Vrishbhavana is the name given to Lord Shiva with his bull Nandi, a casual pose with his right arm resting on the bull.
Ardhanarishwara is the merger of Shiva and Parvati described in an earlier posting. This sculpture truely unique and maybe the only one of its kind is found here at Elephanta.
The over all theme gives an idea of attendants at the bottom of the panel, flying celestial figures to depict the heavens and the abode of the Lord at the Kailasa peak. The central definitely being the imposing sculpture of Lord Shiva in a combination of Vrishabhavana and Ardhanarishwara. The bull is realistically sculptured and almost larger than life as if to almost walk out of the panel. Parvati is depicted in the tribhanga pose (the S shaped twist to the body in three parts). This pose is followed in most of the sculptures of the goddesses in the south during the later Chola period.
Photo courtesy: www.colby.edu/art/AsianArt
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