached perfection starting from ‘nothing’ or from a state of zero time and zero space. The most evolved apparent physical instrument being man in whose structure signs of evolution from plant life is also indicated…

    To a little extent a ‘treadmill’, which is a piece of indoor sporting equipment used to allow for running without moving any distance, could help visualize the concept of zero space seen over apparent time, besides the rope skipping example that I had narrated earlier…

    Coming to the ‘logic’ part, apparently, in ‘Nature’, the microcosm and macrocosm are functioning on similar principles…

    Fractional distillation of ‘essences’ of plant and animal life, formed under high temperature and pressure and as collected in underground reservoirs, results in a large number of products ranging from wax to kerosene oil to aviation fuel, and so on, which are used for re-conversion into energy for various purposes, just as the innumerable material components of earth are formed from a limited number of elements, which themselves result from addition of number one element, Hydrogen, a number of times , also just as “little drop(lets) of water make the mighty ocean…”

    And believably all souls or multiple images (positive and negative covering the apparent hierarchy) added up together (or their yoga) would result in the Supreme soul or 'Paramatma', the real zero time and space - perhaps 'naturally' and only at the beginning of the Satyuga/ end of Kaliyuga :-)

  21. Anonymous8:54 am

    Hi Kavitha, continuing, I am to add that the triangular shaped figure obtained from numeral ‘2’ as considered earlier, could now be seen together with its image on a horizontal mirror. One could visualize the figures thus obtained as a pyramid over the ground touching the ‘sky’ and another inverted one under it with its apex touching the core of earth (representing the formless source of energy, i.e., gravity or ‘soul’ of earth)…

    The pyramids in Egypt, and similar shapes of ‘vimanas’ in Indian Temples, with their bases placed in North-South directions - such that the four faces (of Brahma) faced the four cardinal directions - could also help visualize the belief of concentrated energy within the superstructure above the ground where the pharaoh’s mortal remains were placed duly embalmed/ stone idol was installed as ‘a model of the universe’, i.e., universal energy… (All this can bevisualized as one of the dreams of the Formless starting from an image of numeral '2' :-) Languages also just utilize limited numbers of figures placed in different permutations and combinations thereof to communicate different meanings regarding the apparent innumerable physical forms, but failing to describe abstract entities, as any numbers are found insufficient, although a hint might just suffice to the 'wise' :-)

    Although the external forces make it difficult, one doesn't need words to realize 'self' as the Creator, the Supreme Knowledge, as many 'wise images' appear to have done so from apparent time to apparent time. Only it remains ever conscious of the Supreme Knowledge within it as it is the one and only original 'spirit' and thus beyond its own 'Maya' or illusion, like a spider keeps away from the sticky material of the web it spins for catching the moths, or an educated angler doesn't bite his own hook :-)

  22. Hi uncle joshi, since you seem to be a great source of knowldge, why dont you start a blog and publish your writings.IN that way you can write about hindu mythology and also your knowledge will be shared by more people. If you are just going to keep on commenting like this, your knowledge may not be transferred ,but it will just remain locked.Hope you understand my concern and as for you Kavitha, Happy blogging.

  23. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Hi Aswin,…
    Thanks! I realized that the source of knowledge was within me – and not me! I was merely a ‘medium’, a radio, as a typical ‘pujari’ or a priest in a temple was supposed to be - merely a link between man and God or a Gana, i.e., Ganesha’s assistant :-)

    In the late Seventies it, the formless, had mysteriously drawn me into a field I wasn’t aware of at all or, rather, I apparently had no inclination to indulge in…

    In this ‘churning of my head’ I learnt many things, for which of course I apparently had to acquire/ keep on acquiring essential knowledge in various subjects…And at a certain stage, last year, he drew my attention to Kavitha’s ‘blog’…

    I found her at a stage where I was two decades ago, curious and frustrated with the existing systems. So I thought of ‘educating’ her - to develop tolerance and patience with the knowledge or belief that Shiva/ Krishna is within each one of us, waiting to lead us to a stage where one could exclaim with a blissful feeling, “Shivoham!” Or, “I am HIM!”

    My late wife, at some stage when I was a still a debutant, commented why I discuss the subject with each Tom, Dick and Harry even when they had no interest and they in fact yawned :-) I told her that even if they didn’t bother to hear it, each single word of whatever one speaks is at least heard by self, like say a ‘loud thought’. And, that helped me, at least, to get the solution to whatever questions that were bothering me at that stage (of course provided by the God within me :-)

    Frankly speaking, I have told Kavitha also long ago, what bothers me for long is to know the purpose of God in going through its past 1008 times in repetitive cycles of Mahayugas covering activities during 4.6 billion human years in just one day in its unending life, (thus a day in its life is 9.2 billion years, including the duration of its sleep), as I have modified it from the believable 4.32 billion years as per the ancients… I am expectantly awaiting to receive a hint from it any time now :-)

    I am sorry that the apparent torture that you are being subjected to are on account of my loud thoughts only :-)

  24. Hi Joshi Uncle,

    I have largely found myself very inadequate when it comes to understanding the wealth of knowledge you have poured into the blog.

    I have got a fair idea and there are some parts of this knowledge i have sometimes failed to understand.

    I know at a very deep level i will be able to comprehend, the deep meaning of what you say, somewhere there will be subtle similarity. I am waiting for that moment of enlightenment...


  25. Anonymous8:08 am

    Hi Kavitha, Aswin, Felix and others…

    Each one - apparently exteriorly only - is different, believably because of different permutations and combinations (yoga) of essences of selected eight members of the solar system (as reflected through the character of Yogiraj Krishna), which believably is the essence of our galaxy, perhaps understood also as the superior most among innumerable galaxies that fill up the infinite dark space of the universe (similar to the exercise where a child is asked to fill up the blanks/ outline of a sketch with words/ colours, perhaps reflecting the phenomenon as seen through the eyes of the believable unborn Creator)… It could be understood similar to a limited number of elements resulting in the beautiful earth, the most beautiful planet in our galaxy, a symbolic representation of ‘perfection’ in ‘Nature’, whose model in human form has been cited in the Hindu Mythology as Shiva…

    Thus, at least the essential knowledge of Astronomy is necessary to appreciate/ enjoy better the mythological stories… However, the present day ‘experts’ located anywhere cannot appreciate it because the foundation of ‘Science’ in the present era is based on ‘material’ or the visible exterior only :-)

    Every individual apparently is 'selfish', i.e., one loves oneself the most. A child exhibits a natural tendency to possess material objects in selfish interest right from the early age. And, 'wise' parents and Gurus then try to discipline or channelise it... The ancients therefore suggested looking for reflection of 'self' - which everyone loves the most as in a mirror - in every person/ thing in order to fall in sync with the basic design of 'Nature' or move 'inwards' as a step in the direction of achieving a 'selfless' character...

  26. Anonymous11:32 am


    Continuing, I would like to point out that with the thought of seeing my own reflections in others, I have also earlier cited how I saw my behaviour reflected through a few examples, viz., dust particles that, like humans, are found everywhere – upon earth, in air/ space and in water; a flag that is bound to the earth like a slave and flutters when raised to the top of the mast, like politicians today when they head the country and seek the ‘truth’ (about the cause of their failure in election only :-) only when ‘absence of air’ makes them droop down against the ‘mast’; a kite that flies high to reach the ‘sky’ and ‘dances to the tune of the kite-flier’ as long as it is up there at his will, like Cowboys & Girls of Vrindavan apparently did to music from Krishna’s flute…

  27. A feeling to be re-assured everytime that you are getting closer to the Greater is one that would take immense words to express... As I see, I never heard it better.

    The finger it seems to be a measurement of all, power, spirituality, potential and literally everything that connects to a human. There is a finger associated with life, death... even for prosperity and why we even have the green thumb. What makes the finger so important? Is it because they are the first things extended to Whatever we reach, God.

    Hi all,
    Sorry for my long absence... I seemed to have missed a lot. Once again it's going to take me a while to read all your write-ups Uncle :)


  28. Anonymous11:44 pm

    Hi Felix, Kavitha, and others

    Glad to have you back, Felix!
    Yes, one needs to have faith in the wise ancients’ belief or, rather, finding that each one of us is the Divine Person itself, i.e., a mirror reflecting some particular image of it in its past at some given apparent time and apparent place :-) And, that the logic of all that is imprinted on each palm, digits, and its parts, and so on readable only by a knowledgeable person, which unfortunately are wanting today due to inherent characteristic of apparent time...

    Read the above with the Acupuncturists' realization, that each finger has the basic ‘window’ on some channel, connected with all ‘windows’ that provides access to cosmic energy to a particular vital organ. For example, the index finger represented Moon or Guru (essence yellow colour as in the Yellow Sapphire, that is considered auspicious by Hindus) and has the root of ‘windows’ on the channel providing access to the ‘large intestine’, while windows on the thumb provides access to the Lung, the supplier of energy to different parts through the circulating blood, and so on. And hence the importance of Thumb representing planet Mars (colour of essence, orange) as ‘Mooladhar’, the root of energy source within each body as reflected by the pulse beat at its root, and also of the suggested joining of the tips of index finger and thumb in 'siddhasan'…

    The lines on the palm were realized to indicate the expected trend of behaviour of the ‘instrument’ concerned and possibility of correction and thus effecting improvement in its efficiency with the help of requisite (coloured) gemstones to provide the needed energy, which is likely to be otherwise hindered…

    As Kavitha also says, it is an art needing to be gone into depth (from first principles), which is difficult in the present era when only 'mass copying' is going on traditionally, of material generated by different competing schools of thoughts, which has perhaps got distorted due to passage of time, and maybe thus resulting in disbelief in the basic science itself when the results do not produce the expected results :-)

  29. Anonymous9:23 am

    Hi Felix, Kavitha, Aswin, and others…

    I might add for your information some further observations: Each finger is generally divided into three parts (although there might exist some exceptions). And, a day of 24 hours in the life of animal world also get divided into three parts of 8 hours each for a variety of actions being performed day in and day out during these - generalised predominantly as physical, mental and miscellaneous actions. Perhaps each part comes under the control of each functional part of the three-in-one God… Also one finds three predominant curved/ straight lines, called ‘Heart’, ‘Head’, and ‘Life’ lines by Palmists…

    The yoga or addition of all the parts on the four fingers comes to 12, or the number of months in a year. Adding to these the generally present two numbers parts of the thumb also results in 14, to get a fortnight, approximately the period of moon’s ascension/ descent from a new moon to a full moon and vice versa…

    And, if one were to read the parts on the little finger independently (representing the core of earth) as the first numeral, i.e., 3, followed by combined parts on the ring and middle finger (the first three Heavenly Bodies), to read the numeral ‘6’, and again the total of five parts on index finger, Guru, and thumb (placed in ‘siddhasan’, to form zero or the modified link within human form through ‘Vighna-harta’ Ganesha/ ‘Sankat-mochan’ Hanuman, indicating both as 'trouble shooters’) at the base of which one notices the ‘roots’ of the Head (reflecting mental health) and Life (tending towards the base of the thumb and reflecting physical health) lines read together to get the third numeral as ‘5’. Now, these three numerals considered together result in 365, i.e., the number of days in a year :-)…

    ‘Root’ of the Heart line, however, lies at the base of the little finger that represents the physical core of earth (the ‘rejuvenation point’ on the human body) that generally tends towards the base of the index finger or Guru (as I had indicated earlier elsewhere in the graphic representation, above the modified location of the formless reflected through Moon & Mars, the mother and son)…

  30. Intense is the understanding of the Index :)
    So it seems.
    We live in a world where every single entity or part relates to another Greater plane, one way or the other.
    The Chinese or any other faction for that matter have had thier relations, like Uncle mentions.
    I tend to wonder what happens to those who have lost thier appendeges... how do they relate? Will they be provided or replaced with something else? Or by loosing thier appendedges are they more prone to directly connect using thier third eye?


  31. Anonymous12:47 pm

    Hi Felix,

    There are a number of other ways by which the behaviour of an instrument can be predicted, viz., application of Astrology, when date and time of birth are available; application of ‘Samudra shastra’, that is reading of the lines on one’s forehead; ‘Tarot cards’; reading of lines under the feet; tracing things/ persons apparently lost by asking the flower of one’s choice and such similar objects; and so on… For example, a ‘tantrik’ or ‘pret sadhak’, i.e., the one who has apparently controlled an inferior soul, who met me for the first time in Northeast India told me some days in advance about imminent risk to some relative of mine who suffered from high blood pressure. About a fortnight later I came to know that my father had a heart attack at my home town! He too wasn’t aware of the impending danger…

    Examples, such as Surdas, Stephen Hawking, and so on, despite their physical ‘handicap’ prove the presence of the normally unrealized ‘sixth sense’ or intuitive power within each human being. It is a known fact that when any one of the physical senses is lacking, other physical senses become more sensitive …

  32. beautiful way of thinking..u go girl..:-)
